Mung bean porridge can detoxify regulation annoyance

Mung Bean, also known as Green Bean, is a mature seed of Leguminosae Bean, a leguminous herb that has been planted throughout China. Because of its rich nutrition, it can be used for mung bean porridge, mung bean rice, or for cake, or sprouting for cooking, is the traditional legume food of our people, so it has the reputation of "food in the high-quality goods, the food of the world". In the hot summer, mung bean soup is the most popular summer drink for ordinary people.

Medicinal value of mung bean

"Kai Bao Materia Medica" records: "Mung bean, sweet, cold, non-toxic into the heart, stomach. The main erysipelas annoying fever, rubella, hot ranch dolphins, raw research Jiaozhi clothing, also cooking, swelling, under the gas pressure, detoxification "Mung bean is also food and medicine, used to clear heat, detoxify, relieve summer heat, improve water, treat heat, thirst, edema, diarrhea, erysipelas, bloated, antipyretic drug toxicity.

Mung bean contains protein, fat, dietary fiber, carotene, retinol and vitamin E and other components, but also contains trace elements such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, phosphorus, selenium. Mungbean protein content is almost 3 times that of glutinous rice, multi-vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. are more than glutinous rice. Therefore, it not only has good food value, but also has very good medicinal value. The protein contained in mung bean is mostly globulins, and its amino acid composition is rich in lysine, while methionine, tryptophan and tyrosine are less. Mungbean fat is mostly unsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidic acid. Mungbean starch contains more pentosan, galactan, dextrin, and hemicellulose. Although green beans contain no vitamin C, they are rich in ascorbic acid after germination. Modern pharmacology studies suggest that this product has antibacterial, lipid-lowering, detoxification and anti-tumor effects. For bloated, hot thirst, enthusiasm, phlegm, pox, venom, rash, dermatitis and other skin diseases also have a certain effect. The heat of mung bean is in the skin and the power of detoxification is included.

According to mung bean nature is cold, with heat and detoxification effect, often exposed to lead, arsenic, cadmium, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other harmful substances in the daily diet to eat mung bean soup, mung bean porridge can achieve the purpose of heat and poison.

How to eat green beans

1. Mung bean rice porridge mung bean 100 grams, 100 grams of rice, add water porridge food, suitable for heat stroke and sore, bloated patients with adjuvant therapy. Efficacy: heat and toxic, prevent heat stroke.

2. Mung bean tea drink 30 grams of green beans, 9 grams of tea. Sugar amount. Mung beans first net Amoy, the tea wrapped with gauze, and mung beans with water decoction, such as when the green beans cooked tea to add sugar dissolve hot clothes. Drink once or more. Suitable for colds, throat fever, poor urination, etc. Efficacy: Heat Jieshu Liyan.

3. Mung bean eggs, drink one egg, mung bean 100 grams, the eggs in a bowl into a paste, green beans into the casserole cold water soak about 10 to 15 minutes and then boiled, after boiling about 3 to 5 minutes can not cook for a long time At this time, the mung bean is not yet cooked, and the boiled green bean water is poured into the egg paste for drinking. Every morning and evening. Suitable for patients with recurring oral ulcers, usually 2 to 3 days Jiyu. Efficacy: heat detoxification myogenic.

4. Mung bean red dates soup mung bean 300 grams, l00 grams of red dates, crystal sugar amount. Mung beans, red dates to miscellaneous and washed, into the pot, add water, amount, first use Wuhuo to boil, then switch to slow fire until jujube Shulan, add crystal sugar, seasoning food. Applicable to Fanre, Diabetes, palpitations, insomnia, loss of appetite, heatstroke, urination, short urine embolism. Efficacy: Heat ridiculed, Yang Xin soothe the nerves.

5. Mung bean pumpkin soup 50 grams of green beans, 500 grams of old pumpkin, salt amount. First peel and squash pumpkin, wash and cut; mung beans to miscellaneous clean, into the pot, add appropriate amount of water boiled until the mung bean blossom, and then put into the pumpkin block until the mung bean short, add a little salt seasoning food. This side is suitable for summer and summer heat, upset urine, fatigue, fatigue, etc. Efficacy: Heat diuretic diuretic.

Note: mung bean cold, spleen and stomach Deficiency, kidney deficiency people should not eat more, or need to be reasonable with other foods can be taken as a meal often. Because mung bean has the effect of detoxification, people who are eating Chinese medicine should not drink mung bean soup.

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