How to raise potted roses

The Chinese rose is mainly used for landscaping in modern life. Because it is cold and drought resistant, it is more adaptable to climate and soil than other flowers. It is cultivated in various parts of China. Let's learn together how to raise Chinese rose flowers!

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Rose flowers belong to the family Rosaceae. They can be used as ornamental plants and can also be used medicinally. The Chinese rose is large in size, 4-5 cm in diameter, mostly double and single, and the petals diverge from the inside out. Many colors, different colors, fragrance, widely used in horticulture and cutting flowers. The long flowering period of rose flowers is more ornamental value, and the industry also uses rose flowers to extract spices.

Rose flower cultivation method

There are several major aspects to be taken into account when breeding the roses:

1.Temperature: The rose is warm and warm, afraid of hot and cold. The general temperature is the most suitable temperature for rose growth at 22-25°C. The high temperature in summer is very unfavorable to the rose blossom. If the high temperature lasts above 30°C, the flowering will be reduced, and the quality of Chinese rose will also be reduced to a semi-dormant state.

2. Sunshine: Chinese rose flowers like sunshine, air circulation, well-drained and sheltered environment. Do not grow Chinese rose flowers in dark and humid places. In the midsummer when the sun is strong, we must shade the roses appropriately, otherwise the flowers in bloom are prone to dehydration and desiccation.

3. Moisture: Rose flowers like humid environment, and the relative humidity of air is best controlled between 75% and 80%. Rose flowers can also withstand a certain degree of drought. In the summer, it is best to spray water once in the morning and in the evening to maintain a moist environment and promote the growth of flowers and leaves. It is advisable to use sun-dried water for watering, in order to reduce the temperature difference between potted soil and water.

4. Soil: The soil in which roses are planted is best to contain organic matter, fertile, loose, acidic, and well-drained, and the compacted soil and calcareous soil are not conducive to the growth of the Chinese rose. In fact, the adaptability of Chinese rose to the soil is relatively wide.

5. Fertilization: In the summer, the growth season of rose flowers, the evaporation amount and consumption are very large. During the flowering period, thin fertilizer should be applied once every 10 days. Soybean cake and poultry manure can also be soaked in water. For topdressing, the plants flourish and break the summer hibernation.

6, pruning: Rose flowers to remove diseased branches, weak branches, degenerative branches in time, appropriate adjustment of plant height. In the early stages of sprouting, buds should be sparse and the lateral buds and secondary buds on the flowering branches should be removed promptly so as not to disperse the nutrients.

Potted rose flower breeding

Potted rose flowers should be selected with suitable pots, and should maintain sufficient sunshine and air circulation. Too high temperatures must be properly shaded. In summer, the amount of evaporation is large, the potted rose flowers should be watered every day, and sufficient water should be poured in the evening. In the summer season, it is generally not top-dressing, but only thin-fertilized plants are applied to grow strong plants, once or twice a week.

Potted rose flowers need to be pruned and removed in time to remove the diseased branches, weak branches, degenerate branches, and lateral buds and buds on the flower branches to avoid excessive consumption of nutrients and affect the growth of other branches. Potted rose flowers must be turned every year.

About the Chinese rose flower cultivation method Xiaobian introduced here for you, rose flowers adaptability is very strong, it is easy to breed, you can also hands-on to cultivate beautiful rose flowers, add a touch of bright colors for your life.

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