Cotton Seedling Pest Control

Types of pests and their harmful characteristics The pests that damage the roots of seedlings include the species of flies, golden needles, and fleas; the insects that bite off the tender stems and bite off the leaves are the ground tigers and snails; the sucking juices are cotton aphids, cotton thrips, and cotton blinds.蝽 and cotton leafhoppers. Cotton seedlings are harmed by these pests, resulting in dwarf plantlets, smaller leaves, greenish red, leaf spots, nicks, and lack of whole leaves. Ground tigers can bite cotton stalks, resulting in lack of seedlings and ridges; cotton seedlings become fire-like after occurrence of cotton leafhoppers; cotton seedlings form “heads” after the occurrence of cotton seedlings, and the leaves shrink, resulting in poor root development and stagnation. After the occurrence of cotton thrips, cotyledons form "public cotton" or "broken cotton heads". The white spots or leucorrhea appear on the back of the leaves of the damaged cotton leaves; the blind cotton cocoon occurs, and the damage to the cotyledon stage occurs. Crazy, the top buds suffer from a lot of cotton.

Prevention and control methods to control underground tigers and other underground pests, the best use of cotton cake mix and seduce drugs, per acre with 90% trichlorfon 50 grams, add 1 liter of water sprayed to 2.5 kilograms of fried cotton cake, in the evening sprinkled in cotton Next to the seedlings, sprinkle a small heap at a certain distance, the next morning to the cotton seedlings beetle; prevention and treatment of cotton seedlings can be used 50% anti-inferiority WP 1000-1200 times per acre spray on cotton leaves and stems; The cotton ape horse can use 3.5% of the enemy's powder to spray 2 kg per acre; control cotton leafhopper can be sprayed with 73% of Kezi 1000 ~ 1500; control cotton aphid can be used to kill the spirit, blind killing or killing With no traces of spraying, these pesticides are best sprayed in the evening or in the morning.

(Triangular leaf Coptis) Ranunculaceae, Coptis. Rhizome yellow, internodes obvious, mostly densely rooted, with transverse stolons. Leaves 3-11; leaf blade ovate, slightly leathery; petiole glabrous. Scapes yellow-green, narrowly ovate, apical apex; petals nearly lanceolate, apex acuminate, Middle slightly widened, with honey groove; stamens long only about 1/2 of the petals; anthers yellow, filaments narrowly linear; style slightly curved. Oval oblong, carpels stalked puberulent. March-April flowering, April-June results. Specialty Chongqing pillars yellow water. Health elevation of 1600-2200 meters between the mountain forest, often cultivated, wild rare. Rhizome is a famous traditional Chinese medicine ("Coptis"), with berberine, Coptidis base, Coptis base, tetrandrine and other alkaloids, can cure acute conjunctivitis, acute bacillary dysentery, acute gastroenteritis, hematemesis, Embolism.

Plant Triangular Leaves Coptis

Plant Triangular Leaves Coptis

Plant Triangular Leaves Coptis

Chongqing Taisun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,