Key management skills for management

Deep-fallen loose soil destroys habitats where diseases and insect pests exist. Deciduous fruit trees dormancy refers to the period from the natural fall-leaves in late fall and winter to the budding in the second year of spring. After a year, fruit trees have germinated, pumped, and flowered. As a result, they consume a lot of nutrients. The trees that have harvested the fruits are like the mothers of the children. The bodies are extremely weak. If they are not supported and protected in time, the virus will Taking advantage of ...... In order to increase the nutrient reserve of the branches and make them safe for winter, the management of the dormancy period of fruit trees is very important. It is necessary to use a combination of fruit tree basal fertilization to perform a full-park deep plunge and deep plunge depths of 60 to 80 cm. This is conducive to promoting root growth, improving soil structure, protecting soil moisture content, and, more importantly, destroying pest and disease survivors. Because earthworms, beetles, golden needleworms, ground tigers and other underground pests survive in the soil in winter; peach pests, aphids, and other pests prefer to lay eggs in the ground joints, weeds, or overwinter in maggots, larvae, and other forms. Therefore, before the soil is frozen, it is necessary to deepen the ground, plan pine tree trays, turn the pests to the ground and freeze them to death or be eaten by birds. In combination with flooded flood water, eggs, larvae and cockroaches can be suffocated. Note that when deep turning, the dead leaves, fallen leaves, weeds, etc. on the surface of the soil should be buried deep into the soil so that the pathogens on it will not be repeatedly infested. When deep turning, care should be taken to protect the root system so as not to weaken the tree.

Applying base fertilizer to supply fruit trees to restore vitality

After the fruit is harvested and before it is frozen, apply a base fertilizer. The earlier the fertilization time is, the better. Generally, the above-mentioned miscellaneous manures are dominant, and they should be applied after being decomposed; a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer and compound fertilizer can also be applied. The fertilization method can be applied with acupuncture, interstraining between rows of plants, and application of annular furrows. All those who did not complete the autumn fertilization before the deciduous fruit trees should be completed before the land is frozen. In particular, the application of organic fertilizer can not be pushed to the spring to prevent the rooting in spring, affecting the spring germination of fruit trees and the late differentiation of flower buds. After the fertilization in the orchard is completed, water sources must be poured once to seal off the winter water. After watering, the soil should be loosened when the surface is semi-dry. This will reduce the evaporation of water, and it is beneficial to keep the water.

Pruning and adjusting the ratio of nutrient partitioning of trees is a key management technique in the production of fruit trees. It is also a powerful measure for the prevention of pests and diseases. Winter pruning can regulate the contradiction between vegetative growth and reproductive growth. It can also make the trees light and reduce the consumption of tree nutrients. The purpose of pruning in dormancy period is to focus on the different ages: during the sapling period, it is mainly to complete plastic surgery; , The main results of the branches; full fruit period, mainly to adjust the proportion of flowers, leaves, buds, maintain and rejuvenate the growth of the tree. Pay attention to remove the branches and branches of trees, dry branches, remove the leaves and stale berries; protect the large wounds of more than 1 cm in time with the "Corrosion Injury Film", and promptly treat small wounds and trees less than 1 cm in length. Spray 100 times fluid to protect, freeze and disinfect. All kinds of fruit trees have their own physiological characteristics, and they must be treated differently when pruning.

Grapevine pruning techniques

Pay attention to leave a good annual branch first. This new shoot is generally thick and round, with a small pith, short internodes, and prominent joints. The branches are yellow-brown and reddish-brown. It should be suitable for long and long piths, large pith, small shoots, long branches and flat branches. Sparse or short cuts should not be retained. Take care to prevent the clipped buds from being dried or damaged. Grape pith has a large pith part, loose tissue, and easy evaporation of moisture. Therefore, clipping should be 3 cm to 5 cm away from the bud. Clipping should be promptly applied to seal the "wounding anti-corrosion film." Pay attention to the direction of clipping. Cut as much as possible on the opposite side of the clipped bud. Pay attention to the cultivation and utilization of sprouting branches on the base. Sprouting lychee usually has long internodes and buds are small and should be cut off from the base, and should be trimmed early to facilitate soil burial and cold protection. It must not be pruned before sprouting in the spring to prevent the outflow of nutrient solution, resulting in debilitating tree vigor.

Jujube tree pruning techniques

The initial date of the jujube tree. During this period, the crown has not yet formed, and vegetative growth is still dominant, but production has increased year by year. Pruning during this period should be based on sparse, retractive, short-cutting, and cultivation, and pruning should be carried out according to the principle of “four stays and five stays”. "Four stays" means that the peripheral jujube head should stay; the jujube head on the backbone branch must stay; the jujube head with strong development and promising development must stay; the jujube head with a large number of secondary branches and jujube stocks and strong ability to produce results should stay. To achieve the goal of continuously expanding the canopy, increasing production year by year. "Five not stay" refers to drooping branches and weak branches that do not stay, thin oblique branchlets and overlapping branches do not stay, pests and branches and dead branches do not stay, improper and unpractical leggy branches do not stay, whorl branches, cross branches, And branches and leggy branches do not stay. Pruning should be combined by means of deflation, opening the light path, irradiating light into the pupa, cultivating the inner lychee, preventing the internal shoots from dying and the resulting parts moving outwards, paying attention to the culturing and renewal of the result twigs, and extending the result years, when the jujube tree is effective Jujube stocks should be re-updated from 300 to 500, which is to select the outgrowths of the sturdy stocks on the backbone branches, saw the total length of the stem branches 1/2 to 2/3, and apply the “wound anti-corrosion film” in time. Closed cuts prevent cracks and promote wound healing.

The Trim Technique Points of Persimmon Sapling Tree

The main task of pruning is to cultivate a good skeleton, make a good tree shape, choose to keep the main lateral branches, adjust the angle, and balance the tree potential. Prolonged extensions to the center can be appropriately shortened. Adjust and match the growth potential of all kinds of branches and the relationship between the master and the slave, promote the branch expansion, promote the mother branch, cultivate the branch group, and lay a foundation for the early results. The dry height is generally 1 meter to 1.5 meters. We must set aside five to six full shoots on the main trunk in due course. Cut out buds to stay in the windy mouth to prevent the wind from being blown off. Pay attention to selecting the direction and angle and keep the balance between the branches. Increase the amount of branches. Branches should be treated according to the characteristics of the species. If the branches are weak and the branches are sparse, in order to increase the number of branches, the short cuts should be used as far as possible. For more varieties of germination to be cut. We must promptly retract and renovate the thin and weak branches so that the nutrients will be concentrated, and the branches will be transformed from weak to strong and cultivated into compact groups. In the pruning process, based on the principle of plasticity and supplemented by results, the crown can be flexibly controlled, but the pruning task can only be completed if the tree structure is reasonable. After the pruning is completed, the "wounding anti-corrosion film" should be applied to close the cut of the saw to promote the healing of the wound and achieve the goal of early and early high-yield.

Chestnut tree trimming technique

Saplings and early fruit trees generally thrive, with rapid crown expansion and large shoot growth. Pruning this period should take into account both the plastic and the results. The main branch is cut short at full shoots to enlarge the canopy, remove thin and weak branches, multiple branches and overlapped branches. Slowly release the shoots with moderate growth and open angles and cultivate them into the resulting mother branches. For young saplings that are relatively weak, they should be appropriately short-cut, and more robust branches should be kept in order to promote their early formation of the resulting mother tree. Winter pruning of fruit trees: In the fruit period, chestnuts have basically formed, and the yield has increased and gradually stabilized, and the tree potential has eased. The main task of this period is to adjust the relationship between growth and results, maintain the canopy, balance the forces between the branches, ensure the balanced results of various parts, and prolong the period of full fruit. When pruning, according to the growth of various parts of the crown, to maintain the appropriate crown coverage. Appropriate weeding of weak and dense branches, partial renewal and trimming of lateral branches to prevent canopy closure and proper retention of mother branches, pruning of the resulting mother branches to eliminate thin and weak mother branches, concentrate nutrients, and ensure robustness Mother branches grow normally. Winter pruning of the senescence tree: In the senescence period, the growth of the tree is prolonged, the shoots are short, the inside of the canopy begins to become bald, and only the crown surface results in a significant reduction in yield. The main task of this period of pruning is to update and cultivate the backbone branches, enhance the tree vigor, stimulate the germination of the buds, use the sprouting branches to transform and form the crowns, update pruning timely, and find that the symptoms of declining tree trunks are dealt with in a timely manner. Based on the principle of selecting and maintaining strong branches and strong shoots, we will carry out renovation and pruning, and strengthen the management to restore the tree to a certain amount of production.

Pruning tree pruning technique points

Don't prematurely cut winter time. Pomegranate branches are loose and have poor cold resistance. In order to avoid cold damage and frost damage, winter shearing should be delayed until 2-3 months. Pruning should be combined with winter and summer. Only carrying out winter cutting often results in excessive tree vigor and is not conducive to the formation of flower buds, and the female flower rate and the fruit setting rate will be reduced. Therefore, in the growing season, buds, twisting tips, picking hearts, and thinning should be carried out. The amount of pruning should not be too great. Pomegranate trees are poorly tolerant and sensitive to pruning. Excessive winter shears can easily cause trees to weaken. The amount of summer shear can be appropriately increased for Wangshu, and the amount of winter shear is appropriately increased for weak trees. Short cuts are not easy to overdo. The pruning of pomegranate trees is dominated by thinning and slow release. It mainly eliminates erect leggy branches, over dense branches, aging branches, disease and insect branches, dead branches, slowly flattening oblique branches and mean tree branches, and only extends a few branches and branches. Short cuts and excessive short cuts can easily lead to excessive tree growth and unfavorable flowering. Pruning of the pomegranate tree, which does not result in flowering, results in trimming. In the first year after planting, leave 3 to 5 branches as the main trunk during winter cutting, and remove the remaining sprouts. The pomegranate tree of high quality and large fruit is mainly pruned in the winter and spring. Every time it is pruned, it must go to its roots, and the fruit stems of the last year must be removed. Pendency branches, dead branches, and twigs on the inside of the crown should also be removed to make the crown sparsely and evenly, so as to facilitate ventilation and light transmission and full fruiting.

Mulberry tree pruning technique

The best time to prune mulberry trees in winter varies depending on the temperature of each place. The best time to control pruning is usually from late December to mid-January. After the beginning of spring, the temperature rose and the physiological activity of the mulberry increased. The nutrients in the trunk and roots were gradually transported to the branches, and buds on the branches began to germinate. If the branches are trimmed at this time, a large amount of nutrients and water will be lost, resulting in that the upper part of the cuttings does not germinate or the germination is small and weak, and the yield and quality of the mulberry leaves are greatly reduced. Therefore, pruning mulberry in winter should not be late. Special cutting tools should be used to cut mulberry trees with special scissors. Cut hackles with cleavers, kitchen knives, hatchets, etc., to avoid nicks, cuts, branches, bark, buds, etc. and prevent the growth of mulberry trees. development.
Because the tree is left full of growth branches in the process of pruning the mulberry tree, we must choose, leave enough growth branches, cut off the invalid litchi. Leave the length of the branch to keep the cut strips l0 ~ l5 cm long in the cut. Different types of mulberry should be treated differently: For "hen nests," we must choose strong and strong branches to cut off diseases, residues, and weak branches; for "cluster branches," we should stay weak, stay strong, and promote lateral branches. Growth, distribution of the branches is reasonable, development is uniform, and group advantages are exerted.

Pruning Technique Points for Pear Trees

The winter shear of young trees pays attention to the configuration of main lateral branches and large-responsive branch groups, maintains the affiliation between the backbone branches at all levels, does a good job of balancing the tree branches up and down and the main branches at all levels, and controls the growth of competing branches and upright branches. Reasonable use of supplemental branches.
The winter shear of the early fruit tree should continue to expand the canopy, especially the cultivation and pruning of the resulting branch. The tree that grows without pruning in the sapling tree for a long period of time will be transformed by the tree year after year because of the shape of the tree, and the tree structure will be properly adjusted. The winter shear of the fruit tree should be pruned to maintain the normal growth of the main and lateral branches, and the results of the branch group rotation update pruning, rejuvenation of the result of the branches, in order to yield high and stable yield. The long-lived buds of winter pears in the senescence tree have long life spans, and it is easy to grow short branches with short cuts. The branches can be renewed and adjusted year by year to restore their normal growth. Plants that grow taller than others should be cut lightly and sparsely during the first year of winter after the high-shouldered plant. Cutting of the extension branches of the selected branch should be carried out. During the second year of winter cutting, the inner plant should be adjusted. Peripheral growth and messy branches; the third year gradually into the normal pruning, pay attention to alternate rotation of branches and branches within the various branches of the update, the remaining pruning method and fruit tree pruning method is the same. The winter shears are dominated by thinning and slow release, mainly eliminating excess sprouts on the trunk, over dense branches in the tree crown, drooping branches, aging branches, dead branches, disease and insect branches, and erect leggy branches, making the crown appear thin. Under the dense, thin outer dense, large branch thin, twig dense reasonable layout. Oblique branches, moderate branches are generally not put slowly cut.

Apple Tree Trimming Techniques

Pruning during young trees should be based on promotion. Spur-type apples have weak branching ability and slow expansion of the crown. During saplings, they promote multiple branches and accelerate the formation of the crown. The result is pruned during the period. For strong and strong shoots and full shoots, more use should be made; more flower buds should be removed, and the tree body should be properly loaded so as to maintain the tree vigor of the strong and moderate; the main branches need to be used when the extension branches grow. Zhuangzhi on behalf of the head, in the middle full of shoots short section; result sticks should be properly retracted or lose the ability to lose the branch; for temporary branches, weak stay strong, to stay flat oblique, the upright branch oblique . Adjust the strength of the weaker and stronger. The short-stemmed apple trees are prone to strong and weak phenomenon on the trees. To correct this phenomenon, the opening angle of the main branch should be kept lower than the opening angle of the upper main branch when pruning; if the upper main branch grows strong, Use weak branches instead, short cuts at weak shoots.

The pruning technique of prickly pepper tree

Pruning tree pruning pruning techniques: pruning method should be based on species, age, and tree vigor vary, pruning season should be done during the winter dormant period and spring buds, do a good job winter pruning, cleaning up pests concentrated burning, is to prevent pepper rot Diseases, leaf rust, root rot, giardia, ticks, and red snapper.
1. Pruning of old trees: First, remove the branches and branches of the pests and branches, dry branches, and trim the inward branches, cross branches and overlapping branches. Finally, cut the top of each branch around the crown to leave -10 cm. Use heavy cuts.
2. Pruning of pepper trees for adult results: First, reduce the density and remove some branches. For trees with high trunks and few fruit branches, take a short cut and retreat, and cut the third-year growth of the branches. One or one half of the length of the shoots is appropriate. For varieties with excessive result branches, keep 3-5 main branches and the rest are cut off from the base together. In addition, the pests, inward branches and cross branches should be cleaned first. Finally cut 3-6 cm from the top of each tree crown.
3. Pruning of saplings and fruit trees: When the seedlings are planted in the same year or in the second year of winter in the trunk 25-30 cm, cut off the top, the fruit of the initial fruit leaves a good backbone, cut the excess branches, the base germination branches to stay The main branches are 3-5, and the rest are cut off along with the base.

Pruning technique points of big cherry tree

When is the big cherry tree best winter cut? What should you watch out for when cutting in winter? Big cherries should be pruned before sprouting in early spring. The commonly used methods in winter cutting include short cutting, dumping, retracting and thinning. (1) Short: According to the degree of cutting, it can be divided into light, medium, heavy, and extremely heavy. The first three types of short cuts increase branch shoot densities, promote vegetative growth and renewal and rejuvenation of shoots. Proper lengthening of the extension of the backbone branches is beneficial to increase the branch weight and enlarge the crown and promote early results. (2) Rejection: That is, the annual branches do not cut, mainly to ease the tree potential, adjust the branch amount, increase the number of fruit parts and flower buds, increase the fruit setting rate, promote early results, early high yield, and promptly retreat after the result branches turn weak Rejuvenate. (3) Retraction: It is the shrinking of the result stick and result stick, which can make the remaining buds get more water and nutrients, which is beneficial to strong trees and flowers. (4) Thinning: The ventilation and light transmission conditions inside the crown can be improved, and the fruit yield and quality can be improved. Thinning is mainly to remove diseased branches, broken branches and dead branches. Try not to sparse or sparse the other branches, because the wounds caused by the thinning of the branches are slowly healed, and they are prone to fluid flow and severely weaken the tree potential. In order to promote early healing of wounds and prevent the occurrence of infections, it is common practice to apply “protective film” protection agents to the wounds with good results.

Kiwi Tree Trimming Techniques

Winter pruning of kiwifruit is generally carried out 15 days after defoliation and 15 days before sap flow in early spring. The best time is from mid-December to mid-February. (1) The saplings planted in the year were left with three short shoots at the base of the plant. Afterwards, the most sturdy twigs were selected as the trunk, and the method of light shear was adopted to rapidly expand the canopy in the following year. (2) When the tree is cut into the juvenile period after growing for 1 year, try to make the distribution of the main vine on the vine spread evenly on the frame, and on the basis of promoting the growth of the main vine, side vines and the resulting mother vines, expand. The result is the proportion of results. (3) The pruning of adult trees should be carried out with a short cut to the resulting vines. Usually, 4-5 shoots are left for cutting, and vines are allowed to grow on the birds, leaving 4-5 shoots to sprout 2-4 shoots; The general nutrient vine, cut off the full length of 1/3 or 1/2, making it into the result of the vine; on the longevity of the fruit, overlapping 8-10 buds overlap, the result of the golden mean mother of 5 - 6 shoots, 3-4 shoots weaker. (4) Plants with large trees and debilitating trees perform renewal. The specific methods should be based on the condition of the branches. The results should focus on preserving the full growth of the vines, which can be retracted to the robust part. If the mother vines grow too weak, they should be reduced from the base. The place where there are latent buds is cut off, allowing the latent buds to sprout a robust new shoot.

Pruning techniques of peach tree

Peach trees have been sent out several times a year, with a large number of branches and a large leaf area, so nutrient consumption is high. The pruning period of peach trees can be divided into winter pruning and summer pruning, while winter pruning has a great influence on the quality and quantity of peach trees in the next year.
1. When it was planted, it was dried and dried 50cm high. When the leap year is cut in winter, three strong branches with 45-60 degrees of base angle are selected as the backbone branches, and the branches are lightly cut or not cut, and the auxiliary shoots can also be used to eliminate the competition branches, stand up branches and dense branches. Flat oblique branch 15cm weight short cut for auxiliary support.
2. The results of colonization of peach trees beginning 3-5 years should adopt "sparse, pressure, exchange" and other measures to balance the growth potential of the main branches.
3. Peach trees were planted for 3 years. At this time, the growth was strong, the crowns continued to expand, and there were many steep and long branches. The phenomena of unclear subordination, disordered shoots, and uneven growth appeared. At this time, pruning was mainly performed by light shearing and long-tailing. Note that summer pruning culture skeleton and result stick groups. Use the back branch with a large angle as the backbone branch and remove the competition branches; select one branch with a large angle as the first side branch, lightly cut and long-distance on the main branch, and other major branches to keep the head and leave the side and press down. The angle promotes its early results. The principle that should be mastered when pruning branches of various results is: “Look at the tree pruning, combine light and heavy, and arrange evenly, leaving enough preparation”.

Eucalyptus trimming technique

The pruning time of the plutonium was after this shoot-stopping time, and before the next tip was not drawn, and because it was different from the normal spring and autumn fruit of the fruit trees, it was autumn and early spring and early summer. Therefore, some scholars believe that September is the main pruning. period. According to many years of practice, it can be conducted before and after harvesting. From place to place, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Fujian were earlier before the beginning of March, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang were in the middle and late March. Pruning is carried out 7 to 10 days after harvesting. If it is a late-maturing species, especially in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it is hoped to pump a certain amount of new shoots. Heavy fertilizer should be applied, and the plant should be applied one week before the harvest. Some parts after pruning will be Emergence of a large number of sprouts, to promptly wipe buds, in order to ensure that the new shoots grow full. If it is a Chinese New Year tree, planning post-harvest pruning, first of all to strengthen the fruit thinning work in spring, and to strengthen the second spring and summer fertilizers, in order to ensure that the new branches of good health and restore the tree vigor. After pruning, if the diameter of the wound is more than 1 cm, it will be difficult to heal, and sometimes the entire tip of the cut will die, so protect the wound. First cut the wound, and then apply "wound anti-corrosion film" to form a protective layer, waterproof and prevent disease.

Tree trunks are painted white to improve the dormancy quality of fruit trees. The trunks are painted white in winter, or tree trunks are bred with tree maintenance. It can not only effectively prevent winter frost damage, sunburn and snapping of livestock and poultry, but also play a good role in prevention and control of pests and diseases that remain on the branches. If whitening or pharmacological drying is applied after scraping, overwintering apples, moths, pear caterpillars, red spiders, etc. hiding in the rough skin, cracks, or cracks can be effectively prevented. At the same time, it is necessary to use “Zhushumian” to promote early repair of fruit trees, improve the quality of hibernation of fruit trees, enhance their immunity, and play an important role in restoring tree vigor.

Clean up the orchard to purify fruit production safety production environment

In the late winter and early spring period, it is necessary to timely and thoroughly clean up the fallen leaves, fruit drop, weeds, and gravel in the orchard, scrape the rough skin and skin scraped when scraping the bark, and cut off pests and branches and pruning branches that are cut off during pruning. Concentrate in soil or concentrate burn. In order to prevent it from becoming a pathogen of pathogenic bacteria, it will aggravate the occurrence of pests and diseases in orchards. After the orchard is cleared up, it is necessary to use the “Tree Awakening” to promote early awakening and early germination of the fruit trees, and spray the “General Tree Guardian” 100 times to freeze and disinfect. In early spring, spray 1000 times of “General Tree Guardian” to protect the flower buds from frost, drive away the invading bacteria, and prevent overwintering pest eggs, suffocation and reproduction. Because a lot of pests and pathogens that damage fruit trees live in litter and tree weeds in the garden, such as the big green leafhopper wintering under the branchlet skin of the tree, the eggs of apple aphids are buds of the branches in the current year. During the winter, leaf roller moth larvae in the upper tip of the leaves of the cicada roll over the winter, gold silkworm moth in the deciduous winter. Therefore, early in the winter, pests, stems, fallen leaves, rotten fruit, and weeds should all be thoroughly cleaned out of the orchard and burned or buried in a concentrated manner to eliminate hidden dangers.

The best time for pesticide spraying is before the pests and diseases

For the orchard where the disease and pests are heavy, select the appropriate pharmaceutical agent to spray the whole garden once the weather is fine in winter. Spray a fungicide before germinating the fruit trees in the spring. Apples, pears, peaches, and other rot, light scab, dry rot, peach, and apricot are particularly important in heavy orchards. After the fruit trees enter the dormant stage, the resistance is weakened and the disease enters a peak period. Therefore, dormancy medication is used. It is very necessary for the drug to choose 3 degrees lime sulfur or 200 times Fu Mei Kun + "General Tree Guardian" 1000 times, that is killing bacteria. To control the investment of highly toxic pesticides, try to use green plant protection technology to promote a healthy cycle of tree health.

1. In the early spring of the orchard, pest control should take advantage of emptiness and fight annihilation.

Spring management is the most critical period of the year to increase fruit production and quality. If the management of the orchard in the spring reaches a high level, the summer management will be easy. The annual financial, material, and human input will be reduced by more than half, and the fruit product rate will be greatly increased. The garden owners of some fruit areas often only pay attention to pest control after fruiting, and neglect the pre-flower management during the golden period of spring. This is a great mistake. Orchard management should take pollution-free cultivation and ecological agriculture as the starting point, and strive to take the initiative in the orchard management throughout the year. Pest control has always been one of the important issues in orchard management. Although chemical pesticides can quickly and efficiently control the occurrence and damage of pests and diseases, But the negative effect is huge. Therefore, reducing the use of pesticides, especially highly toxic pesticides, is the key to producing high-quality fruit. In recent years, it has not been high or low temperature changes. Although it interferes with the winter dormancy quality of fruit trees, it also dampens the resistance of a large number of overwintering pests and diseases. The broad masses of fruit farmers should make good use of climate advantages and favorable timings to mercilessly and exterminate the pests and diseases before resurrection.

2, early morning, large sweeping; comprehensive support to keep up!

Early spring gardening can not only reduce the harm of ticks, but also effectively prevent and control spiders and insect pests. It eliminates overwintering pests and diseases before they wake up, destroys breeding conditions of pests and diseases, reduces the breeding base of disease and insects in the year, and reduces the number of diseases in the year. The amount of bacteria, insects and insects played a multiplier role. At present, the numbers of orchard worms and pupa bases are generally high. If they are not killed in time, the larvae of all ages will normally grow and develop after wintering, and a high proportion of breeding will occur, leading to a large amount of hatching of the first generation pupa pests in the year. Long, greatly reducing the control effect of normal pharmaceuticals, will bring considerable difficulties to control the insects throughout the year. If sunny days are sprayed after pruning, use the "General Hushu" 100 times liquid and the 3 levels of Baume Lithosulfide to disinfect the garden. This will not only kill bacteria, but also inhibit the inheritance of the stability of foreign genes, thus inducing A series of defense responses make the fruit trees strongly resistant. Formula fertilization, plant protection and disaster reduction, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive ability of fruit trees to counter pests and diseases.

5, 12 physical methods for treating rot diseases

Rot disease is regarded as an "incurable disease" of fruit trees and is an airborne disease. Treat fruit rot, don't scrape or shake the diseased branches! In the past, people used a knife to scrape the skin of rot. It was essentially helping the spread of germs, and the more it rotted, the more it rotted! More and more infectious! When people scratch the diseased skin and saw the diseased branches, they produce strong shocks, causing the spores of the rot to fly in the air and widen the range of disease. As a result, the scraped skin and diseased branches are just the “monks” who ran the “monk”. In recent years, rural science and technology workers have realized some pollution-free and static physiotherapy methods with simple operation and obvious effects in the prevention and cure of fruit tree rot.

1. Applying mud prevention and cure method: Take fresh soil and mix well with fresh water. The degree of moistening is hand clinging to stick on the bark. Apply 3 to 5 cm on the diseased pods of fruit trees, and then wrap tightly with plastic film. Waterproof evaporation and dirt shedding. After 1 year, the plastic film and mud were removed. In this way, the germs died of suffocation due to prolonged hypoxia. The cure rate of this method is above 90%.

2. The urine leaching method: The urine is applied to the wound of the sick man. One time after one week, the cure rate is 90% to 99%.

3. Salt water impregnation: Use 1 kg of salt, 40 kg of water and mix with 1:40 light salt water, boil and let cool. Use a brush to spread the salt water on the sickle for disinfection and disinfection, and then apply it twice a week. The cure rate of this method is above 80%.

4. Alkaline water impregnation method: Alkaline solution is prepared with the ratio of 1:5 in the base of the food. Use a small brush to fully apply alkaline water to the wound on the sickle, around the sickness about 5 centimeters, and then use a plastic film pack tightly. After 10 days, it will be carried out once. After six months, the plastic film will be released. The cure rate of this method is above 85%.

5, garlic liquid sterilization: The garlic boiled garlic, according to a ratio of 1:1 by adding 10% saline solution formulated into garlic. Use a small brush to spread the garlic liquid on the wound of the sick man. The surrounding area should be 3 to 5 cm beyond the disease. Apply again after 10 days. The cure rate of this method can reach more than 95%.

6, copper sulfate slurry: Preparation of a concentration of 50% of copper sulfate solution, add the right amount of dry fine soil, mix into a paste, smear in the disease department, a significant cure effect.

7, oiling method: Use any kind of animal oil or butter paste into a paste, evenly smear in the sickness at the place, generally wipe it 3 times to cure.

8. Plant ash: The soil under the crown of the fruit tree with root rot symptoms was opened and the rotten parts of the root were found. Each plant was applied with 2-5 kg ​​of ash and covered with a little fine soil.

9, cactus juice: take a piece of cactus, remove the epidermis and leaf thorn, with its sap smear disease sickle, make its surface produce a layer of uniform juice.

10, chili sauce: After the fresh pepper to the handle smashed into a paste (more chili as possible), smear the affected area, so that the surface can be attached to a layer of uniform chili juice. Apply it once every 7-8 days, and cure it even after applying 3 times.

11. Asphyxiating new methods of eradicating rot disease: Recently, a large number of media reports have reported that: Huaibi Plant Protection Factory (0913- 2105261) in Gaoxin District of Shaanxi Province applied UV disinfection; the compound preparation of the new high-fat membrane antivirus technology was successfully developed. General." The affected area of ​​the tree can quickly form a layer of protective film to suffocate the bacteria. The method is to use a brush to apply the emulsion, and then use the tree to wipe the trunk and branches of the 100% liquid (50 kg) to disinfect the whole tree, which can impede the decay. The virus spreads on the tree and the dead skin infected with dead spores begins to fall off after 30 days. The “General Tree Guard” can also be mixed with various types of pesticides or foliar fertilizers.

While eradicating pests in spring, protecting natural enemies is crucial

Before and after the convulsions, the hibernating animals began to awaken and unearth activities. The plants wake up, the diseases and pests wake up, and the natural enemies of pests and diseases wake up! After the soil is thawed, it is necessary to arrange the tree plates, the top pines, the deep turning of orchards, and the construction of roads and channels as soon as possible. In the early spring, the “General Tree Guard” 100 times liquid and the 3 levels of Baume Lithium sulphate clear the garden to sterilize. It not only kills insects, but also hits the “Genetic Alarm Clock” of the fruit trees to remind the fruit trees to wake up from hibernation and stimulate the autonomic nerves in time. A variety of red spiders, scale insects and overwintering eggs. In early April, biological pesticides were sprayed to control locusts and leafhoppers. In early April (post-emergence), 0.3% urea solution and potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution were sprayed alternately for 7 to 10 days for 1 or 2 injections. In order to facilitate the strong shoots, promote the emergence of new roots, gradually restore the tree vigor and ensure long-term spirit full. . In the flower, flowering and young fruit period can also be carried out on the fruit-foliage, 0.3% ~ 0.5% of urea + fruit Zhuang Ti Ling, the effect of improving the fruit setting rate and swelling fruit are obvious. The fruit enlargement period requires the supply of a large amount of nutrients and moisture, which requires a robust maternal and healthy grooming system to meet the physiological needs of fruit development. When the fruit tree is sprayed with foliar fertilizer or pesticide every day, adding 100 times liquid of “protecting the tree” can inhibit the replication of infectious virus, resist the infection of airborne virus, and protect the population and number of natural enemies of beneficial animals and fruit trees. Therefore, while destroying pests and diseases, it is vital to protect natural enemies.

Prevention and control of pests and diseases should implement the principle of “prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control” and give full play to natural enemies, agricultural measures, and the role of resistant hosts. Only when necessary, use low-toxicity, low-residue, light-polluting pesticides, and treat diseases and pests through comprehensive management. The source of recurrence is pressing down. Modern high-tech science and technology have been developed on the basis of breakthroughs in modern biology, microelectronics, and polymer science. The influence of modern science and technology on the infiltration and production of fruit trees scientific research has made all fruit tree production, quality and quality have been improved in all directions. The modern management experience of fruit trees is to control the occurrence of pests and diseases through harmonious, biological and physical means. With the spread, it has achieved the effect of matching with traditional agriculture, and created easy and favorable conditions for the most important summer orchard management.

Artificially assisted fruit enlargement

Summer is the peak period of fruit tree production, the peak of fruit enlargement, and the peak period of pest development. It is a critical period for flower buds to begin to differentiate. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of orchards of new varieties that have been replaced by higher ones. No load, improper management, prosperous and prosperous, less flower buds, therefore, in the summer management of fruit trees with high exchange rate should pay attention to the following aspects: Summer fertilization is mainly compound fertilizer, ten years fruit trees as an example , The general strain applied compound fertilizer 1.5 to 2 kilograms, timely spraying foliar fertilizer plus Zhuang Ti Lingbao fruit strong fruit, and depending on the situation timely irrigation. When the buds are wiped off, the original twigs germinating in the missing spring tree are promptly erased. Pull branches use support, pull, don't fall, and fall to control the new shoots prosperous. Whether the management measures are appropriate in the summer or not is not only related to protecting the leaves and yielding bumper crops in the year, but also related to the pros and cons of flower bud differentiation, how much nutrition is stored, and whether it can produce high quality products year after year.

Fruit thinning should be scientific and reasonable

The specific methods of density include: Qingxuan, opening windows, picking hats, taking off skirts and dumping dumplings, so that the tree body can achieve stable and robust, canopy and transparent scenery, and the production results are balanced, with high quality and high yield. Equidistance method for fruit thinning, leaving one fruit per 20-25 cm; 1 fruit vine leaving 1 fruit, 2 fruit vines leaving 2 fruit, fruitless fruit without leaving fruit; fruit tree 1 kg per dry fruit per kg, per kg Leave 6 fruit to calculate, knot 10 kilograms to leave fruit 60, because the tree is scheduled to produce, with the quantitative branches, Wang branch more stay, weak branches stay or not stay, in the case of many results stay more short and medium branches, less stay or Do not leave external and tipping long branches, so that the results of growth are correct and balanced.

Promote Kao 2 to completely replace the fruit tree ring

At present, the flower-promoting technology has been found to be applied to promote "Huawang No. 2" cream. The flowering time is suitable for the initial stage of flower bud differentiation in fruit trees. The flower buds of deciduous fruit trees such as apples and pears are usually differentiated from June to August. The best in 10 days, peach tree, submerged peach, grapes and other non-ringed trees in the hibernation smear "promoting Kaowang 1" control tip, chain reaction to promote flower, the effect is very good. Evergreen fruit trees in the flower bud differentiation period (Jing in June-August, citrus in November to January next year) to promote flowering, late autumn control tip. There are three main advantages to using “promoting Kao” products: First, the impact on the tree is small. Just cut a circle with a knife on the tree pole and smear it with “promoting the king of flowers”. The second is that the investment is small. A bottle of "promoting the king" can be applied to more than 100 trees. A tree only needs to invest a few cents. The third is the effect is good, with the "promoting flower king", can promote a large number of flower buds differentiation of fruit trees, inhibition of madness. The use of "promoting the king" of the tree, full flower buds, high fruit setting rate, fruit increased significantly faster, good color, high sugar content, smooth fruit surface, high prices, increase the income of farmers, the reporter interviewed Zaozong Zhang Chengwen Said: The technical station of the Zanhuang County Forestry Bureau has been continuously engaged in the jujube tree for three years to promote Kao test results show that: smear "promoting Huawang No. 2" can improve the jujube sitting date rate, smear once and twice the jujube tree ratio The rate of jujube growing without jujube trees on the promotion of Huawang No. 2 was 111% and 155%, respectively. Zaoshu had a higher ratio of fruit suspension than blooming at the end of the flowering period by 14.5%, but the jujube tree had less blooming and more fruit droppings during the flowering period. The nutrient consumption is much more, the flowering date of the jujube tree is more than the flowering time, the fruit drop is less, the nutrient consumption is less, and the weak tree is more conducive to the nutrient tree; the jujube tree is cut twice and smeared “promoting Kaowang 2” once than the jujube tree. The ratio of fruit hangers without applying "Huawang 2" was increased by 100%, and the ratio of fruit hangers that was not coated with "Huawang 2" was increased by 63%. Through the comparison of the jujube tree and the use of “Huawang 2” jujube trees discovered by technicians of the technical station of the Zanhuang County Forestry Bureau, it was found that the leaves of the Kaizao jujube trees began to appear yellowish green five days after the armor was opened and continued for 24 days. Days, until a mouth healed well before turning to light green, while the ring cut twice plus smear “promote Kaowang 2′′ twice the jujube leaves are always dark green. From the results of the survey of the county technical station on September 8, we found that fruit hangers were almost the same as the two through two treatments, but the rate of fruit cracking was 83.6%, and the fruit rate of using Kawang was only 6.3%, and the use of pro-Kavao delayed the ripening period of 13 days than that of open-harvest fruit, which missed the peak incidence of crusted fruit and effectively prevented the occurrence of custodial diseases. The jujube farmer Zhang Chengwen made a calculation last year. In the same jujube garden, he used the "promoting Huawang No. 2" to produce 865 kilograms of fresh red dates, while the same jujube garden produced a jujube tree. Fresh red dates 738 kilograms, than the open jujube tree increased production by 17.2%, mu gain 1270 yuan. Practice has proved that the successful promotion of Kao replaces the fruit tree girdling and opening.

When the fruit growers use this kind of promotion, they should not only strictly follow the instructions in the manual, but also the technical level of comprehensive supporting management is very important. Scientific pruning, rational fertilization, timely irrigation, and matching nutrient supply to meet tree growth and reproductive needs. As long as the operation is in place, it can ensure the efficient replication of flowering genes, reduce the amount of flowers in the New Year, and increase the amount of flowers in the young year. This is the technological content of Kaowang! In recent years, many users have explored a high-tech science and technology chaining project. The operation method is to apply “fruit tree applicator pen” on the cuts of fruit trees first to apply “Chang Hua No. 2” cream about 1 cm wide and then apply it. The same width of the “guard tree general” mother liquor can not only force the active ingredients of the promotion flower to enter into the tree body, but also protect the wound from environmental pollution and enhance its effect.

Fruit bagging should be timely

The fruit bagging improves the fruit's coloration, the fruit surface is bright and beautiful, and the color is gorgeous, effectively preventing the invasion of diseases and insect pests, reducing the pesticide residue and dust pollution, reducing the sunburn of the fruit, improving the grade and commodity rate of the fruit, and the economic benefit is good. The size, color, number of layers, thickness of the wax layer, zipper, and delivery time should be taken into account. The choice of bag is the key to the success of bagging. The bagging tree should be a pruned, ventilated and well-structured fruit tree. Before the bagging, serious fruit thinning should be carried out, and pests and calcium be sprayed in time. Bagging time and methods. The general bagging time is about 40 days after flowering, which is appropriate from late May to late June. Should be sprayed before bagging a "melon and fruit turmeric" to improve resistance, expansion of fruit, spraying the bag within two days after the bagging, bagging order. First, after the next, first inside and outside, do not twist the wire on the handle, so as not to damage or oppress the fruit pedicle, affecting nutrient delivery.

Keeping a strong fruit fertilizer in time





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