Three methods to improve the breeding rate of breeding geese

Strengthen feeding and management breeding geese should be based on grazing, let it eat and drink enough, full exercise, in order to maintain a good body condition, goose during the peak period of production and breeding male geese frequent breeding period must add fishmeal, bean cake, Bone meal and other high protein or mineral feeds, and appropriate extension of the light time (up to 11 pm).

Elimination of sexual partners in the breeding season will separate male and female goose. For the male goose has both long-term obedience to the mother goose phenomenon, but also to the strange goslings are indifferent situation, to promote households to raise the goose in order to avoid breeding geese, and pay attention to create a male and female goose artistic conception. In other words, during the day, the male and female geese grazing and swimming together, and they are kept in separate compartments at night to allow them to be caged in the same room. Although they are familiar with each other and can hear each other, they cannot touch one another and cause sexual isolation between male and female geese. , sexual hunger, is conducive to mating the next day. According to experiments, this practice can increase the mating rate by more than 50%.

Artificially assisted mating In order to overcome the failure of mating due to the disparity between male and female goose body sizes and awkward actions, as well as the need to artificially increase male geese sexual desire, the introduction of artificial assisted mating is a measure to do more with less. The specific method is: on the water or on the ground, to catch the legs or wings of the mother goose, gently shake the body to attract male geese sexual desire, when the goose embarked on the back of the mother goose, one hand to hold the mother goose, the other hand The female geese tail feathers lift up to let it pass, other male geese will actively climb across the breeding. Every 5 to 6 days, you can receive a good mating effect.

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