Pleurotus ostreatus

Pleurotus ostreatus bacterial chloasma is commonly known as chanterelle mushroom disease in the production. The disease has generally occurred in the production of Pleurotus ostreatus in Beijing in recent years, and has been increasing year by year. The disease has a fast onset and spread rapidly.

Source of calcium feed

Calcium source feed is very cheap, but it cannot be used in excess, otherwise it will affect the balance of calcium and phosphorus, which will affect the digestion, absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Pre-mixes of trace elements often use stone powder or shell powder as a diluent

What should we pay attention to when pigs sneeze?

Sneezing is a defensive reflex reflex caused by a certain stimulus in the nasal mucosa or nasopharynx of the pig. The physiological significance of sneezing reflex is to remove foreign matter or excessive secretions in the upper respiratory tract, clean and protect the respiratory tract. The stimu

Pig cost analysis: a pig profit of 22%

In recent years, more and more large-scale enterprise groups have joined the swine road and become a unique landscape. In the past few years, Goldman Sachs, Netease, and Thailand's Chia Tai Group raised pigs. This year, another real estate company, Merrill Lynch, investment institution