How to fertilize vegetables without pollution

The principle of fertilization for the production of pollution-free vegetables is: mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by other fertilizers; mainly by multiple compound fertilizers, supplemented by single element fertilizers; mainly by base fertilizers, supplemented by top dressing. The followi

How to ensure good mushroom in late period

There are many varieties of oyster mushrooms, which are divided into four categories based on the temperature of their mushrooms: high temperature, wide temperature, medium temperature, and low temperature. In spring, the cultivated oyster mushrooms are generally wide-temperature type and high-temp

Young Qingmei Summer and Autumn Management

Ume is the early germinating and deciduous variety of fruit plum, and the summer and autumn are important growing seasons, and it is also the key period for realizing the early and high yield of green plum. First, fertilization and intercropping The summer and autumn seasons, apply fertilizer 1 to

Picking and Seed-picking Technology of Chinese Cabbage

The so-called Chinese cabbage axillary bud cutting and picking is the separation of axillary buds of a certain size that have passed the vernalization stage and the mother. The cuttings are cut under suitable conditions, and after the roots become mature, the fields are set, so that the seeds are p

Analysis of the cultivation method of vanilla

First, the cultivation and management 1. The thick hard-to-mead people dry the climate with less water; such as lavender, rosemary, hi dry. The big soft leaf needs proper water and fertilizer; for example, the honeybee leaves, lemongrass, and peppermint need more moisture. 2. Pay attention to the h

Ten measures for cotton seedlings

First, a fine land preparation, prepare enough at the end. Waterland cotton fields and wheat sets of spring cotton should be poured well at the end of the water, every 667 square meters of water consumption of 40 to 60 cubic meters; dry land, early application of farmyard manure early, rain is the

Teach you to grow peanut sprouts

Using plastic seedling trays (length 60 cm, width 24 cm, depth 5 cm), plastic baskets, etc., as culture containers to produce peanut sprouts, a suitable production site can be selected according to the scale of production, no light is required, and temperature requirements can be met. 1. Pick peanu

Seasonal red pomegranate cultivation techniques

Four seasons red pomegranate long, many results. When it is ripe, the skin peels and reveals pearl-like garnets, which are crystal clear, fruity and sweet, and have the effect of eliminating fluid. The leaves are long and narrow, and the leaves are glossy and glossy with high ornamental value. The

Edible bacteria secondary bagging technology

We apply secondary bagging technology in production practices such as shiitake mushrooms, hericium, and edible fungus (ie adding a layer of film bag when the mushroom tube emerges, so that the mushroom tube in the bag does not directly contact with the ambient air) for production and effective solu

Lotus buds grow well

In many places, lotus roots are cultivated, and all carcasses are commonly used. The amount per mu is about 300 kg, and the cost is very high. The use of the top bud of a pod can save a large number of species, reduce costs, and increase economic efficiency. Therefore, cultivation of lotus root sho

Tomatoes can be increased by pressing

Practice has shown that tomato village branches can increase production. The specific approach is: after the fruitful period of the tomatoes, leave behind 1 - 2 lateral branches that grow on the bottom of the main stem, bend them to the ground, fix them with earth pressure, and expose 2 leaves - 3

The greening and economic value of fragrant flowers

Fragrant buds do not contain seeds and are generally propagated by buried roots. Selecting land: Choose sandy loam soil with deep soil layer, low groundwater level, good drainage, no pest and disease source, convenient transportation, and well-cultivated farmland with well irrigation conditions. 2.