High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Pepper in Arch Round Greenhouse

First, choose the best new varieties of spicy type: Shouguang Yangjiao Huang, Luo Jiao 4 and its series 98B, 98A, Sujiao 5, the new No. 4, No. 6, Zhongjiao No. 6, Xiangyan No. 10, No. 3.
Sweet pepper type: Beitian No. 1, McCabe, Yuanfengyuan, Luojiao 1, Zhongjiao 2, Nongda 40.
Bell pepper type: Purple noble, orange West, yellow Opel, white princess, Hong Yingda and so on.
Second, nurturing strong seedlings and seedlings standards: Maturation 70 ~ 80 days, plant height 18 ~ 22cm, opening more than plant height, the main stem of 9 to 13 leaves, short and thick internodes, roots, milky, leaf color Green, door pepper is big bud.
1. Seeding period and seeding rate: In the early spring of the arch roundhouse, in early December, the city adopted electrothermal hotbeds, geothermal hotbeds, and winter greenhouses nursery, and impotence (nutrition, nutrient clods) seedlings. Per acre sowing rate of 120 ~ 150g.
2. Establish seedbeds and bed soil: Nursery beds should be high-lying, with convenient drainage and irrigation and ventilation. The seedbed requirements are the same. The bed soil is made up of 6 parts of Xintian soil, 4 parts of rotted thin ring fertilizer, 20 to 25 kg of dried manure per cubic meter of nutritive soil, 0.75 kg of superphosphate, and 6 to 8 g of enemy cough.
3. Seed Disinfection: Use 1% sodium hypochlorite to soak seeds for 5 to 10 minutes to kill latent early blight, anthrax, and other germs, then soak in 60°C hot water and stir continuously for 10 to 15 minutes (kill attached) Seed and seed coat of pathogens and viruses), then soaked in warm water 30 °C 6 ~ 8 hours, remove and place germination at 28 ~ 30 °C, 4 ~ 5 days to germinate 70% to sow.
4. Seeding and management: Before planting, seedbeds should be poured into bottom water, and water can be soaked with a layer of dry fine soil. The seeding amount per square meter is 15g, and the earth covering after broadcast is 1.2-1.5cm. 2 to 3 pieces of leaf nutrients or soil blocks seedlings (nutritional seedlings help protect the root system, easy to slow seedlings), seedlings from 12cm square. Planting an acre of pepper needs 50 to 60 square meters of seedbeds. Sub-seedling after pouring enough water to close the shed to raise temperature, promote slow seedlings. Cooling the seedlings 7 days before planting.
5. Colonization: arches and sheds cover grass sheds, small sheds in sheds are planted in mid-to-late mid-February; only cover grass pods are planted in early March; shed films are not covered with any opaque substances, and they are planted in the middle and late March. 10cm above ground temperature of 10 °C above).
Before planting, combine Mushi smelting organic fertilizer 5000 ~ 7500kg, decomposed chicken manure 200kg, superphosphate 100kg, urea 5kg, and conditionally apply 6 ~ 10g diammonium phosphate dosing as base fertilizer. Ridge height 15cm, ridge distance 50 ~ 55cm. Can also be large and small, large row spacing 60 ~ 70cm, small row spacing 40cm (spicy pepper can be dense, round pepper appropriate dilute), double planting with the same hole colonization, 3000 ~ 3500 points per mu, about 6000 ~ 7000 strains. Immediately after planting, pour enough water to warm the membrane.
Third, field management
1. Pre-management: Colonization is not ventilated before easing seedlings. The shed is controlled at 25 to 30°C during the day and 16 to 18°C ​​at night. Appropriate ventilation after easing the seedlings, the temperature dropped to 23-28°C during the day and 15°C lower during the night. At this time, cultivating 1~2 times, promoting hair roots, then recovering urea 8~12kg, combined with watering to promote growth of stems and leaves.
2. Flowering and flourishing fruit management: Control the watering of peppers during flowering and carry out cultivating. After the door peppers are inflated, they are weighed and topdressed with topdressing fertilizer. After applying 30 yuan compound fertilizer per mu, or applying 10 kg of urea, 15 to 20 kg of diammonium phosphate, 7.5 kg of potassium sulfate (or 100 kg of plant ash), the watering can be promoted. Fruit enlargement. At this time, the temperature in the shed is controlled at 21 to 26°C during the day and 15°C at night. With warmer weather, ventilation should be strengthened during the day. When the temperature is stable at 20°C or more during the day, the greenhouse film is opened to let the plants receive natural light, and the greenhouse film is covered in the evening. The second topdressing after picking the pepper (second layer of fruit picking), mu application of urea 12kg, potassium sulfate 5kg. After harvesting one layer of fruit to recover a fertilizer once, Mushi urea 10kg, potassium sulfate 5kg, diammonium phosphate 5kg. Usually 5 to 6 days, 1 water, but according to the situation, master the surface see the principle of dry see wet.
In mid-May, when the minimum temperature in the outside world stabilized above 15°C, the film was removed. In order to enter the high temperature and rainy season, we must focus on watering and drainage. For example, if the soil is arid, we must pour water 1 to 5 or 6 days in the morning and evening. Drain the water immediately after heavy rain to prevent accumulation of water. Conditional use of wheat straw to cover the surface of a layer of 3 ~ 5cm thick, not only protect the earthworms, but also prevent the increase of ground temperature affect the development of the root system induced virus disease, sunburn, but also can inhibit the growth of weeds. Sunshade net shading with a shading rate of 70% can also be used to reduce temperature, reduce virus disease, tiger skin disease and sunburn, and prevent pests.
3. Late management: This period mainly prevents premature aging and extends the harvest period. After the high temperature and heavy rain, the temperature turns cold, and the plants will resume normal growth. It is necessary to grasp the late management to promote the formation of the second peak of production. During this period, on the basis of normal fertilizer and water, new leaf fertilizer “photosynthetic” or sodium bisulfite could be sprayed on the leaves to increase the net photosynthetic rate of leaves. At the same time, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5% urea can also be sprayed on the foliar to prevent premature aging and increase fruit production in the middle and later stages.
4. Pruning: pruning can significantly improve the fruit setting rate and fruit quality, and extend the harvest period. After harvesting the peppers, the bases of the plants are easy to grow into lateral branches and consume nutrients, which must be promptly removed. In the later stages of the results, the old leaves, yellow leaves, and diseased leaves should be promptly removed to facilitate ventilation and prevent the spread of disease, so as to obtain higher economic output.
5. Prompt control of pests and diseases: In the whole breeding process of pepper, pests are found to be timely prevented.

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