Eating sweet potatoes can cause four hazards

Sweet potatoes, also known as sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, red clams, etc., are annual plants of Convolvulaceae, containing dietary fiber, carotene, vitamins A, B, C, E and potassium, iron, copper, selenium, calcium, etc. With high value, it is the champion of the “Top Ten Best Vegetables” selected by the World Health Organization. However, it should be noted that sweet potatoes also have a good taste when eaten.

● Sweet potatoes must be steamed, cooked, and eaten because the starch granules in sweet potatoes are not destroyed by high temperatures and are difficult to digest.

● Sweet potato contains an oxidase enzyme that easily produces a large amount of carbon dioxide gas in the human gastrointestinal tract. For example, if sweet potatoes eat too much, they will make people bloated, hiccup, and fart. Sweet potatoes have high sugar content. Eating too much can stimulate the secretion of large amounts of gastric acid, making people feel "heartburn." The stomach is constricted by the stimulation of excessive gastric acid, and the stomach acid can be refluxed into the esophagus and pomace water occurs.

When eating sweet potatoes, it is best to use a little pickle, which can effectively inhibit stomach acid.

● In addition, the sweet potato has more sugar and the body cannot absorb it for a while. The rest of the sweet potato stays in the intestine and is easily fermented, making the abdomen uncomfortable. Chinese medicine believes that wet resistance of the spleen and stomach, qi stagnation should be careful to eat sweet potatoes.

● The deficiency of sweet potatoes is the lack of protein and fat, but today people are living more affluent and sweet potatoes are no longer used as a staple food. The nutrients it lacks can be completely supplemented by other meals.

Special tips: sweet potato bogey eaten with persimmons

According to Gao, an expert from the China Nutrition Association, sweet potatoes and persimmons should not be eaten at the same time in a short period of time. If there is more food, they should be separated by at least five hours. If consumed at the same time, sweet potato sugar in the stomach fermentation, will increase the secretion of gastric acid, and persimmon tannin, pectin reaction precipitated aggregation, resulting in a hard mass, the amount of more serious when the stomach may cause bleeding or gastric ulcers. If you feel uncomfortable in the stomach, be sure to go to the hospital for gastroscopy to see if there is a stomach or stomach ulcer.

When food tastes very good, you might think it contains too much sugar and fat to stay healthy. But shiitake mushrooms are different. This large succulent mushroom is a delicate food with good nutritional content and many scientifically proven medicinal values. The delicate flavor of shiitake mushrooms adds flavor to almost any dish. In addition, essential amino acids are present in similar proportions to the "ideal protein" of human nutrition. Shiitake is rich in amino acids leucine and lysine, and lacks many grains. It is also a good source of B vitamins. Over the past two decades, scientists have isolated substances from shiitake mushrooms that may play a role in treating and preventing heart disease and cancer.

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