What are the three dates of red dates?

What are the effects of jujube? I believe many female friends are not particularly clear. Let us take a look. Three date health regimens help you to maintain your body Jujube is sweet and sweet, contains protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and rich in vitamins. It also cont

Precautions for raising chickens in plastic greenhouses

In recent years, there are more and more farmers raising chickens in plastic greenhouses. However, chickens in plastic greenhouses are prone to disasters in the winter, resulting in losses. In view of the occurrence of chickens in plastic greenhouses in recent years, plastic greenhouses have poor

Fruit trees to achieve fruit

At the moment, the flowering period of the fruit trees has passed. In the young fruit period, some fruit growers do not know what to do with the fruit trees in their orchards. The understanding is still not clear enough. At present, the fruit growers must carry out fruit thinning on their own frui

Rape science management

Suitable time seedlings. The seedlings are important measures to control the density and ensure the seedlings are evenly seedlings. Generally during the three-leaf period seedlings, the principle of the seedlings is between the large and weak, between the inter-individual disease, between the dens

The benefits of mobile sty

The pigsty has an open structure and the canopy is an arc supported by a steel pipe. The entire pigsty can be disassembled and moved. Recently, in Muchuan County, Leshan City, Sichuan Province, the author saw this “eco-friendly pigsty”. The traditional pigsty is a brick-concrete or br

Winter cultivation of pumpkin field cultivation

1. Site preparation: Flatten the land and trim it into specifications of 1.2m in width, 04m in ditch, and 80cm in height. According to the planting distance of 1.5m, the average planting capacity is 278 per mu. Seedlings should be transplanted with soil to protect the root system. After transplant

Internet + hot GE how to deploy Chinese medical?

For a long time, three major multinational medical device manufacturers (referred to as GPS), General Motors (GE), Philips (Siemens), have controlled 70% of high-end medical equipment in the Chinese market. On the one hand, GPS products have been widely welcomed by the market because