How to prevent and cure abnormal shaped seedlings when growing vegetables

In the relatively closed plastic greenhouses and solar greenhouses in the winter and spring seasons, the following abnormal seedlings often appear.
1. No growth point seedlings: During the flower bud differentiation period, due to insufficient supply of nutrients and water, the cells at the growing point stopped dividing, and only two leaves were excavated, and no growth point seedlings were formed. Can take nutritious soil and sub-seedlings nursery to be equipped with a good guarantee of nutrient supply; regulate the temperature difference between the day and night; timely seedlings; clever water anti-adult.
2. Wearing a cap seedling: The seed coat is not taken off from the leaves and the seed coat is unearthed. In order to prevent this phenomenon from soaking, it is necessary to ensure that the seed coat is soaked; the soil should not be too shallow (2 to 3 cm thick); it should be poured with enough water before planting; the surface of the mold should be covered with a layer of film to moisturize and the seedlings should be peeled off; When the seed coat is still soft in the morning, pinch the seed coat gently.
3. Headless seedlings: The newly emerged seedlings only have stems at night, and cotyledons and watercress are all gone. This is due to the vole feeding. In order to prevent this kind of phenomenon from appearing on the day of the next day, we should sprinkle with rhizome or freshwater shrimp on the surface of the seedlings on the day of the next day. The legume seedlings should be covered with thick woven bags on the day of their excavation, and the true leaves should be exposed and then removed.
4. Axillary root seedlings: After emergence of seedlings, new roots have not been developed. The surface of the radicles is brownish brown, yellow leaves are thin, no new leaves are found, and the seedlings are easy to pull up. The stalks under the soil surface are seriously rotted and died. In order to prevent this phenomenon from occurring, the terrain should be high-drying, the water mix should be good, the leeward sunny area should be built to raise the seedbed, the seedbed ground temperature should be raised, the watering should be controlled to reduce the seedbed humidity, and the loose soil should be loose to promote bedrock ventilation and gas enhancement; Hotline, seedling plate nursery; seedling leaves dew dry and sprinkle 1 layer of dry fine soil on the seedbed.
5. Flash seedlings: After the cover was peeled off, the seedlings suddenly wilted, the leaf margins curled up, the leaves partially or completely turned white and dry, and the entire person died. Should not take too much wind, too fast, to avoid causing physiological flash seedlings; long-term rain (snow) suddenly clear the entire shed cover when it is off, to take the time to expose the seedlings, as the seedlings return to normal when the cover is removed It is forbidden to sweep the wind and the hallway; the proper location is suitable for the outlet.
6. Stable seedlings: seedling growth retardation, thin and thin seedlings, yellow leaves, hard stems, not long new leaves, seedling age is not long, it seems that the "old seedlings." In order to prevent this kind of phenomenon from appearing, nursery soil rich in organic matter and various nutrient elements should be formulated; when the seed is planted, it should be thoroughly irrigated with water, and the seedlings should be scientifically prevented to prevent the seedlings from overrunning.
7. Lengthy seedlings: The hypocotyls of the seedlings after emergence are too long, the stems are tall and thin, the internodes are long, the stem color is yellowish green, the leaves are soft and thin, the leaves are light yellow, the roots are weak, and the resistance to stress is reduced. In order to prevent this phenomenon from happening, seedlings should be controlled for suitable temperature and humidity, and the temperature difference between day and night should be increased. The seed and seedling densities should be more suitable. The amount of ammoniated fertilizer should be controlled, and the rainy (snow) days should be properly exposed. Let the seedlings see more scattered light, sunny weather to cover the grass sooner or later, to extend the lighting time, the soil should not be too thick.
8. Flower topping seedlings: cucumbers and other melon vegetable seedlings, in the seedling stage or fruiting melon growth point into a flower, the formation of male and female flowers and flower heads. Prevention methods include: due to rooting caused by drought, the flower topping should be properly watered in time, because the root cause must be 10cm to raise the temperature to 12 °C or more, loose soil ditch drenching soil; due to low temperature caused by night, to The shed night temperature was raised to 15 ~ 10 °C, due to injury caused by the root should be promoted paper tube, seedling plate and other mulching method of rooting, timely removal of the top of the flower, and promote the rapid development of root to promote early-onset.
9. Color-changing seedlings: Suddenly white, brown, yellow, and other colors appear in late seedlings. Lights stop growing, and the entire person dies. This is because fertilization, spraying, heating, purchasing plastic sheets, etc., caused the overflow of harmful gases such as oxygen, nitrous sulfur dioxide, nitrogen monoxide, and ethylene. The concentration of harmful gases in the greenhouse exceeds the upper limit of the tolerance of vegetable seedlings. Inhaled poisoning in the body. Scientifically control the amount of various chemical fertilizers, nursery greenhouses can not be applied to non-rotating farmyard manure and chicken manure, timely ventilation, heating furnace fire should be sealed flue, buy high-quality plastic film, to prevent harmful gases Spill wounds.
The unit: Agricultural Technology Extension Station of Liuchang Town, Qingzhen City, Guizhou Province

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