High-yielding and high-quality new rice varieties and their high-yielding cultivation techniques

I. High-yield and high-quality new rice varieties:
Early maturing rice variety Tongyuan 112
Characteristics: Growth period 125 to 128 days. The plant height is about 100 cm, the number of effective panicles is 24.8 to 32.6 spikes, the number of main panicles is 150 grains or more, and the full grain weight is 27.6 grams. The seed setting rate is high, the cold resistance is strong, and the heading stage is stable and the live stalks are mature. The rice grains are transparent and glossy, no belly white, and good palatability. Under the conditions of rare cultivation, the yield of hectares can reach 10,000 kilograms.
Adaptation area: It is suitable for planting in the eastern mountainous regions of Jilin Province (Baishan, Jingyu), well water irrigation fields and Heilongjiang Province.
Rice Quality Variety Tong-Yi 103
Characteristics: Fertility period is about 132 days, which is a medium-maturing variety in Jilin Province. Plant height 100 cm, under the conditions of thin or ultra-spawn cultivation, the number of effective panicles per hole is 20 to 25 spikes, the average number of grains per panicle is 110 to 120 grains, and the number of grains per panicle is 150 grains or more. Medium tillering power, large panicle type, strong cold resistance at seedling stage, rapid maturation, yellow shell, no abdomen, good rice mouth. The hectare yield can reach more than 10,000 kg.
Adaptation area: The variety should be planted in the eastern half of Jilin Province, well water irrigation area, saline-alkali area in the central and western regions, and late drought.
Rice disease-resistant and high-yielding new variety Tong 88-7
In 1996, he won the 10th Anniversary of the implementation of the National Spark Program and the “8th Five-Year” Agricultural Science and Technology Exposition Excellent Project Award, the first prize of Tonghua Agricultural Science and Technology Promotion Achievement, and in 1998 was named the second high-quality edible rice variety in Jilin Province. In 2000, he won the third prize of Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award and the second prize of the provincial government harvest plan. Tong 88-7 is a new rice variety with high yield, high quality, disease resistance, salt and alkali resistance, and low temperature and cold damage.
Characteristic characteristics: growth period 135 days, plant height 110 cm, plant type compact, strong tiller (28 to 32.4 ear panicles), panicle (184.7 seeds per panicle), grain weight 27.6 grams. Yields of 12,000 kilograms of hectares under the conditions of thin or ultra-sparse planting were increased, and the yield of the regional trials was 3.2-5.3% higher than that of the control variety Jiyu.
Adaptation area: This variety can be planted in Zhongshu District of Jilin Province, middle and early mature areas of Liaoning Province, well water irrigation fields, saline and alkaline areas in the middle and western regions, and low temperature damage.
The characteristics of the new high-quality and high-yielding rice variety Tongxian No. 9: growth period 135-137 days, plant height 100 cm, effective panicle number 28 to 35 spikes, number of main panicles up to 180, full grain weight 28 g, tiller Good ability, strong lodging resistance, disease resistance is significantly better than control varieties, good maturity, high rice yield; rice grain is transparent, palatability is good, and the yield of hectares under thin-cultivation cultivation conditions has a potential of 12000 kg, the province's production test Compared with the control variety Jiyu, the yield increased by 8.2 to 9.6%.
Adaptation area: This variety is suitable for mid-mature areas in Jilin Province, where the accumulated temperature of 2750-2800°C and semi-mountainous areas, and well water irrigation fields are planted in late summer.
A new high-yield and high-yielding variety of rice
Characteristics: Growth period is about 138 days, plant height is about 108 cm, effective ear number is 26.8~32.6 spikes, strong tiller ability, number of main grains is more than 160 grains, full grain weight is 27.8 g, leaf color is light green, live stalks are mature, The grain is clean and the color is good. The rice grains are transparent and glossy, no belly white, and good palatability. Under the conditions of rare plant cultivation, the hectare yield has a potential of 12,000 kilograms.
Adaptation area: This variety can be planted in middle and late-maturing areas such as Tonghua, Liaoyuan, Jilin and Changchun in Jilin Province.
Rice High-quality, High-yield New Product Line 883
Characteristics: The growth period is 138 days, which is a late-maturing variety in Jilin Province. The plant height is 110 cm, the number of effective panicles is 22 spikes, the number of main panicles can reach more than 200 grains, the full grain weight is 27.6 grams, the leaves are dark green, the filling speed is fast, the maturity is good, and the glume is yellow. The rice grain is transparent and glossy, chalky, rice soft, and palatability good. Under the conditions of thin or ultra-sparse planting, the hectare yield has a potential of 12,000 kilograms.
Adaptation area: This variety is suitable for cultivation in Tonghua, Dehui, Yushu, Meteorite, Jilin, Changchun, etc. in Jilin Province. It is suitable for planting at a temperature above 2800°C.
Rice high-quality, high-yield new product line system 897
Characteristics: Growth period is about 128 days, plant height is about 108 centimeters, effective ear number is 26.8 spikes, main grain number is more than 180 grains, full grain weight is 28.8 grams, leaf color is dark green, live stalk is mature, grain is clean, color is good. The rice grains are transparent and glossy, the rice is soft and sticky, and the palatability is good. Under the conditions of thin-grained cultivation, the hectare yield has a potential of 12,000 kg.
Adaptation area: This species can be planted in the middle and late ripening areas such as Tonghua, Liaoyuan, Jilin, and Changchun in Jilin Province.
Rice high-quality, high-yield and disease-resistant new varieties Tongxian 158
Characteristics: The growth period is 138-140 days, which is a late-maturing variety in Jilin Province. The plant height is about 108 cm, the number of effective panicles is 26 spikes, the number of main panicles is more than 200 grains, and the full grain weight is 30.6 grams. The flag leaves are wide, long, and lifted. The stems are thick, with good fertilizer, strong lodging resistance, and disease resistance. Good, live stalks mature, transparent and shiny rice, no chalkiness, good palatability. The rate of rice out of this variety is high. Under the conditions of sparse planting and cultivation in the adaptation zone, the yield of hectares has a potential of 12,000 kilograms, and the yield test in Jilin Province is more than 8.3% higher than the control variety Tongtong 35.
Adaptation area: This species is suitable for planting in areas such as Tonghua, Dehui, Yushu, Yushi, etc. in the late-maturing area of ​​Jilin Province, and the temperature above 2800°C.
A new high-yield and high-quality rice variety Tongxian 12
Characteristic characteristics: growth period 140 days, plant height 110 cm, under the conditions of thin or ultra-spawn cultivation, the number of effective panicles per hole 24.6 ~ 35.7 panicles, the average number of grains per panicle 124.8 ~ 143.9, full grain weight 27 grams, tiller Strong, fast grain filling, lodging resistance, good rice quality, good palatability, under the conditions of sparse cultivation in the adaptation zone, high-yielding fields can reach 12,000 kg/ha or more.
Adaptation Area: Suitable for planting in areas of Tonghua, Dehui, Lanshi, Changchun, Siping Middle and Late Maturity Area, Jitongtong 35 and Nongda 3 in Jilin Province.
The characteristics of the high-yield sticky rice variety Tongjia No. 1 of rice: The whole growth period is about 140 days, and it is a mid-late-maturing variety. The plant height is 100-105 cm. Under the conditions of thin-grained or ultra-spawned planting, the number of effective panicles per hole is 20 to 27 spikes and the number of main panicles is 187 or more. It is a large panicle type variety, and the variety has a dark green color and flag leaves. Stretching, oval grain shape, Ying and Ying pointed brown, under the conditions of the production of hectares in thin-cultivated cultivation can reach more than 10,000 kg.
Adaptation Area: This variety is widely cultivated in Jilin Province, Northeast China, and North China. It is the ace type of sticky rice varieties and is suitable for planting in northern China's rice area, middle-juicy area in Jilin Province, and middle-late-maturing area.
Second, high-yield cultivation techniques:
Diluted seedlings in dry conditions: Under the climatic conditions in Jilin Province, about 10 April, seedlings were raised. Drought seedlings sowing rate of 150 grams per square meter sowing seeds (3 two), disk seedlings sowing every sowing 80 to 120 grams of germination seeds; throwing seedlings seedlings per hole 2 to 3, after sowing covered finely sifted mountain soil In order to improve the temperature of the seedbed, after sowing the soil should be poured once again enough water, before planting seedlings to develop 4.5 to 5.5 leaves, single seedlings tiller 1 to 2, dark green leaves, seedlings flat and strong.
Planting density: using sparse cultivation or ultra-slim cultivation, transplanting method 30 cm 20 cm (9 inch 6 inch); 30 cm 26.7 cm (9 inch 8 inch); 40 cm 20 cm (12 inch 6 inch); (50 Centimeter + 30 cm + 30 cm) 20 cm (mixed and sparsely cultivated), 2 to 3 seedlings per hole, to be transplanted in shallow water. Try to avoid the phenomenon of dense planting, multi-insertion, etc., and maximize the potential for yield increase of rice individuals through cultivation methods such as less insertion and planting.
Fertilization techniques: There is a close relationship between the yield of rice and the amount of fertilization, the fertilization period, and the type of fertilizer. High-yield fertilization should balance the required fertilizer and the fertilizer (fertilizer) in rice. After many years of trial and research, we have summarized the high-yielding fertilization techniques of rice with nitrogen fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization in stages, with a total nitrogen application rate of 120-130 kg/ha; phosphate fertilizer (diphosphorus pentoxide) 50-70 kg/ Hectares, potash (potassium oxide) 70-90 kg/ha. Specific fertilization methods: 30% nitrogen fertilizer base fertilizer (basic fertilizer) before planting, 10% of tiller fertilizer (returning green manure), and 25% of manure fertilizer, applied from June 20 to June 25 to promote high-section tillering into panicle. 25% panicle fat was applied around July 5 (panicle differentiation stage) to ensure that there were many panicles. 10% of grain fertilizer was applied at full heading stage to increase grain maturity. Phosphate fertilizer 100% as base fertilizer, 70% potassium fertilizer as base fertilizer, 30% as panicle fertilizer. For rice fields with fertile soil and long-term application of farmyard manure, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be appropriately reduced based on perennial experience, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be appropriately increased for sandy soils and soils with low fertility. Due to the low ground temperature in early stage of rice growth and the slower growth of seedlings, low-calorie cold paddy field and grassy carbon soil must not be over-used with nitrogen fertilizer. In addition to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers, silicon fertilizer and zinc fertilizer should be applied to prevent the occurrence of rape blight. occur.
Moisture management technology: Moisture takes shallow-wet-run-dry management methods. Rice should be transplanted in shallow water and can not be drained or transplanted without water. The rice should be irrigated during the tillering stage (planting till June 30), raise the ground temperature and water temperature, and reach the end of effective rice tillering (about July 5), draining Liangtian, Invalid control of delivery. During the panicle differentiation (June 30 or July 5), wet irrigation, intermittent irrigation is used for low-lying land, grassy carbon land, etc. to keep the soil moist, and irrigation should be performed on the land and the leaked land in time. Shallow irrigation ensures the water needed for rice growth and development at this stage. From the ear to the grain filling stage, wetting irrigation is used to maintain root activity, prolong the lifespan of the lower leaves, and increase the maturity of grains. During the ripe period (growing to harvesting), the water is drained to enhance the vitality of the roots and prevent lodging.
Diseases, Insects, and Weed Control Techniques: Rice diseases, insects, and weeds should be primarily prevented, and the hazards should be reduced through the cultivation techniques and comprehensive control of pesticides. Honda weeding should be controlled by butachlor and glucoside for about 7 days after transplanting. During the first and the middle of June, we should pay close attention to the occurrence and damage of the rice leafminer and negative mud insects, and use dimethoate to prevent and control the enemy at the initial stage of the rice leafminer and negative mud insects. During July 5-20, we should pay attention to prevention and control of rice stem borer. Rice blast is a biological natural disease, there is no absolute resistance to the disease, it was found that Ye Yu timely fight drugs, use Fuji No. 1 or tricyclazole to control leaf alum per acre Apply 2 to 3, spray 30 to 45 kg of water (2 to 3 sprayers of water), and apply heal to the heavier patches on July 10 to 15 at the beginning of earing (5% of the ear) Conduct a second prevention (or prevention). For the field where there is no disease, the ear should be produced, and about 5% prevention should be performed.

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