Rice field pest control technology

I. Rice diseases

Paddy rice fields are prone to epidemics, rice blast, bastard disease, and downy mildew. In prevention and control, 1 strengthen field water management. It is forbidden to inundate the seedlings with flood irrigation, to pay attention to the rainstorm in time, to open the trenches, to reduce the dissemination of germs, to prevent the epidemic of the disease, and to control the pesticide application in time. For crops with epidemic diseases, bastard diseases, and downy mildew, 30 grams of sterile Wei Wei + 30 grams of Zhuang Fuxing Water is evenly sprayed with 50 kg of Mu. Before transplanting, combine 50 grams of Zhenle or 50 grams of new rice seedlings with a "grass-wrapped" mu.

Second, rice pests

Rice field pests mainly include thrips, rice weevil and rice borers. In the field investigation, the leaf volume rate of rice bran was up to 12%, and the leaf rolling rate of severe plots had reached more than 20%. Rice weevil damaged part of the plots by 10-20%. In the prevention and control should promptly do a good job of chemical control, mu with high-performance chlorofluorocarbon cyanide 60 ml or Gong De Le 60 ml water 50 kg uniform spray.


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