Winter pesticides save eight attention

In winter, many rural households have surplus pesticides. If they are not well preserved, they will deteriorate or cause misuse in the coming year. Therefore, winter pesticides should be best preserved.

First, where pesticides are stored, the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius, and more attention should be paid to keeping away from the fire so as to prevent the efficient decomposition of chemicals. Avoid freezing at low temperatures and keep the temperature above 1°C. A common method of frost protection is to cover the firewood with straw, clam shell or unused quilts.

Second, pesticides with strong functions should be sealed to avoid evaporation, reduce efficacy, pollute the environment, and endanger human health. For small amounts of pesticides that have expired or remain unrestrained, they must not be thrown in the fields, or pour into ponds, streams, or rivers. Or wells. It can not be used after increasing the concentration, but it should be treated with deep burying to avoid polluting the environment.

Third, pesticides should be stored in one place and marked. If the bottled pesticide breaks, it must be replaced with a label to prevent misuse.

Fourth, powder pesticides should be placed in a dry place to prevent dampness from caking and failure.

5. Pesticides should not be stored in the same room as feeds for grain, oil, beans, seeds, vegetables, foods, and animals. Special attention should be paid to places where children can be exposed.

Six, classified storage. According to chemical composition, pesticides can be divided into three categories: acidic, alkaline, and neutral. These three kinds of pesticides should be stored separately, not too close to prevent the deterioration of pesticides, and can not be stored together with alkaline substances, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium nitrate and so on.

7. Do not store pesticides together with inflammable and explosive materials, such as fumigant and gasoline, to prevent fire.

Eight, to prevent the sun. Pesticides in brown bottles are generally protected from light. Pesticides that need to be kept away from light, if exposed to light for a long time, can cause degradation and failure of pesticides. For example, after the emulsion pesticide has sun exposure, the emulsification performance deteriorates and the efficacy decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid sunlight during storage.

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