Dry skin in winter needs vitamin E supplementation

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, also known as tocopherol, and is one of the most important antioxidants. Soluble in organic solvent such as fat and ethanol, insoluble in water, stable to heat and acid, unstable to alkali, sensitive to oxygen and insensitive to heat, but the activity of vitamin E is significantly reduced when fried. Tocopherol can promote the secretion of sex hormones, increase sperm motility and quantity in men; increase female estrogen concentration, increase fertility, prevent miscarriage, and can also be used to prevent male infertility, burns, frostbite, capillary bleeding, menopausal syndrome, Beauty and so on. Recently, it has also been found that vitamin E can inhibit the lipid peroxide reaction in the lens of the eye, make the distal blood vessels expand, improve blood circulation, and prevent the occurrence and development of myopia.


Vitamin E mainly has three functions: water lock nourishment, anti-wrinkle and anti-ageing, and beauty freckle.

Water lock nourishment: Natural vitamin E can protect the cell membrane from the oxidative damage of free radicals, help repair and consolidate the skin's natural protective barrier, lock in the skin's moisture, provide a deep nourishment from the inside out.

Freckle beauty: Radical oxidation of the skin's cell membrane lipofuscin, deposited in the skin to form a brown spot. Natural vitamin E protects cell membranes from free radical oxidative damage, inhibits lipofuscin production, and eliminates chloasma. At the same time, it promotes the transport of nutrients inside the skin and the excretion of metabolic waste, which is conducive to the elimination of "spots."

Anti-wrinkle and Anti-aging: Natural Vitamin E can eliminate dangerous free radicals in the body fat, stop the lipid peroxidation chain reaction, and play an anti-aging effect. Helps maintain skin elasticity and helps to slow down the skin's relaxation and fine lines.

Vitamin E needs a crowd

1. People who drink tap water sterilized with chlorine must consume more vitamin E;

2, people taking contraceptives, aspirin, alcohol, hormones to add vitamin E;

3, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's disease patients, pregnant women and middle-aged and elderly people to add vitamin E.

4, the development of the nervous system in children is very sensitive to vitamin E deficiency, vitamin E deficiency if not timely use of vitamin E supplement treatment, can quickly occur in neurological symptoms.

Various vegetable oils (wheat germ oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, peanut oil, sesame oil), grain germs, many green plants, meat, butter, milk, eggs, etc. are all good or better sources of VE. Buckwheat, cabbage, banana, Bean sprouts, animal livers, etc. are rich in vitamin E.

Peanuts are rich in vitamin E, but it is difficult for people to obtain sufficient amounts of vitamin E from these foods.

All cereal grains are rich in vitamin E, especially in the seeds of germs. Corn, wheat germ oil, soybean oil, sesame, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil, and cottonseed oil are also rich in vitamin E.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, eggs, millet, oats, etc., are foods rich in vitamins, including vitamin C, B vitamins and vitamin E.

Some dried fruit is rich in vitamin E, seeds, sunflower, walnuts, almonds, and glutinous rice contain natural vitamin E.

Sesame oil, especially small sesame oil, is rich in vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels.

Taking vitamin E from food is a relatively simple method, but vitamin E in some foods is not easily absorbed by the body. This requires the supplementation of vitamin E other than food.

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