Abalone abalone breeding in the southern region for 12 months


1. In order to facilitate the sales and raising of abalone, it is possible to carry out grading. In combination with grading, individual and large abalone can be selected as parent-friendly abalone for use in summer and autumn.

2. Most of the seedlings cultivated in the autumn of the previous year were stripped from the seedling board. Because some of the seedlings were too large to be severely separated, seedlings could be divided at this time. Generally, the seedlings could be classified according to three levels: large, medium and small. , and then graded by the density of 1000 ~ 1500 / m 2 to climb the bottom to facilitate the normal growth of seedlings.

3. As the abundance of abalone is reduced, the abalone can be fed once a day for about seven days, and the washing pool can be changed in the middle of the two dishes.

4. Climbing the seedling pool can generally be washed once every 7 to 10 days, but it should be noted that when the temperature is low, the wash pool should be replaced by water in the sunny, non-wind noon and warming.


1. Because of the low temperature and low abundance of abalone, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food.

2. Some fresh seaweeds have been listed in the Minnan region and are very tender and can be used for abalone feeding.

3. Pay special attention to the management of winter climbing seedlings. If the water temperature continuously drops below 10°C during this period, seedlings smaller than 1 cm will die. Therefore, in this month Miaochi should not change the water. Especially in low-temperature weather Miaochi is best not to clear the pool for water. For some less than 1 cm seedlings, heat preservation measures shall be taken. Plastic cloth color strips may be placed on the pool surface to increase the water temperature in the pool so that the seedlings can safely pass winter.

4. Bao Cheng who wants to raise his income should pay close attention to the sales of the organization. This is precisely the year when the customs clearance is the best time for sales.


1. The warming of the aquaculture ponds should be strengthened during the weather warming. The amount of water flowing in the aquaculture ponds can be appropriately increased. The interval between the cleaning ponds should also be shortened. Normally, the washing pool should be changed once every 3 to 4 days.

2. At this time, the abalone's food intake has gradually increased. There are a large number of fresh seaweeds on the market. The price is cheap and it is an excellent time for feeding kelp. However, due to the deterioration of kelp, when feeding the kelp should pay attention to each feed should not be too large, it should be done to feed less feeding as good, generally into a feed every two days, once the seedlings, the amount of seedlings to eat the evening of the day is appropriate .

3. The overwintering seedlings can be packed into boxes over 2 cm, and seedlings with more than 2 cm can also be sold as commercial seedlings.

4. Because of the rapid arrival of abalone, it is necessary to prepare for disease prevention and treatment, and it is necessary to pay close attention to the sales work of finished abalone in order to reduce the loss of death from disease.


1. Pay attention to strengthening the hygiene management of the aquaculture pond, especially to raise abalone. Once the disease occurs, it is necessary to clear the pool and change the water immediately.

2. The disease-free culture ponds should also be used for drug prevention at this stage.

3. In the case of the supply of asparagus, it is best not to feed kelp, because kelp is susceptible to deterioration, but will increase the occurrence of diseases.

4. Increase the amount of water exchange in the aquaculture pond. The supply of water and gas must be sufficient.

5. Pull the shade net to reduce the daily variation of water temperature in the culture pond.


1. Make preparations for summer nursery. The pro-abdominal species should be fed by male and female segregation ponds and can be fed with some kelp to promote gonad maturation.

2. The seedlings of the previous year can continue to be boxed and raised, and sales can also be organized so that the seedlings can be vacated.

3. Continue to do the prevention and treatment of Bao disease.


1. Dry seaweed reserves should be prepared so that asparagus can not be supplied to meet the emergency needs.

2. You can choose a day when the temperature difference on a cloudy day is small and cultivate summer seedlings.

3. Do not relax in the prevention and treatment of abalone disease. Nine hole abalone haliotisdibersicolorsupertexta has been introduced from Taiwan to southern Taiwan for aquaculture for many years. Practitioners have accumulated a lot of breeding experience in the breeding process.


1. Strengthen water and gas management, change water frequently, and wash the pool frequently.

2. Pay attention to the hygiene of the feed, be sure to keep it fresh, and never let the rotten food be fed.

3 can choose good glands to develop a good pro-Bao cultivate summer seedlings.

4. Due to the hot weather, we must cover the shade net.


1. In order to avoid deterioration of feed during the high temperature season, it is advisable to feed the dish with less feeding. Generally, the castor grass can be used once every three days, and then the washing pool is changed in the middle.

2. Pay attention to health management, the flow exchange volume must be large, and the gas supply must be sufficient.

3. Pull cover a shade net.

4. At this time, the gonads of abalone are generally well-developed, and it is the best time to cultivate autumn seedlings on cloudy days where temperature changes are relatively small.


1. Strengthen hygiene management on the pool, change water frequently, and wash the pool diligently. Prepare for the prevention and treatment of Bao disease.

2. In the cloudy days where temperature changes are relatively small, cultivate the autumn seedlings. In order to avoid the influence of low temperature on the seedlings in winter, it is better to cultivate the autumn seedlings work before the end of mid-term.

3. Xia Miao, which can be cultivated in June and July, can be stripped at the end of this time.


1. To strengthen the management of autumn seedlings, if insufficient diatoms on seedlings, pay attention to fertilization and inoculation of diatoms, and pay attention to the adjustment of the number of seedlings attached to seedlings.

2. The disease prevention work must not be relaxed, and the health management of the aquaculture tank must keep up.

3. Since moderate water temperature is the preferred season for the growth of abalone, it must be ensured that there is sufficient feed supply to enable commercial abalone to grow faster.

4. The summer seedlings that have been crawled generally need to change the water clearing pond once every 5-7 days.

5. Because of the drop in temperature, we must remove the shade net and let the sun shine on the pool water. On the one hand, we can increase the water temperature. On the other hand, we can also improve the culture pond environment and allow ultraviolet rays in the sun to kill pathogenic bacteria in the pool water.


1. Continue to do a good job in the management of the attached board seedlings. When most of the seedlings grow to more than 0.6 cm, and obviously feel diatom insufficiency, they can peel the seedlings and cultivate the bottom.

2. As the temperature is suitable to ensure the feed supply, abalone fattening work is strengthened. Abalone enough for product specifications to organize sales.

3. Pay attention to the management of the climbing seedlings, and insist on changing the water to clear the pool to ensure the healthy growth of seedlings.


1. Adult abalone According to eating conditions, the amount of feeding can be appropriately reduced, and the interval between feedings can also be appropriately extended. Generally, feeding the asparagus should be done once every 7-10 days, and the middle can be changed once.

2. The daily feeding amount of the bottom-climbing seedlings can also be appropriately reduced according to the eating conditions, and it is generally necessary to wash the seedlings pool once a week or so. When the autumn seedling grows above 0.6 cm on the seedling board, the seedlings are to be exfoliated to climb the seedlings.

3. In general summer seedlings grow to more than 2 centimeters and should be packaged or raised as a commodity. The above calendar is normal.

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