The Causes of the Production of Black Fungus Ears and Comprehensive Control Measures

The "eared ear" of black edible fungus, also known as "seared ears of water," is a physiological disorder in which cells are broken by water filling. Fungus ear disease is a kind of pest that is very easy to infect during the cultivation of fungus bags. Once infected with this disease, fungus will reduce production, but the harvest will be severely affected, which will seriously affect the economic benefits of mushroom farmers. Therefore, the prevention and control of ear infections, mushroom farmers should pay close attention to.

From a phenomenological point of view, when ear infections occur in edible fungus, the ear of the affected ear is pale yellow to brown, the surface is sticky, there is a stench of stench, and later the whole ear of fungus is rotted. Judging from the cause of the disease, the ear is the result of a combination of nematodes, bacteria, and protozoa, of which the nematode is the main cause of the ear. On the one hand, the nematode pierces the juice in the cell wall of the fungus through its muzzle-like needle; on the other hand, the nematode can directly harm the fungus through its own metabolic excretion of toxins.


Black fungus in the near maturity, continue to produce spores, consumption of nutrients inside the fruiting body, so that the fruiting body tends to aging, this time encounter excessive humidity is very easy to fester. In the environment where the temperature is high, especially the humidity is relatively high, and the light and ventilation conditions are relatively poor, the fruiting bodies often fester. Destruction of bacteria and pests is also responsible for the loss of ear swelling.

1, high temperature and humidity: fungus is a high-temperature edible fungus, 22-34 degrees Celsius can be normal growth, fruiting body development and growth stages require dry humidity of 85% -95%. High temperature and high humidity is an important feature of the development and growth stages of the fruit body of A. mutabilis, and it is also an important cause of the rapid propagation of nematodes. The newly hatched larvae climbed out of the egg shells and began to wriggle for a moment. When the adult was feeding, the head quickly and vigorously stirred, causing the ear pieces to fragment, and then sucking and swallowing. Since nematodes prefer to feed for food, in the event of nematode endangerment, if it fails to take timely measures, it will inevitably lead to flow.

2. Poor sanitation: poor permeability of clay soil, water and sewage cannot be quickly eliminated, or loose soil, rich humus content, and old earmuffs that have been cultivated for years without thorough sterilization, due to poor environmental hygiene, nematodes, and cords Bacteria and protozoa are very easy to grow and reproduce, and they can easily cause flow of ears.

3. The source of water is not hygienic: A large amount of water is needed for the development and growth stages of the fruit body of Auricularia auricula, and the water is closely related to the life of the nematode. The nematode can live freely in the water and transfer it from the water source, soil or other places to the culture of auricularia with the help of the flow of water. In the material or on the ear. If we encounter further rain and rain and there is too much water in the shed, the longer the time is, the more severe it will be.

4. Improper water management: In the formation period of fungus primordium, the water spray is too dry, the fungus primordium is not sealed, and the water spray enters or infiltrates into the excision, causing infection. During the differentiation of fungus primordia, the newly formed primordium of the fruiting body is in the form of spores, and the spores break down due to excessive water absorption and cause infection. The hyphae in the excised area ceased to grow and threw away, and the original fruit body formed lost the supply of nutrients and stopped growing, resulting in infection-induced flow of ears.

5, poor ventilation: due to inappropriate site or poor management of the ear canopy, resulting in poor ventilation within the ear shelter. On the one hand, the lack of oxygen required for the production of fungus inhibits the normal growth of fungus; on the other hand, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other harmful gases accumulate, the viability of the fungus mycelium declines, and the fruit body grows slowly or ceases to grow as a nematode, The growth and reproduction of bacteria and protozoa provide favorable conditions for the generation of flowable ears.

Under normal circumstances, the above factors do not occur alone, resulting in flow of ears, but two or more factors occur at the same time, such as high temperature and humidity and poor ventilation, improper water management, and unsanitary water sources, and poor sanitation At times, the above factors may also occur at the same time, which intensifies the harm level of the ears and brings extremely unfavorable influence on the production of fungus.

Fungi of ear fungus

1. When the temperature is high, cool down in time: Close the ears, windows and doors in the daytime, hang the wet curtain on the window, spray water to cool, open the doors and windows at night to cool and cool, and keep the temperature as low as 30 degrees Celsius. Under such temperature conditions, not only ear fungus out of ear, ears out, good opening, color is positive, but also the growth and reproduction of nematodes is inhibited. If the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius, the breeding of nematodes will accelerate, and prone to flow.

2. There should be a certain degree of slope in the ear shelter site, and sandy soil is better for the surface soil to facilitate seepage.

3. The source of water is clean and sanitary, and the cleanest deep well water is the best source of water.

4. Careful management: The requirements for temperature, humidity and ventilation are different in different stages of growth of fungus. During the formation of the fungus primordium, the relative humidity was maintained at about 80%, and moderate ventilation. During the formation of primordial differentiation, coral ear buds are quite young, and the relative humidity should not be too large at this time, and it can be maintained at 80%-90%. In the fruit body growth stage, in order to promote the rapid growth of the ear, we must adhere to the principle of dry and wet (three dry and seven wet), increase ventilation, and control the relative humidity at 90%-95%. When the fruiting body ears are fully expanded, the edges are thinned, the roots of the ears are shrunk, and harvesting begins when the eight points mature.

5. When a small amount of earing occurs, first remove the ear, then spray the fungus with 1%-2% saline solution, and spray the ground with 5% lime water to control the further spread of nematodes, bacteria and protozoa, then use Aluminum phosphide was sealed and fumigated for 24 hours.

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