Identification and Control of Three Tomato Diseases

Bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, and Root-knot nematode disease are three common diseases of greenhouse tomato. These three diseases can cause the wilting of tomato plants, which is difficult to differentiate from the surface symptoms alone. Here are the differences and prevention methods of these three diseases.

I. Bacterial wilt

In appearance, the most important feature of tomato bacterial wilt is the wilting of plants. In the case of tomato with wilting symptoms, if the stem base is cut open, it can be clearly seen that the vascular bundle has become brown in color. It is precisely because these vascular bundles have been damaged, so that nutrients and water can not be transported upwards normally, will cause tomato wilt symptoms. If tomatoes are not treated in time after bacterial wilt infection, they will die after repeated wilting several times. To control tomato bacterial wilt, a better method is to use the agent to irrigate the roots, such as using DT plus neemectin or agricultural streptomycin plus rooting agent. In the case of rooting with a drug, the above-mentioned agent can be used for protective spraying on tomatoes that are not affected. Tomato plants that have died of the disease cannot be disposed in the shed. They should be buried deep outside the shed, and the soil should be sterilized. Bacterial wilt can be transmitted through running water. Flooding and flooding can quickly spread and spread bacterial wilt. Therefore, greenhouses with symptoms of dead trees must not be flooded. At the same time, proper spraying of some plant growth regulators or foliar fertilizers can effectively promote the recovery of tomato plants, such as Fengshui No.1, Yunda 120, and Duoxin. Pay attention to the application of nitrogen less fertilizer, apply more organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, in order to enhance the disease resistance of plants.

Second, wilt

The disease began to show symptoms after colonization. At the early stage of disease, the leaves that are generally closer to the ground are yellowed and finally browned and dead. The dead leaves mostly remain on the stem without falling off; some of the leaves on one side of the stem are yellow, and the other leaves are normal in color. When the disease is severe, the diseased leaves expand upward from the bottom, and only the top leaves are left behind. The rest are dead. The incidence of light, only leaves close to the ground outside the yellow leaves, the rest are normal, flowering, no difference between the results and healthy plants. Roots of the diseased plants showed brown rot or local necrosis, and the vascular bundles were observed to be yellow-brown at the base of the stems. The main symptom of this disease is different from the bacterial wilt disease. The leaves of the plant are yellow after the disease is caused. When the disease is wet, the pink moldy material is often produced at the stem base. Control methods: 3-4 years of rotation with onion and garlic vegetables; selection of disease-free seeds, or soaking in warm water at 52°C for 30 minutes before seeding, or dressing with 50% carbendazim 250-fold; seedling-free seedlings Strengthen management, increase ventilation and reduce soil temperature after the result; use 50% carbendazim 1000 times to irrigate the roots at the beginning of the disease, fill 200 ml per plant, irrigate once every 7-10 days, 2-3 times .

Third, root knot nematode disease

It mainly occurs on the fibrous roots and lateral roots of tomato, and the small roots of nematocysts are hidden in the root knots. The new roots produced on the root knots are re-infected and form root-knot neoplasms. The severely diseased plants are short and stunted. Even premature death withered. Control methods: In the period of tomato growth, strengthening field management and rationally applying fertilizer and water can enhance the resistance of tomato plants. When the root-knot nematode occurs, the sick body should be thoroughly treated and burned or buried deeply. In the sowing or planting, the point Shi Jian Bao fertilizer, Avi organic fertilizer, etc., can control the root knot nematode damage. In the middle period of growing vegetables, it is better to use avermectin plus Fengshou No. 1, Jianzhibao fertilizer, Avi organic fertilizer, etc.


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