Cultivation of Golden Jujube Persimmon

First, the characteristics of characteristics Golden date persimmon also known as string persimmon, persimmon date, the fruit is golden yellow when ripe, shape resembles dates, hence the name golden date persimmon. Golden date persimmon seedless, dry and sweet after the sweet and tender, sweet taste. The tree height is 7-10 meters, the sapling grows vigorously, especially the top 3-4 buds have strong germination ability, and the new shoots can be taken 2-3 times in one year. As the age increases, the growing tendency gradually slows down. Only 1 branch per year; well-developed root system, deep main root distribution, wide distribution of lateral roots, multiple fine roots, and long root hair; therefore, Jinzao persimmon is resistant to drought and is poor; its flowering is later than other persimmon varieties, and its flowering period is as long as 10-15. Days, the flower bud differentiation began 1 month after flowering, the fruit after flowering increased rapidly, the fruit was green at first, and golden yellow when mature. 2 months after flowering is the fruit's swelling period, the fruit coloring to mature in October, then there is a clear increase. Golden dates persimmons are warm and can be planted in regions with an average annual temperature of 11-20 °C. Second, cultivation techniques 1. Planting. Jinzao persimmon can be planted in the deeper soil in the field. Because of its warm temperature and humidity, the garden should be selected for gentle slopes with ample sunshine. The planting density is generally 6-8 meters apart and the plant spacing is 4-5 meters. After the base fertilizer planted. 2. Prune trim. The sparse layer shaping of the trunk is generally used. Because the golden date persimmon branches are soft and the result volume is large, the peripheral branches are prone to sagging afterwards. The sparse layer shape of the trunk is used, and the dry height is generally 1-1.5 meters, and the mountain can be appropriately lower. The intensively managed orchards can be naturally shaped or naturally rounded to facilitate early harvesting. The pruning of Jinzao persimmon is mainly based on winter pruning. Generally, it is strong and weak, and attention should be paid to the cultivation and renewal of the result sticks, to ensure a certain proportion of branches and vegetative branches, and to prevent the phenomena of size and year. Young trees should be sparsely cut to increase the number of branches, and branches that are strong in growth can be promoted by picking the heart to form secondary branches. 3. Fertilizer management. In order to improve the quality of persimmon fruit, fertilizers should be dominated by organic fertilizers, combined with chemical fertilizers. Schiff base is generally applied in October and early May to protect fruits and fertilizers, and fertilization promotes fruit enlargement from August to September. Due to the slow growth of Jinzhi persimmon saplings, sapling persimmon trees can be interplanted with leguminous crops.