Carp feeding method

The eel is widely distributed. It grows in the ocean, grows in rivers, and is delicate in quality. It contains a lot of vitamin A, has a high content of fats and proteins, and even has more nutrients than chicken. It is an economical fish and can be fed artificially.

The seedlings are white and transparent, known as White Tsai, 50-60 mm in length and 0.1-0.2 g in body weight. After the seedlings are trapped, they are sprayed with water and transported. The current use of white Tsai, body length 50-60 mm, weight 0.1-0.2 grams. After the seedlings are harvested, they are sprayed and transported with a seedling box. At present, the white larvae are cultivated into quail species, and most of them are cultivated in greenhouse water or filtered through warm water circulation. The use of water in the power plant to raise the temperature can produce higher economic value. Recently, there is also water shower cultivation.

The breeding of adult clams is a process in which the clams are reared for about 1-2 years, and the individual grows to 100-150 g of merchandise specifications under scientific feed ratios and meticulous care. The use of hot springs or warm water circulating in the power plant can make the carp mature in advance.

In the fish pond in the rearing stage, the wall is best made of cement. The water depth is 1-1.5 meters, and the surface of the water is more than 30 cm away from the pool. The fish pond requires drainage and water injection. There are anti-escape equipment at the inlet and outlet. Before stocking, the fish ponds should be cleaned and disinfected.

Stocking capacity: Generally, 2000-3000 tails of 5-20 grams of body weight per acre are stocked, and can be used with a small amount of cockroach and sturgeon. After stocking, when the water temperature reaches around 15°C, you should feed it. The bait can be divided into live bait and bait. Live food is generally fish, oyster meat and so on. When using fresh fish, raw fish can be cooked to a half-cooked state with boiled water, and then tied with a silk or string, or placed in a wire cage. With oysters and oysters, they need to be chopped and fed. If you use bait, you should use animal bait as the main ingredient, usually fishmeal (also can use snails, clams, quails, etc.) or cockles, etc. The feed is not sinking. Accessories are bean cake powder, minerals, vitamins, blood meal, yeast and so on. In order to prevent this kind of food from disappearing quickly in the water, potato flour, sweet potato flour, etc. may be used to boil a paste, and the fish meal may be mixed in and bonded into bait.

In addition to using iron cages, the food table where drinks are placed can use the same food table as squid and squid. The location can be set in the lower layer of the water, it can also be fixed on the surface of the water, so that they can directly observe their feeding conditions and understand their growth. Above the table there should also be shading equipment. Feeding time is 8-9 am and 4-5 pm every day. During the breeding process, attention should be paid to the water condition, and new water is often added to the pool. In the event of a storm, the patrol pond should be strengthened to prevent the squid from fleeing with the pool water.

Squid fishing: It can be divided into several times, and it will be harvested in succession. More use of squid fishing is concentrated at this time, with the use of dip nets or pull nets from the outside surrounded the food table, and from the bottom of the table surrounded by fishing. In addition, fishing can also be done directly in the fish pond with a pull net.


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