Eat like this so that men green evergreen!

Reasonable diet helps men's health and longevity

Did you know that reasonable eating habits and a healthy diet can help you regulate your body, make you less pharmacist, get less sick, and improve your immunity. Here we look at what men should eat more food in order to health and longevity.

1, eat more kiwi - keep the lungs clean

It is that kind of small, hairy fruit. Taking 120 mg of vitamin C per day or eating a kiwifruit can reduce the damage caused by air pollution to the lungs by half. The risk can be reduced by 36%.

2, eat more nuts - far from lung cancer

We are referring to their nuts rather than their hair. Nuts are rich in elemental selenium, which is the killer of cancer. How much to eat to have a superhuman lung? It only takes three pills a day. It can reduce the risk by 48%.

3, drink red wine - to prevent prostate cancer

Drinking four glasses to eight glasses of red wine a week can reduce the chance of prostate cancer by half. The epidermis of red grapes is rich in resveratrol, which can inhibit the development of cancer cells. It can reduce the risk by 50%.

4, eat more vegetables - protect the liver

Your liver is happy to eat more avocados and asparagus. They are rich in glutathione, an amino acid necessary for liver metabolism of toxins and chemicals. It is the main antioxidant in the body and also promotes liver regeneration. Essential to a substance. The risk can be reduced by 36%.

5, eat more steak - intercept heart disease

Eat more sirloin beef steak made from loin meat: Beef is rich in selenium and vitamin B. The former can resist pressure, and the latter can remove homocysteine ​​in the blood, which is the culprit of damaging the inner wall of arteries. 50% of the fat in steak is a single-stranded unsaturated fatty acid that is good for the heart. So, you might as well eat it. It can reduce the risk by 29%.

6, eat bean sprouts - anti-cancer

According to studies in the United States, bean sprouts have a very magical effect against cancer, because it contains a lot of plant glucosinolates, which can prevent smoke and other pollutants in the air from causing lung cancer. You can add bean sprouts to the salad or eat it directly with the sandwich. It can reduce the risk by 24%.

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