The greening and economic value of fragrant flowers

Fragrant buds do not contain seeds and are generally propagated by buried roots. Selecting land: Choose sandy loam soil with deep soil layer, low groundwater level, good drainage, no pest and disease source, convenient transportation, and well-cultivated farmland with well irrigation conditions. 2. Site preparation: In areas where the natural conditions are relatively dry, it is necessary to make preparations for the autumn and fall, that is, autumn turning, autumn ploughing, autumn fertilizing, autumn ridging, and autumn irrigation. 100 kg per acre diammonium level spread on the ground, and then use the method of shallow turning deep loosening, fishing, so that the whole level of fine. Then ridging, compaction, and ridge spacing of 66 cm, the water was thoroughly immersed before freezing. 3. Planting: Select 1-2 year old lateral roots with smooth, disease-free infestations, and cut 20-30 cm of lateral roots before cutting in spring (5-7 cm root length and 0.3-1.5 cm in diameter) It is advisable to plan the planting at 50 or 100 centimeters on the ridge. Buried 4-5 cm. The Beijing area is suitable for planting from March 20 to April 10. 4. Seedling management: After uncovering the film, the irrigation is done according to the natural conditions of the nursery. Drip irrigation, furrow irrigation and other methods are used for watering. To ensure timely watering of the seedlings in time, remove water from the ground in time, and wipe the buds in a timely manner during the growth of the seedlings. Ensure that the length of the shoots before the shoots are no longer than 5 cm. 5. Scarrockgrass: It is required that weeds are not seen in the ground and the soil is loose. Grass should be early, small, good. When the soil is loosened, it is necessary to prevent injury to the roots, because the lateral roots of the flowers are very shallow. Generally, it is appropriate to pull large grasses later in the season so as not to injure the seedlings or damage the roots. 6. Pest control: The occurrence of pests and diseases in fragrant flowers is very rare. Attention should be paid to observation, prevention should be the main priority, and good prediction work should be done. Once it occurs, symptomatic prevention and treatment should be implemented so as to cure early, treat small, and treat diseases. 7. Rooting: One way is to move the tree and root around it. Another method is to dig out the tree together with the roots. After leaving 15-20 centimeters of roots, all the rest are cut off with scissors and stored at any time. Trees can still be planted and sold. 8. Roots and seedlings are stored for winter: roots should be stored immediately after excavation, and they should be sold to prevent dryness and dehydration. Choose sandy loam soil with a back wind, darkness, and a soil layer thickness of 1.8-2.0 meters. Drain the well where there is no water accumulation. Beijing generally digs about 50-70 cm deep. Mix the roots with the fine sand. The fine sand should be sieved beforehand to remove the stones. The fine sand should be kept at a certain humidity, but the water content should not be too large. After all the burial, the fine sand with a depth of about 20-30 cm should be added. Keep cold. If there is abnormal cold weather, a layer of straw curtains can be added, and at the same time, it is necessary to prevent heat. The biggest problem in storage is that it cannot produce mildew. 9. Transplanting seedlings: Transplantation of fragrant flowers should be carried out before germination in spring. During cultivation, dig a hole, apply enough base fertilizer, fill the soil after seedlings are well planted, compaction, and irrigate water, and then keep moist. Due to its strong vitality, the survival rate of plants is high, seedlings do not need to carry soil, and the survival rate of plants can reach 95% or more. In order to make the seedlings grow robustly, the seedlings are transplanted from the ground and cut off from the ground to leave a strong shoot from the base. After the flattening, the fragrant bud not only has a high survival rate, but also has a good tree shape and fast growth. Due to the natural growth of the canopy, the canopy opens beautifully and does not need to be trimmed. 10. According to the practice of the Beijing area in the past two years, it is difficult to ensure that the fragrant buds in the drought-affected areas in Beijing are fully planted. This is mainly due to the planting time, methods, and whether they have good water irrigation conditions after planting. This is a fragrant flower seedling preservation plant. The foundation, otherwise, 50% of the seedling maintenance rate can not be guaranteed. Therefore, different local natural conditions are different, and planting methods are gradually exploring practice. 1. Landscaping value is a rare green aroma tree species, which combines greenery, aromatherapy, and landscaping. It has wide adaptability, does not fear the cold, has the same character as waxberry; it is bright and beautiful, charming and moving, there are peony-like riches; it is light and fragrant, it is intoxicating, there are Milan-like elegance. Its luxuriant and verdant foliage, vigorous and natural tree-like, rich and aromatic scent, and lovely and flowery appearance are very charming and lovely. Ornamental trees are the main body of landscaping, and are important material materials for the beautiful environment of gardens. In general, the garden ornamental tree species can be transplanted in 3-5 years, and the crown can only be formed in 5-7 years. The flowering is late and the flowering period is short. The fragrant calyx seedlings were planted with buried roots. The height of growth reached 2.5 meters in the year and 3-4 meters in the second year, forming a canopy of 1.5 meters. And a large number of flowering, the third year into the flowering period. In addition, there are few varieties of garden trees with multi-season safflowers, and fragrant pods flower in multiple seasons to extend the flowering period, which increases the ornamental value of landscaping. Can be widely used in gardens and street greening, but also can be used as a lawn embellishment, garden setting. It can be planted in rows, but it can be planted and planted separately. It is the first choice for fast-growing ornamental trees. 2. Eco-environmental value 1 Greening barren hills to prevent soil erosion. It can be used for afforestation on both sides of rivers and small watersheds. It can also be used for afforestation of barren hills and slopes to achieve the afforestation effect of “100 mu per mu, three years is a slope”. 2 Afforestation and sand fixation to prevent desertification. Using its advantages of drought resistance, cold-resistance, fast-growing, and well-developed roots, it can cooperate with other tree species in large areas of aeolian sand and arid forests, and has a prominent role in preventing wind and sand and improving the ecological environment. 3 Air purification, anti-urban pollution. The fragrant lotus flower has strong absorption of lead vapor and adsorption of dust, and has significant functions for environmental protection and air purification. 4 The main varieties of forest park construction. The construction of forest cities and forest parks reflects the comprehensive strength and civilization of a region. The cultivation of large areas of fragrant pods can change the ecological environment there. It can attract a large number of visitors. With its unique charm, it can become a beautiful view of the Forest Park. 3. The ornamental value of the road and railway is based on the characteristics of the fragrant lotus flower. We believe that the greening of roads and railways is the most suitable tree species. The first is the frequent flowering, long time, and beautiful tree shape, which can play a role in decorating the road and sightseeing. The second is that the scented genus is a tall tree, and at the same time it is a fast-growing flower tree. The beautifying road is no match for any green tree species. The third is the high survival rate of planting. It does not need to be planted repeatedly every year to reduce large investments. At the same time, planting a tree will naturally give birth to a few years later. It can be planted once and benefit from many years. Fourth, the fragrant smell of fragrant flowers, refreshing along the way, to eliminate travel fatigue, promote nerve stimulation. Green leaves set off safflower, mountains, water, forests, fields, roads, bridges, really can be described as "people sitting in the car, the car in the middle of the picture," excellent ornamental value. 4. The economic value of trees (1) Wood is widely used. The fragrant calyx trunk is straight, with tight structure, and the material is relatively hard, flexible, and resistant to water and humidity. It can be used for construction, vehicles, agricultural implements, sleepers, pillars, and furniture. (2) Breeding seedlings supply market. At the end of the year, each fragrant bud can be rooted in 40-60 sections, and some can be out of 80 sections. The value of the root plus the value of selling large seedlings can reach up to 100 yuan per tree. It can be said that it is the tree species with the highest economic value and the fastest effect, and it is also the most viable and best-selling industry. (3) Fragrant mangosteen is an ideal honey source forest due to its long flowering period, large amount of flowers and thick pollen. At the same time with medicinal, food value, but also irreplaceable for other tree species. To sum up: the most ornamental value of the fragrant pods is the gorgeous flowers, which can bloom 200-500 safflowers at the same time. It is very spectacular and beautiful; the most cultivated value is the annual flowering in the two seasons, which can be described as the beauty of spring and summer gardens. "Fragrant flowers bloom differently red"; the most popular is the cold-resistant, drought-resistant, strong adaptability, both north and south. The fragrant flowers are suitable for the greening of railway and road green belts, streets, courtyards, troops, communities, institutions, schools, hotels, units, villages, and parks. Due to its unique ornamental and landscaping value, the fragrant hibiscus has a vast development prospect and is a new species of woody flower that is urgent to be developed. Notes on the introduction of fragrant buds Seedlings identification methods: Currently, there are five kinds of fake and fragrant bud seedlings that are sold in the market: 1. Safflower artichoke replaces fragrant buds. The corolla of Safflower Artichoke and the Fragrant Calyx are butterfly-shaped mauve. Safflower artichokes are cultivated once a year, and the fruit is harvested. The fruit is grafted with Robinia pseudoacacia as the rootstock. Fragrant pods open two flowers a year, do not bear pods and reproduce with roots. Second, aging roots. The perennial roots of fragrant calyx are very low in germination rate due to aging. According to the trial planting in the past two years, the seedlings of fragrant pods that are more than two years old should not be seeded, and should not be sold in the market. In 2001, many perennial roots were sold out in some areas of northeastern China, causing huge losses to customers. Third, fragrant bud grafted seedlings. The grafted seedlings of fragrant lychee twigs and hedgehog seedlings are used as seedlings. These seedlings can be directly used for greening, but they cannot be used for breeding. If the seedlings of the seedlings are used, the seedlings that are propagated will all be seedlings of the locust. 4. Adulterate with acacia or amorpha seedlings. Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings are large and hard, Amorpha fruticosa has no thorns, and fragrant buds have a few small thorns. Fifth, poor quality roots. We must prevent cold, dehydrated, and rotten inferior seedlings from entering the market. Therefore, be very careful when buying, and avoid being fooled. Some are also known as rare and high prices have caused market confusion. Root identification methods: At present, most of the seedlings of A. fragariae are rooted with acacia and purple spike roots. The roots of A. vulgaris are slightly softer than the roots of Robinia pseudoacacia, the skin color is yellow, the nodule is less than that of Robinia pseudoacacia, and the root of A. fruticosa root is smoother than the fragrant calyx. However, the thinner roots are hard to distinguish. The development prospects of fragrant calyx are extremely broad. The potential of the nursery stock market is huge. Pure and high-quality seedlings will be in short supply during the long period of time. It is particularly important to purify the fragrant calyx seedlings market. Therefore, when introducing, we should choose professional companies or research institutions with high purity of seedlings and high reputation, and introduce pure breeds. Signing the contract for supply and marketing, the purity of seedlings or seedlings should reach 100%, and the moderate and reasonable price of seedlings should be selected so as to ensure the economic benefits of the introducer and promote the rapid and healthy development of the fragrant bud industry.