Round-leaf morning glory

The scientific name Pharbitis purpurea (L.) Voigt is an annual herb of the family Convolvulaceae. Alias ​​round leaf spin flowers, small flowers, cows. Distributed throughout the country.

Morphological characteristics The seedling cotyledon is nearly square, and the apex is deeply concave and short-cut up to the cotyledon length l/3. The whole plant is rough-bristled. Stem twining, much branched. Leaves have long handles. Leaf blade heart-shaped, apex pointed or obtuse, base cordate, entire. Inflorescences with 1-5 flowers, total flowers then nearly as long as petiole, 5 sepals, ovate to lanceolate, apex blunt, hirtellous basal; corolla funnel-shaped, red, blue-purple or nearly white, Apex 5 lobed; 5 stamens; stigma capitate. Capsule spherical. Seeds obovate, black to dark brown, rough surface.

Ecological characteristics Wild round-leaf morning glory is born in wasteland or farmland.

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