Winter raising orchids "four wants"

In order to conserve and manage orchids in winter, different management measures must be taken according to the different varieties and characteristics of orchids.

One needs to enter the room insulation into the winter, the outdoor orchids must be moved into the indoor sunlight can reach the place where the sunlight can live, people living in the building, the orchid pots placed in the sunny balcony closed. For wintering orchids, room temperature should be controlled between 5-15°C. If the room temperature is too low, it will not achieve the effect of keeping warm and keeping warm. Too high, the growth of flower stems is slow, and the development of flower buds is poor. It is easy for the buds that have formed to shrink and die. Since Chunlan is more cold-resistant, it needs 3-4 weeks of low temperature of about 0°C to complete the role of hibernation and vernalization, and Chunlan can bloom. Therefore, it is most suitable to control the room temperature of Chunlan at 3-8°C over the winter.

Second, to control fertilizer, orchids generally do not need fertilization in the hibernation period. However, during the growth period of Chunlan, a small amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers can be sprayed on the leaves, which can be sprayed with 2,000-fold 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or compound trace elements. In addition, in the interior, orchids can give more light, if lack of light, can be used to supplement the light, if the orchids in the winter, if there is sufficient light, to facilitate the growth of the following year strong and flowering Yan, but also can improve the cold winter when the orchid ability.

Third, we need to control watering. “Summer and Autumn are not dry, and winter and spring are not wettable.” This is a summary of previous experience in raising orchids. Orchids are mostly dormant during the winter, and their physiological activities are almost stopped. At this time, less water is needed, and the basin soil is slightly moist to allow safe wintering. If the basin soil is very dry, before and after noon in sunny and warm weather, use water sprayed at similar temperature to the room temperature to make the basin soil moist and not wet, so as to prevent the basin soil from becoming too wet. Bad eyes.

Fourth, it is necessary to ventilate and ventilate orchids in time, but it also needs air circulation and fears the pollution of smoke, dust and muddy air. In winter, people in the northern area have more stoves to heat indoors, and there are more smoke and dusty gases in the room. At this time, the pots should be kept away from the stove. At the same time, before and after noon on sunny days, open the doors and windows for ventilation, or you can see the sun from the blue side to the sunny side of the outdoor shelter and make the blue plants breathe fresh air.

Potted wild orchids, with the passage of time, its rich scent will become light year after year. If the artificial adaptation, try to meet the orchid adapt to environmental conditions, it can maintain its original fragrance.

First, the rational selection of pots and potted soil wild orchids long-term content of humus generally accounted for more than 80%. However, the content of humus in potted earth orchids grown in general is only about 40%, which is unfavorable for strong plants, pregnant buds and flowering of orchids. Therefore, when selecting and producing potted soil, domesticated orchids should use 3 servings of dried fruit dregs, 3 copies of dry cow dung, 2 pieces of chicken and duck dung, 2 pieces of sandy garden soil, and mix and pile up. This kind of culture soil organic humus content is generally more than 80%, fertile loose, ventilated water moisturizing, suitable for orchid growth, is conducive to buds, flowering and keep the aroma of orchids.

2. Increasing phosphorus and potassium fertilizers Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are important elements for the long roots, health, and pregnancy buds of aromatic orchids. Therefore, in the growing period of orchids, it is necessary to pay attention to using cooked bean cake water and sauce water to pour once every half month. In winter and spring seasons, often give orchids some plant ash, spray 1-2 times a month in spring, summer and autumn. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate makes the blue plant grow robustly, leaves thick green hypertrophy, strong stress resistance, accumulation of nutrients, good manufacturing of aromatic honey, and has a significant effect on restoring and maintaining the aroma of orchids.

Third, avoid basin soil too dry and wet orchids in the winter, although a lot of water should be reduced, but if the basin soil is too dry, it will easily cause the pseudobulb stems of orchids, other tissues will affect the metabolism due to excessive water loss, resulting in poor plant growth, resulting in leaves Withered or even died. If the basin soil is too wet, its ventilation is poor, it will easily lead to rot and poor growth of the plant, and the flower that is opened will lose its fragrance.

Fourth, to increase the temperature of winter and spring flowers of Cymbidium, Muram and Chunlan, in order to maintain the potted orchid robust growth, safe winter, in the cold season, to close the doors and windows, keep the indoor temperature at around 10 °C during the day, night at least not less than 5 °C to meet the temperature needed for its fragrance.

Machine Dried Kelp

Rongcheng Jingyi Oceanic Technology Company Limited ,