How to make "Red Fuji" fruit sweet and good

Red Fuji apples produce low sugar content and poor coloration in the middle and southern plains of Hebei, but through effective cultivation measures, they can increase sugar content and promote color enhancement. The experience we have summarized here is as follows:

First, ensure adequate lighting

The intensity of light in the canopy of Red Fuji apple was positively correlated with the sugar content of the fruit. Therefore, reasonable pruning is required to ensure sufficient light in the crown. After winter pruning, the amount of per acre is controlled between 7 and 80,000, and the growth season is controlled at 10 to 120,000, which makes the canopy transmittance about 25%.

Second, rational fertilization

1 Apply organic fertilizer in early autumn. Organic manure is best for human waste, livestock and poultry, and cakes, but it must be thoroughly fermented before application. In the fruit-filling period, it is appropriate to apply 1.5 kg of organic fertilizer per kilogram of fruit, and it is also possible to improve the soil fertility by intercropping green manure crops (white clover, alfalfa, etc.). 2 Control nitrogen fertilizer and increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Before planting, the fruit tree can be applied with a proper amount of nitrogen fertilizer according to tree vigor, and no nitrogen fertilizer is applied during the rainy season. More application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer (especially potassium fertilizer) in the late growth stage can increase the fruit coloring index by 24.4% and the sugar content by 2.4%. 3 leaf spray fertilizer. Foliage sprayed for 3 to 4 times (or once every half month) in the growing season and high-efficiency foliar fertilizer (such as potassium fulvic acid 400 times) can effectively increase the sugar content and coloration of the fruit. When the fruit is near to coloring, spraying Meifeng or Qirui amino acid compound micronutrient 300 times solution or Meiguoluo 600 times solution can make the coloring of the Fuji apple 12 to 17 days earlier, the coloring index increases by 24.2%, and the sugar content increases by 0.9%. ~1.6%. In addition, spraying boron during the flowering and young fruit period can also increase the sugar content and coloring degree of the fruit.

Third, pollination with wall bees

The pollinating amount of the wall bee is large, and if the pollination tree is properly configured in the orchard, if the wall bees pollinate, the fruit is not only high in sugar content, but also good in coloration, and the fruit shape is correct.

Fourth, pay attention to drainage

There was an extremely significant negative correlation between the precipitation of late growth of Red Fuji apple and the sugar content of the fruit. Especially after September, the rain will obviously affect the coloration of fruits and the increase of sugar content. In addition to the special drought in the late fruit growing period, it is not appropriate to use flood irrigation. When precipitation is too large, it is necessary to try to eliminate the water in the tree tray.

Fifth, using suitable rootstock

The effects of different rootstocks on the coloration of Red Fuji fruit were significantly different. Gao was connected to the Guoguang and Marshal trees, and the fruit coloring index was 71.1% to 76.8%; the height was connected to the golden crown tree, and the fruit coloring index was 60.3%. According to the test of the Municipal Forestry Bureau, the branches that bridge the M26 dwarfing anvil or the Guoguang apple are well colored.

Six, fruit bagging

Bags are preferably double-layered paper bags. They should be bagged within 35 days after flowering, set within one week, picked up in 20 to 30 days before harvesting, and picked from the bag at 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on a sunny, windless day. Pick the outer bag first. , 3 to 5 days after the removal of the inner bag.

Seven, laying reflective film under the tree

In late September, a retroreflective film was laid after the bags were picked by the apple to fully color the inside and underside of the canopy.

Eight, picking leaves, turning fruit

When the sunny side of the fruit has been stained (usually 5 to 7 days after bag removal), the leaves that affect shading will be promptly removed. Take care to pick the leaves near the fruit first, then gradually remove the light blocking leaves at the base of the apple branches. The number of picked leaves does not exceed 30% of the total tree leaf volume. After 10 to 12 days, when the positive side of the fruit is completely colored, gently rotate the fruit so that the backside of the fruit turns to the positive side, and then fix it with a narrow strip of transparent tape. The fruit transfer is usually done from noon to 4 pm, and don't use too much force when transferring fruit to avoid twisting the fruit.

Nine, spray

The spray can wash off the dust on the leaf surface, which is not only beneficial to the photosynthesis of the leaves, but also helps to reduce the temperature of the tree body, increase the temperature difference between day and night, increase nutrient accumulation, and the fruits are colored fast and bright. Yan spray should start from September. To remove fruit from the fruit bag, spray misty water on the leaves with a clean sprayer from 5:00 pm every evening. Do not spray on cloudy days.

Ten, timely harvest

The fruits were harvested in batches 20 to 30 days after fruit picking, and picking in the middle and south of Hebei in early November was better.

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