Pollution-free soybean production technology

The first section outlines: 1. The importance of pollution-free soybean production. Soybean is an important food and cash crop, and has multiple uses such as grain, feed, and green manure. With the rapid development of the food industry and animal husbandry, the demand for soybeans has increased at home and abroad. ???? Soy grains contain about 40% protein, 20% fat, and 30%? carbohydrates. Soybeans are rich in minerals and vitamins and do not contain any harmful substances. Soy protein contains a variety of essential amino acids, high bio prices, is a "complete protein", easy to be absorbed, so the soybean is known as "plant meat," is one of the main sources of protein. Soybean starch content is low, mainly containing lactose, sucrose and cellulose, is a low-starch food for diabetics. Soybean contains 12 times more calcium than wheat, 2 times higher in phosphorus, and 2.6 times higher in iron content. These are all missing elements in human life activities. Soybean oil is rich in fat-soluble substances and contains only bile alcohol and fatty alcohol and b-cholesterol. Therefore, soybean oil can prevent hardening of the blood vessels. Soybean cake or soybean meal made from soybean oil is a good animal feed. Soybean stems contain 3.4% protein and 1.5% fat, which can be used as a green feed or dry feed for cattle and sheep. In recent years, the deep processing of soybeans and the deep processing of soybean meal have made a variety of nutritious health foods that people love. The European and American countries use defatted coarse soybean meal and fine soybean meal in combination with wheat to make the nutritional value of bread better than standard flour bread. . China's soybeans have a good export advantage and can earn more than 200 million U.S. dollars for the country each year. ???? Soybean root residue and defoliation and other organic matter return to the soil, rhizobia during the growth period of the fixed nitrogen in the air, soybean is an important crop fertility, soybean meal in soil and crop rotation plays an important role. Second, the soybean production profile and the development of pollution-free soybeans ???? Soybean cultivation in China has more than 5,000 years of history, north and northeast China is the main spring soybean production areas, perennial national soybean total broadcast Area 54%. The climate of Heilongjiang Province is suitable for the growth of soybeans. In 1993, Heilongjiang Province planted 2.667 million hectares of soybeans with an average yield of 1500-1650 kg/ha, which was higher than the national average yield. Since 1985, each year, the country sells nearly 1 billion kilograms of soybeans, and exports 100-120 tons of soybeans to more than 200 million U.S. dollars, accounting for 85-90% of the country's soybean exports. In recent years, soybean production has promoted the improvement of soybean production levels with the promotion of varieties, updated on-demand, formula fertilization, and a variety of cultivation modes combining agricultural machinery and agronomy. In 1991, there were 26,700 hectares of soybean in Bayan County with an average hectare of 3,000 kilograms. In 1993, Zhang Zhen, the king of soybean production, recorded a record of 5142 kilograms per hectare of soybean. However, in recent years, soybean planting area in Heilongjiang Province has soared, making it 43% of the area to be replanted. Soybean disease and insect pests have intensified, and quality has deteriorated. This has seriously hindered the continuous improvement of soybean production. This problem has caused the attention of producers and managers, and has been gradually resolved through the adjustment of the planting structure. In recent years, with the development of pollution-free agricultural products nationwide, the production of pollution-free soybeans has taken a big step. Pollution-free soy flour and soybean salad oil have successively entered the domestic and foreign markets. . In Songnen Plain and Sanjiang Plain in Heilongjiang Province, the development of pollution-free soybeans and their deep-processed products were carried out. Section II pollution-free cultivation technology ?? a, select ???? base production base determines the choice of pollution-free soybean product quality, around the base 3km? No less pollution (including mining, hospitals and other sources) atmospheric environmental quality in line with GB3095 ? -82 level criteria and standards to protect crops in the atmospheric concentration limit pollution, according to GB9137-88 execution; irrigation water quality in line with 5084-92 irrigation water quality standards; environmental soil quality in line with GB15618-1995 soil quality standards. ???? Second, the election to choose a reasonable crop rotation and ?? (a) soil conditions optionally ???? base must meet the standards set by the state. It requires deep topsoil, fertile soil, organic matter content of more than 3%, and having good drainage, water retention properties of neutral soil. Soybeans are straight root crops, root buried up to 1 m deep, horizontal lateral distribution up to 50 cm, a number of root nodule bears the Rhizobium is aerobic microorganisms, thus requiring deep topsoil loose, good permeability. ???? (b) is selected from a crop ????, ???? applied to previous demands pollution-free cultivation of soybean, corn to select, wheat PRECEDING. High-yield experience shows that the selection of wheat, corn and other fertilizers for soybeans has a significant effect on production. Wheat bran harvest early, favorable early soil preparation and the accumulation of soil moisture, and help eliminate weeds and accelerate the decomposition of soil nutrients. The distribution of root morphology of wheat and soybean is different, and the rational utilization of nutrients in the cultivated layer can be adjusted by changing the crop. The amount of fertilizer applied to corn is large, and many times of cultivating and weeding during fertility, there are few pine turfgrass, and there are many residual fertilizers, so corn pods can provide soybeans with “yearly fertilizers”. ?? 2, soy soy to reduce the reasons for the production of soybeans??????? Soybean pods (referred to continuous cropping), glutinous rice (referring to every other year) planting, prone to soy stems and leaves early, lower yield, quality deterioration. Under normal circumstances, the weight of soyabean is reduced by 20-30% compared with that of the soyabean, with a high of 50% and a reduction of 5%-22%. The soil fertility is high, the yield reduction rate is small, the soil fertility is low, and the yield reduction rate is large. In particular, the reduction in production is more serious in drought- and low-fertilizer areas. The main reasons why soybeans are sown and reduced in production are: ????(1) Serious diseases, weeds and weeds, plunging into the soil of the plots, more pathogenic soybeans, high pest numbers, severe weeds and parasitic weeds. Such as soybean sclerotia, gray spot disease, cyst nematode disease, soybean borer, etc.; associated weed Xanthium, parasitic weed Wan Sizi will aggravate the damage to soybeans. (2) Single consumption of nutrients • Concentrations of soybeans are planted on the same plot year after year due to the excessive consumption of certain nutrients and the destruction of nutrient balance, especially the content of available phosphorus in the soil is less, which affects its growth and development. (3) Poisoning effects of root exudates During the period of soybean culturing, some acidic substances are secreted from the roots and react with the soil to form toxic substances, such as ferrous salts, which cause poor root development and reduced root nodule count. The nitrogen fixation decreased and plant growth was inhibited, resulting in reduced yields. In addition, due to the effects of root exudates and plant decomposing bodies, the population of soil microorganisms has a great change. The Fusarium spp. in the replanting soybean is dominant and can infect the bean roots, causing root rot and affecting the growth of soybeans. (3) Reasonable rotation? Currently, the main rotation mode in Heilongjiang Province: Three-zone crop rotation: Wheat-wheat-soybean; Wheat-soybean-millet; Soybean-sorghum-corn; Central, Four-region rotation in the south-central region: soybeans - miscellaneous grains - wheat - corn; soybeans - wheat - corn - miscellaneous grains; wheat - soybeans - millet - corn; corn - corn - soybeans - millet; potato - wheat - soybeans - millet; It should not exceed 1/3 of dry crops of grainy potato. Three, ploughing and soil preparation and basal fertilizer???? (A) cultivating and soil preparation ??????? Soybean production commonly used deep-soil, flat-turning, sorghum (rotary plough), ridge combination of soil cultivation methods . ???? 1, flat sowing soybeans in the flat sowing soybeans without deep foundations of the ground, the Fu Qiu Qiu or 耙茬 deep loose, turning depth of 18-20 cm. The combination of turning and ploughing, with no large earth blocks and dark soil, should be less than 3 clods per square meter of inside diameter greater than 3 cm. The depth of the beak is 12-15 cm, and the depth of the deep hole is 25 cm or more. Falling or falling into the ground shall be up to the state of being broadcasted. There is a deep turning, deep loose foundation block, can be carried out in autumn, picking net dumplings, dig deep 12-15 cm, flattening. When spring preparations are made, it is necessary to carry out continuous operations of picking, picking, sowing and pressing. ???? 2, ridge sowing and sowing of wheat and soybeans, after the fall, deep ridge ridge or stir ridge. The ridge should be straight, the ridge length is 50 meters, the straightness error is 5 centimeters, the ridge distance error is 2 centimeters, and the ridge width error is 3 centimeters. After ridge compaction, the ditch to the ridge height of 18 cm, ridge height error of 2 cm, stir wheat operation, ridicule exterminate, the first time the soil concentration of 12 cm, the second time broken ridge, synthetic new ridge. ?? Spring corn preparations, planing net rake after the top ridge ridge, and suppression. There is a deep-basting corn scull, which took a net rake in the early spring and smashed the squat hole to reach the state of being broadcast. (2) Shi Jifei????1, soybean requirements for nutrients ???? Soybean in its lifetime, you need to absorb large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and a certain amount of trace elements from the soil. For every 100 kg of seeds produced, 6.6 kg of nitrogen, 1.3 kg of phosphorus and 1.8 kg of potassium are absorbed from the soil. For equal production, soybeans absorb more nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium than cereals, and the required phosphorus content is 1.3-1.68 times; the required potassium content is 1.29-1.64 times. 25-87% of the nitrogen in soybean plants comes from root-fixing nitrogen, and 13-75% of nitrogen is supplemented by fertilization. ???? Soybeans are more phosphorus-demanding crops. They are sensitive to phosphorus at the seedling stage, lack of phosphorus, and the growth of vegetative organs is inhibited. Reasonable application of phosphate fertilizers has obvious effect on yield increase. In order to obtain higher yields, it is also necessary to pay attention to potash fertilizer. Molybdenum is an indispensable nutrient for root nodule nitrogenase, and molybdenum has the function of promoting nitrogen metabolism and nodule development in soybean plants, so molybdenum should be used with caution. When molybdenum content is below 0.?01ppm, molybdenum increases production significantly. 2, the base fertilizer production of pollution-free soybean should be fully cooked organic fertilizer as a base fertilizer, organic fertilizer applied per hectare more than 30,000 kilograms, combined with one-time application of soil preparation, perennial fertility, can significantly improve Yield. The application method of basal fertilizer is determined by the method of site preparation and the amount of fertilizer, and the amount of fertilizer is large. Sowing of soybeans can be done in front of the cultivated land or the hoeing land. The amount of fertilizer is small, and the ridge is used as a ridge to apply the ridge to the ridge. , and then buckle ridge or broken ridge folder fertilizer. Four, sowing??????????(a) species selection and seed processing ???? 1, select the best varieties ???? First, according to the local frost-free period, select the appropriate growth period varieties. Secondly, according to the soil fertility, different fertility cultivars were selected. Fertilizers were selected for cultivars with strong culms and thin cultivars were selected for cultivars with low tolerance and wide adaptability. Also choose varieties based on local natural conditions. Saline-alkali areas should use varieties with certain saline-alkali resistance; in dry areas, medium-grained varieties should be used; cultivars with resistant cyst nematodes should adopt resistant varieties; areas with frequent disasters should use high branching force and regenerative capacity. Strong variety. It is also necessary to select different types of varieties according to the cultivation methods. For example, the selection of plants for the sowing and sowing cultivation is high and luxuriant, and the varieties with strong stalk do not fall. Use the same variety of seeds and do it once in the coming year. ??2, seed selection???? Seed selection before sowing, sowing or manual selection of soybeans, remove diseased grains, residual grains, insect grains and grains, the degree of clarity of 99%, The purity reaches 98%, the germination rate reaches 95%, and the seed moisture content is 13%, so that the seed quality can reach grade 2 or higher. ???? 3, seed processing??? (1) rhizobia seed dressing, seed dressing with rhizobial bacteria is a significant increase in production technology. Mix 750 ml of bacteria per hectare, and mix seed evenly under dark conditions. Can not be mixed with fungicides after seed dressing, sowing seeds within 24 hours after drying. (2) Ammonium molybdate seed dressing, micro-fertilizer seed dressing should be based on soil test results, when the soil effective molybdenum content is less than 0.15 mg/kg, 0.5 g ammonium molybdate per kilogram of seed is dissolved in 20 ml The water is then sprinkled on the soybean seeds and mixed evenly, and dried after sowing. (2) Planting density: ??? Heilongjiang Province has 25 soybeans per square meter, 600 oysters, 1600 granules, and 100 gram weight of 20 grams. This is a group structure with a yield of 3,000 kilograms per hectare. The rational planting of soybeans must take into account the high yield of the population, but also consider that the individuals have good fertility, coordinate the conflicts between groups and individuals, and make full use of light energy and fertility. ???? 1, species characteristics and density ???? Early-maturing varieties, single stalk varieties, lanceolate leaf varieties, plant type convergence, luxuriant, should be close planting; the other hand, late-maturing varieties, branched varieties,? The variety of oval leaves and the varieties with large branching or leaf opening angles require large space for individuals and should be sparsely planted. ?? 2, soil fertility and density ???? In poor soil conditions, individual growth is small, poor planting transplanting ridges, soil utilization, low utilization of light energy, low yield. The soil is fertile, the density is too high, the individual's fertility is too luxuriant, the light in the group is insufficient, the growers fall down, the flowers fall out, and the yield is not high. Therefore, the soybean field should be thin and the soil should be dense. 3, production conditions and density???? Fertilizer and water conditions are good, individual fertility and luxuriant, should be appropriate to thin some; fertilizer and water conditions are poor, individual fertility is slow, the plant is short, should be appropriate and dense; conduct seedlings, chemical For the plots with more weeds and more operations, the density should be increased appropriately. In short, the conditions vary from place to place, and planting density varies. In general, the northern region is about 30-40 million plants/ha, and the central and southern regions are 2-33.5 million plants/ha. Seed sowing and cultivation of soybeans has good permeability within the group, and individual productivity is high. It is appropriate to keep seedlings at 2-24 thousand plants per hectare. ???? (C) timely sowing to ensure that the whole seedlings???? 1, sowing time? Soybean sowing time should be based on climate, species, soil and soil moisture conditions and other local conditions to be determined. Generally 5 cm deep in the soil, when the temperature is stable through 8 °C for the sowing period. In normal years, the central and southern regions of Heilongjiang Province will be planted from April 25th to May 10th, and no later than May 20th. The planting of the eastern and northern regions from May 1 to May 15 shall not be later than the end of May. In the dry year, the sowing date is ahead of schedule; in the following year, the sowing date is delayed. The sowing sequence is generally broadcast on the first post, sowing the ground and grabbing the mourning in the ground, first broadcast the sun slope, and then broadcast the shady slope; first broadcast late-maturing varieties, and then broadcast early maturing varieties; first sow sub-fields, then broadcast high-yield fields, and finally sow general fields. In short, with the degree of frost damage that is not affected by night frost, the effective accumulated temperature in the frost-free period is fully utilized, timely sowing in time, shortening of the sowing date, and planting seedlings at one time. 2. The sowing method is divided into two types: flat seeding and ridge sowing according to the farming method; two kinds of precision sowing and sowing are classified according to the arrangement of the seeds and the arrangement and arrangement of the plants in the field. At present, the promotion of "ridge three" cultivation method. "Everyday" cultivation belongs to the category of double precision sowing on ridges. (1) Narrow-row dense planting and sowing, also known as shrinkage and ridge propagation, is suitable for plots with deep ploughing foundations, well-drained plots, high-level mechanized production, and scientifically managed production units, all of which can use less than 50 cm. The line spacing. In production, 24 rows or 48 rows of grain seeders are used for sowing, ridging and suppression of continuous operations. In order to prevent injury and pressure seedlings in cultivator locomotives, chain links should be kept at certain intervals. The mechanism of high yield in this method is that individual distribution tends to be uniform, the area of ​​nutrition is relatively expanded, the green area is increased within the unit of cultivated land, and the lighting conditions within the group are improved. The efficiency of mechanical operations at the time of sowing is high, and when the farmers rush to farm, they have good security. ????(2) The 60-cm double-line broadcast is also called ridging after flat-casting, that is, on the basis of flat-casting, ridges in field management. Cultivated land in autumn, basal fertilizer before planting or before soil preparation, and sowing. There is also a choice of deep-ground corn mash, which is sown after the spring hoe. The general conservation seedling is 30-35 million plants per hectare, and the maximum conservation seedling is 400,000 plants per hectare. (3) Twenty-two precise sowing precision sowings on ridges refer to the use of precision seed drills, quantitative seeding and positioning sowing on the basis of autumn ploughing, autumn fertilization, autumn ridges, or spring top ridging. method. Generally, the ridge spacing is 70 cm, the small row spacing is 10-12 cm, and the conservation seedlings are 30-35 thousand plants per hectare. This kind of sowing method saves seedlings, preserves seedlings, preserves seedlings; seed, fertilizer layering, sowing depth consistent; plant distribution isometric, without the use of seedlings; deep fertilization, ditching, sowing, covering the soil continuous operation, is conducive to a seeding preservation seedlings. (4) Equidistant holes are selected for sowing of tall and luxuriant breeds, artificially or by using implements, and the method of sowing the seeds in the ridge is the same as the distance between the holes. General spacing 60-70 cm, 18-? 20 cm from the hole, 3-4 per hole. It is necessary to plant seedlings at the right time, strengthen management, and prevent post-fertilization on the basis of autumn ridges, autumn deep pine ridge bottoms, autumn deep fertilization, or spring trowel ridge ridge fertilization. Equal distance sowing seeds, good management, high yield. ????(5) "Ridge III" cultivation method is also called "three ridges" cultivation mode. The so-called "Ridge 3" is based on ridge cultivation using three new techniques of mechanization: ridge body (table, bottom), zoning interval deep loose, ridge body at the same time stratified deep layer base fertilizer, ridge double precision On-demand, while applying fertilizer, seedlings later see seed dressing. In the promotion process, it must cooperate with other cultivation techniques. Choosing the ground and smashing the ground, the field is clean, and the lyrical conditions are appropriate. Fertilize in the autumn of last year, ridge block in autumn, plowing and loosening 25-30 centimeters deep, and the depth of plough bottom layer or white soil layer should be broken according to local conditions. The ridges are arranged in a row of 70 centimeters, the corpus callosum is about 8-10 centimeters, and after the suppression, the ridge width is 38-40 centimeters. To do the upper and lower two layers of fertilization, the upper layer is applied in the planting of 3-5 cm, the amount of fertilizer is 1/3 of the total, the lower layer is applied in the planting of 12-15 cm, and the amount of fertilizer is 2/3 of the total amount. Clean, uniform and uniform grain shape, high seed cleaning rate and germination rate, fine grain sowing distance of 10-15 cm on ridges, and 4-5 cm sowing depth after repression. In order to ensure the same broadcast depth, to prevent ridge body clip dry soil, can be timely repression according to the mourning situation. When the fertilization amount per hectare is less than 120 kg, it is better to concentrate fertilization. ???? "Ridge III" cultivation method, so that high yield of soybean, specifically as follows: First, there is a good plough layer structure. The ridges and ridges loosen and break the plow bottom to solve the problem of land hardening and consolidation in soybean breeding. The deep pine ridge body creates a coexistent plough structure and establishes a soil reservoir. Create suitable conditions for soil warming, drought resistance, and flood resistance. Second, the fertilizer has high utilization rate, deep layered fertilization, prevention of seed and fertilizer in the same place, and avoids the harm of fertilizer on seedlings. Slow down the conversion rate of chemical fertilizers, extend the time for fertilizer supply, and prevent defertilization and yield reduction in the later period of fertility. Thirdly, precision seeding on ridges fundamentally solves the problem of broken seedlings and uneven density of soybeans, achieving a single plant management and rational population structure, improving the utilization of light energy of the population, and thus increasing the yield. ??3, seeding rate:???? Pollution-free soybean seeding rate according to the following formula per hundred hectare plan Bao Miao hectares weight (gram seed rate = price between seeds 1000100 (1-field loss rate) ?? ( Kilograms per hectare) The field loss rate in the formula is determined according to the actual production of each place, generally 10-15%. Generally speaking, the 60-cm row spacing, the hectare sowing volume is 70 kg, and the hectare preservation is 300,000-400,000; 45-50 The centimeter spacing, hectare sowing capacity of 80 kg, hectares of 3-40 million seedlings. ??? 4, apply fertilizer fertilizer? In addition to the growth of soybean shoots, stems and leaves, mainly to form a large number of root systems, and in its On the formation of nodules.Soybean seedlings, although the number of phosphorus absorption is small, but due to the special role of phosphorus on soybean roots and root nodules, phosphorus is necessary during this period, especially in the absence of phosphorus in the soil, especially The production is often accompanied by the application of phosphate fertilizers at the time of sowing, applying 112.5 kg of diammonium phosphate per hectare.When cultivating, the seed fertilizer is applied deep in the plant at 4-5 cm or in layers of 7 cm and 14 cm. At the same time, do not breed, fat, and place, so as not to burn seed.????5, sowing depth ???? sowing depth of seedlings and strong seedlings have a certain impact, in order to achieve Early seedling emergence, strong seedlings, general sowing depth should be 4-5 cm, can not be shallower than 4 cm.Large grain seeds than the small seeds should be slightly broadcast; loose dune soil, can be broadcast deeper, clay soil can be broadcast more shallow; If the soil moisture content is sufficient, the sowing depth may be shallow, and when the moisture content is low, it may be appropriately deepened.In short, the seeds should fall on the wet soil and have the same sowing depth. In order to keep the seeds in close contact with the soil, it can play a role in maintaining the soil moisture.When the soil moisture is suitable, it can be suppressed with the sowing, and if the rainfall after sowing can suspend the repression. Field management: The main tasks of field management are: removing field weeds, removing surface compaction, loosening the soil, top dressing, irrigation, timely prevention and control of pests and diseases, etc. The whole seedlings should be checked for seeding after emergence, and the seedlings can be planted with field pre-planting seedlings, and the seedlings should be filled with water to make up the seedlings as much as possible. Or non-precision sowing of the plot, after the cotyledon flattening and before the first compound leaf is unfolded, artificial seedlings are planted. The planned density is set once at a time, 40-50 centimeters spacing, 21-24 seedlings per 100 centimeters are required, the seedlings are removed at the same time with a small pot, combined with baining the roots, and care should be taken to remove the seedlings as much as possible. Weak seedlings, diseased seedlings, and seedlings leave strong seedlings.(2) Deep and cultivating weeds The purpose of the cultivator is to remove the field weeds and to remove the ground panel knots. The next step is soil cultivation. The above-ground parts grow slowly and are prone to herbivore, and in order to ensure the normal development of the plants and prevent grassland, weeding must be done in time, and at the same time weeding out the surface board knots to play the role of drought protection, increase of ground temperature and increase of soil permeability. 1, shovel shovel a plow before and after the application of flat sowing and farming, when the soybean arch, shovel before the deep or loose a plow. To achieve grass, live soil, warming up the purpose of the cold. ???? 2, 趟 Mongolian headland???? This method is mostly used for crop plots, generally when the soybean cotyledon has just been unearthed, most of the cotyledons have not yet been carried out. Use a large plough or machine to dig the machine to remove the earth. It is required that the loose soil be covered with 2 cm thick (do not be afraid of earth pressure when the cotyledon top flap is used). After 2-3 days, the beans can still grow on the ground, while the seedlings It is covered. This operation can better eliminate the role of seedlings and loose soil conservation. ?? 3, seedlings, deep pine and tillage weeding? In addition to the spring drought year, in the first summer leaves of soybean deep pine, depth of 20-25 cm. The first cultivator is carried out at a seedling height of 8-12 cm, and the ploughing degree is not less than 15 cm. It is advisable that the soil does not exceed the number of cotyledons. The second cultivator is carried out about 10 days after the first cultivator is completed, and the cultivating depth is 10-12 cm. The cultivating soil does not exceed the number of primary true leaves. The third cultivator is completed before mulching, and the cultivating depth is 10 cm. The soil should not exceed the first compound leaf section and be turned into a square ridge. ???? (C) fertilizer ???? 1, seed dressing fertilizer ?? without fertilizer applied to the plot, combined with shovel head over time, chasing urea 75 kg /? ha or ammonium nitrate 112.5 kg / ha.   2, foliar dressing fertilizer ??? early soybean growth is poor, in the initial flowering period of soybean, urea 10 kg per hectare, plus potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1.54 grams, dissolved in 500 kg of water spray. (4) Prevention and treatment of major soybean pests Soybean borer is the most common and serious pest in soybean production. The annual insectivory rate in Heilongjiang Province is 10-20% or even 30-40%, which seriously affects the soybean yield and product quality. The production of pollution-free soybeans requires the use of biological control methods to eliminate soybean borer. In mid-August, when soybean borer was found, he had 30-45 pieces of Trichogramma eggs in length. ?? 2, the use of Beauveria bassiana, 0.5-0.65 kg per acre of microbial agents, mixed with 6 kg of fine soil, larvae during the off-season (September, late) spread the ground. (5) Principles to be adhered to when fertilizing and controlling pests and weeds: In the production of pollution-free soybeans, organic fertilizer must be used as the main fertilizer, base fertilizer is the main method, and soil testing, balanced fertilization, and non-environmental pollution should be applied. The principle of chemical fertilizers; pollution-free soybean production to prevent pests and weeds should adhere to the principle of prevention and forecast of pests and diseases, prevention, and biological control, physical control, and allowing limited use of organic chemical pesticides. (6) Issues to be noted in fertilization and prevention of diseases, insects, and weeds: The use of chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers, and pesticides for the production of pollution-free soybeans should comply with the requirements of pollution-free technologies: , Select the types of fertilizers (including fertilizers and organic fertilizers) that are allowed to use, allow the use of urea and other nitrogen-containing compound fertilizers, and prohibit the use of nitrate nitrogen fertilizers. 2. The fertilizer varieties selected must meet the standards for fertilizer-free production of agricultural products. 3, fertilizer and organic fertilizer must be used in conjunction. The ratio of organic nitrogen to inorganic nitrogen is preferably 1:1. Fertilization is not allowed within one month of harvest. 4. In addition to the return of straw to the field, other organic fertilizers should be harmlessly treated and fully decomposed before application to prevent contamination of the soil and agricultural products. 5. It is forbidden to use more complex towns, hospitals and industrial hazardous wastes whose ingredients are unclear as fertilizer. 6, as far as possible to avoid the practice of straw burning ash to return to the field, promote straw crushed field. 7. The organic fertilizer needed to produce pollution-free soybeans is, in principle, built on site. Local production, use in situ. External organic fertilizers, commercial fertilizers and new fertilizers must be confirmed before they can be used. 8. In the case that it is absolutely necessary, it can be used to limit the amount of pesticides used, and the strict implementation of pesticides safe use standards of low-toxicity, low-residue pesticides. The use of pesticides that have been declared banned by the State is strictly prohibited. By selecting production land and strengthening management of the base, pollution from the use of pesticides in neighboring fields can be avoided. (6) Irrigation ● Soybean needs more water, which is 0.4-1 times more than wheat, sorghum and millet. • The water requirement for each growth period of soybean is different, and corresponding irrigation measures should be taken according to the conditions of each period. During the seedling period, the water requirement is less, accounting for about 20% of the total water requirement. This period is mainly rooted in seedlings, excessive soil moisture, low ground temperature, is not conducive to the development of root system and the formation of nodules, therefore, this period is not particularly watery if not particularly dry. During the flowering and seedling stage, the maximum amount of water is needed, which accounts for about 50% of the total water requirement for the whole growing period. This period is the critical period of soybean water demand. If soil drought occurs, irrigation must be performed. During the grain-filling period, the plants have fully transferred to the reproductive growth period, and the amount of absorbed water accounts for about 25% of the total growth period. Sufficient moisture during this period is conducive to accelerating the movement of substances in the body and promoting drum granules. In case of drought, it can cause premature plant failure and reduce grain weight. If you encounter this period, it is easy to greet late. According to the specific requirements of the water requirement characteristics and the current meteorological and soil moisture conditions at each growth stage of soybeans, necessary irrigation and drainage are performed. In Heilongjiang Province, the period of soybean grain blooming and grain growth coincides with the rainy season. Therefore, except for special drought years, irrigation is rarely performed. Soybean irrigation methods can be used furrow irrigation, especially in the case of alfalfa, furrow irrigation is simple and easy. Furrow irrigation ditch by can, can also take the furrow irrigation method, which is a small effect on the temperature, is conducive to the growth of soybeans. However, in the case of severe drought, the water requirement is large, and the trench-by-ditch irrigation method must be adopted. After irrigation, timely weeding and weeding in order to increase ground temperature and promote soybean growth. Spray irrigation is the ideal irrigation method, which not only saves water but also is not limited by terrain and topography. Especially in the case of narrow sowing of soybeans, sprinkler irrigation is better. However, this method must have certain equipment conditions. Pollution-free soybean irrigation water must use clean water sources. The indicators of irrigation water must meet the national irrigation water standards. Sixth, the harvest ??? (A) the characteristics of soybean seed maturity ??? 1, physiological maturity ??? Soybean pods in any section of the main stem reached a mature color, it indicates that the whole plant has reached Physically mature. 2 ???, ??? maturity agriculture is agriculture ripe stage of maturity, manifested as brown stem, leaf and petiole all off, shake hands plants, seeds rattle in the pod, the seeds have been owned by round harden. (2) Soybean harvesting period Due to different harvesting methods, the specific harvesting time varies. Harvest too early, immature grain, threshing difficult, kernel weight, low in fat and protein content. Harvested too late, split the seeds, loss, and affect the quality of the seed. ??? Soybean seeds showed shrinkage, and most of the leaves turned yellow and began to fall off. The lower part of the stem was yellow-brown. This is the yellow heat period. The stalk became brown, the petiole fell off, the seed was shiny, and the plant rattled, which was to enter full maturity. When 10% of the plant leaves in the field have not yet fallen off and 70-80% of the plant's petioles have been shed, the albuginea and intergranular white film disappear. This is the best time for artificial harvesting. All the sheaves of the plants fall off, and the ripening period when the seeds harden is the appropriate period for mechanical harvesting. (3) The harvesting method ???1. The artificial harvesting should be carried out when the plant still has a relatively high water content and is not easy to fry, so that the cutting is low, the technique is not lost, the hopper is not thrown out, and the store is regular. , In a timely manner, so that the loss rate is less than 2%. 2, mechanical harvesting??? There are joint harvesting and sub-harvest two types of harvested? Harvested at the end of the yellow ripening period, the joint harvest in the mature period. Mechanical harvesting requires cutting 5 centimeters high, leaving no bottom. The segmentation and refilling angles are 30 degrees from the row direction, and the pods are connected between the branches to prevent picking off the branches. The combined loss rate of the sub-harvesting does not exceed 3%, the harvesting loss does not exceed 1%, and the pick-up loss is not Above 2%, when the moisture content of the seeds after cutting is reduced below 15%, prompt threshing should be performed. The combined loss of the combined harvest does not exceed 4%, the harvesting loss does not exceed 2%, the threshing loss does not exceed 2%, and the crushed grain does not exceed 3%. When harvesting, it is necessary to achieve single harvesting, single pulling, single threshing, and single storage to ensure that pollution-free soybeans do not mix with ordinary soybeans. Seventh, pollution-free soybean quality requirements for high-quality pollution-free soybean products are: ??? 1, the crushing rate does not exceed 2%; ??? 2, the impurity rate does not exceed 1%; 3, insect population rate does not exceed 1%; ??? 4, green bean rate does not exceed 2%; ??? 5, water content below 15%. The entire process of pollution-free soybean production should be documented for reference. The first section outlines the following: 1. The significance of pollution-free soybean production: Soybean is an important food and cash crop, and has multiple uses such as grain, feed, and green manure. With the rapid development of the food industry and animal husbandry, the demand for soybeans has increased at home and abroad. ???? Soy grains contain about 40% protein, 20% fat, and 30%? carbohydrates. Soybeans are rich in minerals and vitamins and do not contain any harmful substances. Soy protein contains a variety of essential amino acids, high bio prices, is a "complete protein", easy to be absorbed, so the soybean is known as "plant meat," is one of the main sources of protein. Soybean starch content is low, mainly containing lactose, sucrose and cellulose, is a low-starch food for diabetics. Soybean contains 12 times more calcium than wheat, 2 times higher in phosphorus, and 2.6 times higher in iron content. These are all missing elements in human life activities. Soybean oil is rich in fat-soluble substances and contains only bile alcohol and fatty alcohol and b-cholesterol. Therefore, soybean oil can prevent hardening of the blood vessels. Soybean cake or soybean meal made from soybean oil is a good animal feed. Soybean stems contain 3.4% protein and 1.5% fat, which can be used as a green feed or dry feed for cattle and sheep. In recent years, the deep processing of soybeans and the deep processing of soybean meal have made a variety of nutritious health foods that people love. The European and American countries use defatted coarse soybean meal and fine soybean meal in combination with wheat to make the nutritional value of bread better than standard flour bread. . China's soybeans have a good export advantage and can earn more than 200 million U.S. dollars for the country each year. ???? Soybean root residue and defoliation and other organic matter return to the soil, rhizobia during the growth period of the fixed nitrogen in the air, soybean is an important crop fertility, soybean meal in soil and crop rotation plays an important role. Second, the soybean production profile and the development of pollution-free soybeans ???? Soybean cultivation in China has more than 5,000 years of history, north and northeast China is the main spring soybean production areas, perennial national soybean total broadcast Area 54%. The climate of Heilongjiang Province is suitable for the growth of soybeans. In 1993, Heilongjiang Province planted 2.667 million hectares of soybeans with an average yield of 1500-1650 kg/ha, which was higher than the national average yield. Since 1985, each year, the country sells nearly 1 billion kilograms of soybeans, and exports 100-120 tons of soybeans to more than 200 million U.S. dollars, accounting for 85-90% of the country's soybean exports. In recent years, soybean production has promoted the improvement of soybean production levels with the promotion of varieties, updated on-demand, formula fertilization, and a variety of cultivation modes combining agricultural machinery and agronomy. In 1991, there were 26,700 hectares of soybean in Bayan County with an average hectare of 3,000 kilograms. In 1993, Zhang Zhen, the king of soybean production, recorded a record of 5142 kilograms per hectare of soybean. However, in recent years, soybean planting area in Heilongjiang Province has soared, making it 43% of the area to be replanted. Soybean disease and insect pests have intensified, and quality has deteriorated. This has seriously hindered the continuous improvement of soybean production. This problem has caused the attention of producers and managers, and has been gradually resolved through the adjustment of the planting structure. In recent years, with the development of pollution-free agricultural products nationwide, the production of pollution-free soybeans has taken a big step. Pollution-free soy flour and soybean salad oil have successively entered the domestic and foreign markets. . In Songnen Plain and Sanjiang Plain in Heilongjiang Province, the development of pollution-free soybeans and their deep-processed products were carried out. Section II pollution-free soybean cultivation techniques First, the choice of bases ???? The choice of production base determines the quality of pollution-free soybean products, no pollution sources (including industrial and mining, hospitals and other pollution sources) within 3km around the base of the atmosphere environmental quality in line with GB3095- The first-class standard in the standard of 82 and the limit value of air pollution concentration for protection of crops shall be implemented according to GB9137-88; the water quality of farmland irrigation conforms to the water quality standard for farmland irrigation of 5084-92; the soil environmental quality of farmland shall meet the soil quality standard of GB15618-1995. ?? Second, the election election and a reasonable rotation ??????? (a) the selection of the site of the soil conditions must meet the national standards. It requires deep topsoil, fertile soil, organic matter content of more than 3%, and having good drainage, water retention properties of neutral soil. Soybeans are straight root crops, root buried up to 1 m deep, horizontal lateral distribution up to 50 cm, a number of root nodule bears the Rhizobium is aerobic microorganisms, thus requiring deep topsoil loose, good permeability. ???? (b) is selected from a crop ????, ???? applied to previous demands pollution-free cultivation of soybean, corn to select, wheat PRECEDING. High-yield experience shows that the selection of wheat, corn and other fertilizers for soybeans has a significant effect on production. Wheat bran harvest early, favorable early soil preparation and the accumulation of soil moisture, and help eliminate weeds and accelerate the decomposition of soil nutrients.小麦与大豆根系形态分布不同,通过换茬可调节耕层养分的合理利用。玉米的施肥量大,生育期间多次中耕除草,土松草少,残肥多,因而玉米茬能较好地为大豆提供“隔年肥”。 ????2、大豆重迎茬减产的原因????大豆重茬(指连作),迎茬(指隔年作)种植,易出现大豆茎叶早枯、产量降低、品质变劣。一般情况下,重茬大豆比正茬大豆要减少20-30%,高的达50%,迎茬减产5%-22%。土壤肥力高,?减产幅度小;土壤肥力低,减产幅度大,特别是干旱低肥地区减产更为严重。大豆重迎茬减产的主要原因是: ????(1)病虫草害严、迎茬地块的土壤中,危害大豆的病菌多,害虫基数高,伴生杂草、寄生杂草感染严重。如大豆菌核病、灰斑病、孢囊线虫病、大豆食心虫等;伴生杂草苍耳、寄生杂草莞丝子等都会随重迎茬而加重对大豆的危害。 ????(2)养分单一消耗????在同一地块上连年种植大豆,由于过度消耗某些养分,破坏养分平衡,特别是土壤有效磷含量偏少,而影响其生长发育。 ????(3)根系分泌物的毒害作用????大豆育能期间,根系分泌某种酸性物质,与土壤反应形成有毒物质,如亚铁盐类,使根系发育不良,根瘤数减少,固氮力下降,植株生长受到抑制,导致减产。另外,由于根系分泌物和植株残体腐解物的影响,土壤微生物种群数量上有很大变化,重茬大豆地镰刀菌占优势,可侵染豆根,导致根腐病,影响大豆生育。 ????(三)合理轮作????当前,黑龙江省主要轮作方式:豆麦产区实行三区轮作:小麦-小麦-大豆;小麦-大豆-谷子;大豆-谷子-玉米;中部、中南部地区实行四区轮作:大豆-杂粮-小麦-玉米;大豆-小麦-玉米-杂粮;小麦-大豆-谷子-玉米;玉米-玉米-大豆-谷子;马铃薯-小麦-大豆-谷子;大豆最多不应超过粮豆薯旱作作物的1/3。 ????三、耕松整地与施基肥????(一)耕松整地????大豆生产常用深松、平翻、耙茬(旋耕)、起垄相结合的土壤耕作方法。 ????1、平播大豆在平播大豆无深松基础的地块,进行伏秋翻或耙茬深松,翻深为18-20厘米。翻耙结合,无大土块和暗坷垃,?每平方米耕层内直径大于3厘米土块应少于3个。耙茬深度为12-15厘米,深松深度25厘米以上。伏秋翻地或耙茬深松地块,均应达到待播状态。 ????有深翻、深松基础地块,可进行秋耙茬,拣净茬子,耙深12-15厘米,耙平耙细。春整地时,要做到耙、耢、播、压连续作业。 ????2、垄播大豆麦茬伏、秋翻后,深松起垄或搅麦茬起垄。垄向要直,50米垄长,直线度误差5厘米,垄距误差2厘米,垄幅误差3厘米。垄体压实后,垄沟到垄台高度18厘米,垄高误差2厘米,搅麦茬作业,起垄前灭茬,第一遍破土浓度12厘米,?第二遍破垄,合成新垄。春整地的玉米茬,刨净茬子后要顶浆扣垄,并镇压。有深翻基础的玉米茬,早春拿净茬子,并将茬坑耢平,达到待播状态。 ????(二)施基肥????1、大豆对养分的要求????大豆在其一生中,需要从土壤中吸收大量的氮、磷、钾及一定量的微量元素。每生产100千克籽实从土壤中吸收氮素6.6千克,磷素1.3千克,钾素1.8千克。形成相等的产量,大豆吸收氮、磷、?钾的量比禾谷类作物多,需磷量是1.3-1.68倍;需钾量是1.29-1.64倍。 ?大豆植株中25-87%的氮素来自于根瘤固氮的氮素,还有13-75%?的氮素要通过施肥加以补充。 ????大豆是需磷较多的作物,苗期对磷表现敏感,磷素不足,营养器官的生长受到抑制,合理施用磷肥增产效果明显。为了获得较高产量,还应注重补施钾肥。 ????钼是根瘤固氮酶不可缺少的营养元素,钼具有促进大豆植株氮素代谢和根瘤发育的功能,因此要注意施用钼肥。当钼含量在0.?01ppm以下时,施钼增产显著。 ????2、施基肥????生产无公害大豆应以充分腐熟的有机农肥作底肥,每公顷施有机肥3万千克以上,结合整地一次施入,常年培肥地力,可显著提高产量。 ????基肥施用方法因整地方法和施肥量而定,施肥量大,平播大豆,可在耕地或耙地前撒施;施肥量小,垄作地块,于起垄时施于垄底,再扣垄或破垄夹肥。 ????四、播种????(一)品种选择及种子处理????1、选择优良品种????首先根据当地的无霜期,选择生育期相适应的品种。其次根据土壤肥力,选择不同耐肥性的品种,肥地选用秆强不倒的品种;薄地选用耐瘠薄、适应性广的品种。还要根据当地的自然条件选用品种。盐碱地区,应选用有一定耐盐碱能力的品种;干旱地区,应选用中粒型品种;孢囊线虫重发区宜选用抗病品种;经常发生雹灾的地区应选用分枝力高,再生力强的品种。也要根据栽培方式选用不同类型品种,如穴播栽培选用植株高大繁茂,秆强不倒的品种。使用同一品种的种子,要做到来年更新一次。 ????2、种子精选????种子播前要进行精选,用大豆选种机或人工挑选,剔除病粒、残粒,虫食粒及杂粒,净度达到99%,纯度达到98%,发芽率达到95%,?种子含水量13%,使种子质量达到分级标准二级以上。 ????3、种子处理????(1)根瘤菌拌种,用根瘤菌拌种是一项具有明显增产效果的技术。按每公顷用种量拌750毫升菌剂,在避光条件下均匀拌种。拌种后不能混用杀菌剂,阴干后24小时内播种。 ????(2)钼酸铵拌种,微肥拌种应以土壤化验结果为依据,土壤有效钼含量小于0.15毫克/千克时,每千克种子用0.5克钼酸铵,溶于20毫升水中,然后洒在大豆种子上混拌均匀,阴干后播种。 ????(二)种植密度????黑龙江省大豆每平方米25株,成荚600个,成粒1600粒,?百粒重20克,是获得每公顷3000千克产量的群体结构。 ?大豆合理种植既要考虑到群体产量高,又要考虑到个体生育良好,协调群体与个体之间的矛盾,充分利用光能、地力。 ????1、品种特性与密度????早熟品种,独秆型品种,披针形叶的品种,株型收敛、繁茂性差,宜密植;反之,晚熟品种,分枝型品种,?卵形叶的品种和分枝或叶张开角度大的品种,个体所需空间大,宜稀植。 ????2、土壤肥力与密度????在贫瘠的土壤条件下,个体生长量小,稀植不利插墒封垄,地力、光能利用率低,产量低。土壤肥沃,密度过大,个体生育过于繁茂,群体内光照不足,徒长倒伏,落花落荚,产量也不高,因此,种大豆肥地宜稀,薄地宜密。 ????3、生产条件与密度????肥水条件好,个体生育繁茂的,应适当稀一些;肥水条件差,个体生育缓慢,植株矮小的,应适当密一些;进行苗耙、化学除草、作业次数多的地块,密度应适当增大。 ????总之,各地条件不一,种植密度也不同。一般北部地区多以?30?-40万株/公顷,中南部地区25-35万株/公顷。穴播栽培大豆,群体内通透性好,个体生产力高,保苗21-24万株/公顷为宜。 ????(三)适时播种确保全苗????1、播种时期????大豆播种期应依气候、品种、土质和土壤墒情等因地制宜加以确定。一般在土壤5厘米深处,温度稳定通过8℃时为播种适期。 ????正常年份,黑龙江省中部和南部地区4月25日至5月10日播种,最晚不得迟于5月20日。东部、北部地区5月1日至15日播种,不得迟于5月末。旱年,播期提前;涝年,播期拖后。播种顺序一般先播岗地,后播平地、洼地抢墒情,先播阳坡,后播阴坡;先播晚熟品种,后播早熟品种;先播种子田,再播高产田,最后播一般田。总之,以不受晚霜的冻害为度,充分利用无霜期的有效积温,适时早播,缩短播期,一次播种保全苗。 ????2、播种方法按耕作方法分平播和垄播两类;按种子入土及植株在田间的排列和配置划分双条精密播和穴播两类。当前,推广的“垄三”栽培法。 “永常”栽培,都属于垄上的双条精密播种的范畴。 ????(1)窄行密植条播亦称缩垄增行播法,适于有深耕基础,排水良好的地块,机械化生产水平高,科学管理好的生产单位,都可以采用小于50厘米的行距。生产上利用24行或48行谷物播种机播种,起垄、镇压连续作业。为防止中耕机车作业伤苗、压苗,应按一定间隔留链轨道。此法高产的机理是:个体分布趋于均匀,营养面积相对扩大,单位耕地面积内增加了绿色面积,改善了群体内光照条件。播种时机械作业效率高,抢农时,保墒好。 ????(2)60厘米双条平播又称平播后起垄法,即在平播基础上,?田间管理时起垄。秋耕地块,耕前或整地前施用基肥,整平耙细播种。也可选择有深耕基础的玉米茬,春耙茬后播种。一般保苗为30-35?万株/公顷,最高保苗达40万株/公顷。 ????(3)垄上22条精密播种精密播系指在秋耕秋整地、秋施肥、秋起垄、或春季顶浆起垄的基础上,利用精密播种机,种子定量、定位播种方法。一般垄距70厘米,小行距10-12厘米,保苗30-35万株/?公顷。这种播法省种、保墒、保苗;种、肥分层、播深一致;植株分布等距、不用间苗;深施肥、开沟、播种、覆土连续作业,有利于一次播种保全苗。 ????(4)等距穴播选高大繁茂的品种,人工或利用机具,在垄上按相等穴距,穴内定株播种的方法。一般行距60-70厘米,穴距18-?20厘米,每穴3-4株。要秋起垄、秋深松垄底、秋深施肥、或在春季顶浆起垄施肥的基础上,适时播种,加强管理,防止后期脱肥。等距穴播省种、好管、高产。 ????(5)“垄三”栽培法亦称“三垄”栽培模式。所谓“垄三”即在垄作的基础上采用机械化三种新技术:垄体(台、底),垄沟分期间隔深松,垄体内在深松同时分层深施底肥,垄上双条精量点播,同时施用种肥,后期看苗追肥。推广过程中必须和其他栽培技术相互配合。选地平土碎,田间清洁,墒情适宜,上年秋施肥,秋起垄地块,耕松25-30厘米深,因地制宜打破犁底层或白浆土层的深度。按70厘米行距起垄,砻体为8-10厘米左右,镇压后垄面宽38-40厘米。 ?做到上下两层施肥,上层施在种下3-5厘米,施肥量占总量的1/3,下层施在种下12-15厘米,施肥量占总量的2/3,种子要清洁,粒形均匀一致,种子清洁率和发芽率高,垄上双条精量播种行距为10-15厘米,?镇压后的播深为4-5厘米。为保证播深一致,杜绝垄体有夹干土,?可随播后依墒情及时镇压。每公顷施肥量少于120千克时,应相对集中施肥为好。 “垄三”栽培法,使大豆获得高产,具体表现为:第一,有良好的耕层结构。垄体、垄沟深松打破犁底层,解决大豆生育中的土地硬、板结的问题。深松垄体创建了虚实并存的耕层结构,建立了土壤水库。为土壤增温、抗旱、耐涝创造适宜的条件。第二,肥料利用率高,分层深施肥、防止种、肥同位,避免了肥料对种苗的危害。延缓化肥转化速度,延长供肥时间,防止生育后期脱肥减产。第三,垄上精量播种从根本上解决了大豆缺苗断条,疏密不匀的问题,实现了单株管理、群体结构合理,提高了群体的光能利用率,从而增加了产量。 ????3、播种量: 无公害大豆播种量按下列公式每公顷计划保苗株数百粒重(克) 播种量=种子间用价1000100(1-田间损失率)?? ??????? (千克/公顷公式中的田间损失率,依各地生产实际确定,一般为10-15%,?一般来讲60厘米行距,公顷播量为70千克,公顷保苗30-40万株;45-50厘米行距,公顷播量为80千克,公顷保苗35-40万株。 ????4、施种肥????大豆苗期除生长茎叶外,主要是形成大量的根系,并在其上形成根瘤。大豆苗期虽吸收磷肥的数量不多,但由于磷对大豆根系和根瘤的特殊作用,此期施磷是十分必要的,特别是在土壤中缺磷的情况下,更是如此。生产上常于播种时同时施磷肥,每公顷施磷酸二铵?112.5千克。垄作时,种肥深施于种下4-5厘米处,或分层施于种下7?厘米和14厘米处,切忌种、肥同位,以免烧种。 ????5、播种深度????播种深浅对出苗和壮苗有一定影响,为达 出苗早、出苗壮,一般播深应在4-5厘米,不能浅于4厘米。大粒种子比小粒种子要浅播些;疏松的沙丘土,可播深些,粘质土可播浅些;土壤含水量充足的,播深可浅些,水分少时,可适当深些。总之,种子要落在湿土上,播深一致。 ????6、播后镇压????播后镇压,使种子与土壤密切结合,能起保墒作用。土壤水分适宜时,随播镇压,如播后降雨可暂缓镇压。 ????五、田间管理????在大豆的生育期间,必须加强田间管理。田间管理的主要任务是:清除田间杂草、破除地表板结,疏松土壤、追肥、灌水、及时防治病虫害等。 ????(一)查苗补种与间苗????为保证全苗,出苗后要及时检查补种;也可利用田间预播苗补栽,补种补栽要坐水,尽可能地使补种苗与原苗生长一致。 ????播量过大或非精密播种的地块,子叶展平后至第一片复叶展开前,进行人工间苗 按计划密度一次定苗,40-50厘米行距,每100?厘米要求留苗21-24株。定苗同时用小扒锄除掉苗眼苗,结合进行松土培根。在间苗时应注意尽可能拔掉弱苗、病苗和小苗,留下壮苗。 ????(二)深松与中耕除草????中耕其目的在于除掉田间杂草和破除地面板结。其次是培土。大豆苗期地上部生长缓慢,易受草害,为保证植株正常发生发育,防止草荒,必须及时除草。在除草同时破除地面板结,起到防旱保墒、提高地温和增加土壤透气性的作用。 ????1、铲前趟一犁????适用平播和垅作,当大豆拱土时,进行铲前深松或趟一犁。达到灭草、活土、提温放寒的目的。 ????2、趟蒙头土????此法多用于垅作地块,一般当大豆子叶刚出土,大部分子叶尚未展开时进行。用大犁或机引铲趟机进行趟地,要求将松土蒙土垅上2厘米厚(子叶顶瓣时不怕土压),经2-3天豆仍可长出地面,而苗眼草则被盖死。这项作业能较好地起到消灭苗眼草和松土保墒作用。 ????3、苗期深松与中耕除草????除春旱年份外,可在大豆第一夏叶期进行深松,深度为20-25?厘米。第一次中耕在苗高8-12厘米时进行,耕度不少于15厘米,培土不超过子叶痕为宜, 趟成张口垄。第二次中耕在第一次中耕结束后10天左右进行,耕深10-12厘米,培土不超过初生真叶节。 ?第三次中耕在封垄前完成,耕深10厘米,培土不应超过第一复叶节,趟成方头垄。 ????(三)追肥????1、苗期追肥????没施种肥的地块,结合铲头遍时,追尿素75千克/?公顷或硝酸铵112.5千克/公顷。 ????2、叶面追肥????大豆前期长势较差时,在大豆初花期,每公顷用尿素10千克,?加磷酸二氢钾1.54克,溶于500千克水中喷施。 ????(四)主要大豆虫害的防治????大豆食心虫是大豆生产上发生最普遍而严重的虫害。在黑龙江省每年虫食率为10-20%,甚至30-40%,严重影响大豆的产量和产品质量。生产无公害大豆要求采用生物防治的办法来消灭大豆食心虫。 ????1、8月中旬,发现大豆食心虫时,公顷放置赤眼蜂卵长30-?45片。 ????2、利用白僵菌,每亩用菌剂0.5-0.65千克,拌细土6千克,?在幼虫脱荚期(9月上、下旬)撒施地面。 ???(五)施肥及防治病虫草害应坚持的原则: ???无公害大豆生产中施肥必须坚持有机肥为主,以底肥为主,实施测土配方施肥、平衡施肥及施用无公害化肥的原则;无公害大豆生产防治病虫草害应坚持以对病虫害预测预报,预防为主,以生物防治、物理防治及允许有限度地使用有机化学农药为重点的原则。 ???(六)施肥及防治病、虫、草害中应注意的问题: ???生产无公害大豆对化肥、有机肥及农药的使用,要遵照无公害技术的要求: ???1、选用允许使用的肥料(包括化肥和有机肥)种类,允许使用尿素及其它含氮复合肥,禁止使用硝态氮肥。 ???2、选用的肥料品种必须达到无公害农产品生产对肥料规定的标准。 ???3、化肥与有机肥必须配合使用。有机氮与无机氮的比例以?1:1为宜。距收获期一个月之内不允许施肥。 ???4、除秸秆还田外,其他有机肥应做到无害化处理和充分腐熟后施用,以防止对土壤和农产品污染。 ???5、禁止使用一些成分不清楚的较复杂的城镇、医院、工业有害的垃圾作肥料。 ???6、尽可能避免秸秆烧灰还田的做法,提倡秸秆粉碎还田。 ???7、生产无公害大豆所需的有机肥料,原则上就地积造。就地生产,就地使用。对外进有机肥、商品肥料及新型肥料必须确认符合标准后才能使用。 ???8、在十分必要的情况下,可以在限定农药品种用药量,严格执行农药安全使用标准的有效低毒、低残留农药。严禁使用国家已公布禁用的农药。通过选择生产用地和加强对基地管理,避免邻田施用农药带来的污染。 ???(六)灌溉???大豆需水较多,比小麦、高梁、谷子等多0.4-1倍以上。 ?大豆各生育期需水量不同,要分别依据各期情况,采取相应灌溉措施。 ???幼苗期,需水较少,约占总需水量20%左右。 ?此期主要是蹲苗扎根,土壤水分过多,地温低,不利于根系发育和根瘤的形成,因此,此期如不特别干旱不宜灌水。 ???开花结荚期,需水量最多,约占全生育期总需水量的50%?以上。此期是大豆需水临界期,如出现土壤干旱必须进行灌水。 ???鼓粒期,植株已完全转入生殖生长期?,?吸收水量约占全生育期的25%左右。此期水分充足有利于加速体内物质运转,促进鼓粒,?如遇干旱易造成植株早衰,降低粒重。如若此期遇涝,则易贪青晚熟。 ???根据大豆各生育时期对水分要求特点和当时的气象、土壤水分等具体情况,进行必要灌溉和排涝。黑龙江省大豆开花结荚鼓粒期正值雨季,所以生产上除特殊干旱年份外,一般很少进行灌溉。 ???大豆灌水方法,可采用沟灌,特别在垅作情况下,沟灌简便易行。沟灌可逐沟灌水,也可采取隔沟灌水方法,后者对地温影响小,利于大豆生长。但在严重干旱情况下,需水量大,必须采用逐沟灌溉法。灌水后,要及时中耕松土除草,以提高地温,促进大豆生长。 ???喷灌是最理想的灌水方法,既省水又不受地形、地势的限制,特别是在大豆窄行平播情况下,采用喷灌更好。但此法必须具备一定的设备条件。无公害大豆灌溉用水,必须选用清洁的水源,灌溉水的各种指标要符合国家灌溉水标准。 ???六、收获???(一)大豆种子成熟的特征???1、生理成熟期???大豆主茎上的任何一节的豆荚均达成熟颜色,就标志着全株已达到生理成熟。 ???2、农业成熟期???完熟期就是农业成熟期,表现为茎杆变褐,叶及叶柄全部脱落,用手动摇植株,种子在荚内发出响声,种子已经归圆变硬。 ???(二)大豆收获期???由于各地的收获方法不同,具体收获时间不一。收获过早,子粒尚未成熟,脱粒困难,百粒重、脂肪和蛋白质含量低。收获过晚,荚裂籽落,损失大,且影响种子质量。 ???大豆种子表现收缩,叶片大部变黄并开始脱落,茎下部呈黄褐色。此为进入黄热期。茎杆变成褐色,叶柄脱落,种