What are the fruits of snowfall?

Snowfall and cold air strike, but the colder the weather, the more you eat fruit, because eating more fruits can improve immunity. What are the fruits of the snow and solar terms? Snow and solar health The first choice of seasonal fruit is what the fruit of the snow is. Let Xiaobian introduce you to you.


Snowfall, many people are busy with tonics, then it is easy to gain weight, grapefruit can meet your desire to become thin. Grapefruit is rich in vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C, and because of its low calories, it is often used in diet recipes. In addition, grapefruit is rich in citric acid, sodium, potassium, and calcium, and citric acid helps the digestion of meat and prevents the body from taking too much fat.

How to eat? Do not eat with the sweeter fruits or starchy foods, because it will make grapefruit less easy to digest and absorb, the same food is not conducive to weight loss. To eat grapefruit to lose weight, the best time to eat is at night. Half an hour after dinner, you can eat grapefruit.


2, Horseshoe

The skin is purple and black in color, white in color, sweet and juicy, crispy and delicious, and has the reputation of “underground Sydney”. Northerners call it “Jiangnan ginseng”, which can be eaten raw as fruits and eaten as vegetables. Seasonal products. Cold, with heat and detoxification, cooling blood flow, diuretic laxative, phlegm, digestion and swelling effect, can be used to treat jaundice, dysentery, polio, constipation and other diseases, especially for after-meal consumption.

When cleaning, you can first soak the horseshoe into warm water, change the water after about 10-20 minutes, and rub it vigorously. After repeated washing and washing, you can wash the sediment. However, because the horseshoe is a aquatic plant, there are still some bacteria in the horseshoe head. Many people like to use the mouth to peel and peel after cleaning the horseshoe. This is very dangerous. It is better to use a knife to peel and then eat more safely. .

3, sugarcane

The winter season is very much in need of replenishment. Sugar cane is rich in sugar and water. In addition, it contains various vitamins, fats, proteins, organic acids, calcium, iron and other substances that are very beneficial to human metabolism. Sugar cane can not only add sweetness to food, but also can provide the nutrition and heat needed by the body.

Sugarcane contains a variety of trace elements, of which iron content is particularly large, known as "blood fruit" reputation, has nourishing heat, laxative effect. As a cool tonic, it can treat injuries caused by fever, upset thirst, nausea and vomiting, cough and asthma caused by dryness. Sugar cane juice can also alleviate alcoholism. Sugar cane has high sugar content and should be controlled for consumption. It should not be eaten before going to bed.

4, oranges

Orange has high water content and nutrient-rich, containing more than ten kinds of nutrients such as vitamin C, tannic acid and glucose. Eat properly, can replenish the body, especially for patients with chronic hepatitis and hypertension, eat more tangerine can increase the liver detoxification, accelerate cholesterol conversion, prevent arteriosclerosis. Appropriate consumption can increase appetite, but it would not be beneficial if it is not properly consumed.

Chinese medicine believes that oranges are warm and easy to get angry. Oranges contain a lot of sugar, and eating 1 kilogram of orange can produce 1400 calories. When a large amount of heat generated after eating too much orange can not be converted into fat storage in time, the demand for human activities can not be consumed, it will cause the body over-supply of heat, causing disorders of body function and tongue dryness, sore throat, constipation Such phenomenon, that is, people often say, "eat more orange will get angry."

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