Flammulina velutipes factory cultivation technology

Flammulina velutipes as a kind of edible mushroom and medicinal strain with high economic value, its economic value determines it has a broader market prospect. The main points of industrial production management of Flammulina velutipes are as follows: The production technology of industrialized m

The difference between bitter almonds and sweet almonds

The difference between bitter almonds and sweet almonds Difference in shape The bitter almonds are small and thick, the fruit is carefully shaped, about 1 cm in diameter; the sweet almonds are large and flat, flat oval, round at one end and pointed at the other, slightly larger in shape than bit

What kind of snow and solar terms diet recipes

The snow season is coming soon. Every solar economy has different health and diet methods. What does the snow life save? Xiao Bian recommends several small snow and healthy recipes. Let's take a look. Healthy recipes for solar health: Cabbage tofu soup In autumn and winter, the temperature i

Raising rabbit's attention points

First, feed off. When feeding, care should be taken not to feed rotten and spoiled feed; not to feed silage and manure; not to feed green succulent feed with dew; not to feed pesticides or green fodder that has not been used for efficacy; Beans feed; do not feed feed that can cause intestinal dila

How to make pheasants breed in the anti-season

The reproduction of pheasants usually starts from April to May each year and stops until September. Since the pheasant's growth to market time takes 4 to 5 months, its time to market is concentrated from September to January. According to China's climatic characteristics and traditional cu

Breeding program

In the breeding process of breeding pigs, generally go through four stages: 1. Weaning (21 days old) selection: The first selection (primary) can be performed when the piglet is weaned. The standard for picking is: the piglet must be from a sow with a high litter size, conform to the appearance s

Sow production technology

Prepare for the delivery of production: Calculate the expected date of delivery based on 114 days of pregnancy, carefully observe the signs of labor, clean and disinfect the dry delivery room thoroughly, pave clean mats, prepare all the necessary items, and have good functions. Delivery and Midwi

Can gout be jealous of black beans?

Can gout be jealous of black beans? Can gout be vinegar soaked in black beans? Vinegar soaked black beans have beauty, weight loss, kidney, eyesight, UFA function, effectively improve constipation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, backache leg pain, diabetes, prostate disease, white hair, c

Ice cream Tremella lotus soup

In a hot summer day, it is very comfortable to drink a bowl of rock white fungus lotus seed soup, and the white fungus lotus soup can achieve beauty and beauty effect. Children's shoes that are accustomed to staying up late can also be very comfortable with this soup. It is also good for the b

The characteristics of Simmental cattle?

The weight of adult cattle of Simmental cattle: Adult bulls are approximately 900--1200 kg in weight and 800-1,000 kg in cows. Meat features: large size, fast growth, muscle, and less fat: Simmental cattle can be as tall as 150-160 cm and cows 135-142 cm. Typical meat performance: The average da