Be wary of 6 foods that can easily cause cancer

Overheated food

The so-called warm food, first refers to the direct sense of the temperature is too high, too hot food; First, refers to the warm sex of food belonging to the division of Chinese medicine. Because it is too hot, it is easy to damage the mucosal epithelial cells of the digestive tract, so foods of this nature are most likely to induce tumors of the digestive system.

Excessive food is an important cause of gastrointestinal cancers such as esophageal cancer. Overheated diet can damage and stimulate esophageal mucosal epithelium, and long-term stimulation will induce tissue malignant transformation. The Chinese’s digestive tract tumors are significantly higher than those of Westerners. They are more than happy with Chinese people. They are accompanied by hot soups such as soups and batters for three meals a day. Compared with Chinese, Westerners have a simpler diet. , usually rare hot soup, and drink more juice, cola and other cold drinks.

Wine is a hot, long-term drinking, is the most common factor in the incidence of digestive system tumors. The high incidence of esophageal cancer in the southwest of Shandong is related to the diet of thermophilia and alcoholism in the region. In fact, as early as 1964, the World Health Organization thought that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages was related to oral cancer, laryngeal cancer and esophageal cancer. In a survey of Tongxing County, Jiangsu Province, which showed relatively high incidence of liver cancer in Tongxing Township and relatively low-incidence Xining Township, the former found that the mortality of liver cancer was 2.5 times that of the latter. While the two townships are separated by only one road, the natural environment is basically the same, and the smoking rate is also quite different. The difference is that people in areas with high incidence of liver cancer drink and people in low-incidence areas like to drink tea.

There are also fried and smoked foods that also belong to Chinese traditional hot foods. These foods are also hot food because they are fried and baked at high temperatures. Studies have confirmed that long-term consumption of such foods can easily lead to gastric cancer, colon cancer, and liver cancer.

Just like Chinese people addicted to tea, Westerners prefer to drink coffee. After 5 years of epidemiological investigation, American scholars believe that caffeine has a certain influence on the formation of pancreatic cancer and bladder cancer. People who drink coffee regularly are 2 to 3 times more likely to have these two types of cancer than those who do not. In patients with pancreatic cancer, at least half is caused by excessive coffee consumption.


Chinese medicine practitioners believe that foods should be reconciled, and that foods that are sweet, bitter, sour, pungent, and salty should be eaten evenly, and any partial eclipse can lead to disease. Of the factors that cause tumors, fattening too much and too much saltiness are common factors.

Fatty and greasy too

The plump and greasy products of traditional Chinese medicine are sweet and greasy foods. Judging from clinical studies, sweet foods, namely starchy and sugary foods, cause excessive intake of excessively high levels of gastric cancer. Excessive intake of high-fat foods such as fatty meats and oils can promote breast cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. . From the perspective of Chinese medicine, tumors belong to the category of syndromes. According to the Internal Classic, the syndrome is the stagnation of body fluids and congestion, and the hypertrophy diet, which facilitates wet phlegm, will undoubtedly aggravate the coagulation of these pathological products.

From a modern medical point of view, often eating a high-fat diet can promote the liver to secrete more bile. After entering the intestinal tract, the primary bile acids in the bile are converted into deoxycholic acid and stone bile by the action of intestinal anaerobic bacteria. Acid, both of which are carcinogens, can cause cancer in the intestinal mucosa. At the same time, fat can provide a suitable growth environment for a variety of tumors.

Salty too

In addition to salt, salty foods include pickles, salted fish, bacon, and other pickled foods. According to relevant studies, the risk of developing esophageal cancer in people who eat preserved food is 2.79 times that of people who eat less often. Gastrointestinal cancer is the most likely cause of cancer in salty foods. Japanese fishermen who eat salted fish have more common occurrences of gastric cancer and esophageal cancer. Eating salty fish is also an important factor causing nasopharyngeal cancer. Malaysian researchers found that coastal residents suffer from more nasopharyngeal cancer because of their preference for salty fish. China's census data prove that, in high-incidence areas of gastric cancer, per capita daily intake of salt is 50 grams; and in areas with low incidence of gastric cancer, per capita salt intake is only about 6 grams.

In fact, salt itself is not carcinogenic, and the cause of canceration is that high concentration of salt solution can easily damage the protective layer of gastric mucosa and cause mucosal erosion or ulceration. In this case, once it is invaded by carcinogens, it will produce cancerous localization of gastric mucosal cells. Salt is an indispensable material for the human body, but it cannot be eaten in excess. It is generally believed that normal salt intake should be controlled within 6 grams per day.

Eating degeneration food, mildew food

Aflatoxins have been recognized as the most potent carcinogen. Aspergillus flavus is abundant in mildewed grains, corn, and peanuts. The bacteria are prone to growth in warm, moist environments. Studies have found that they can induce experimental animals. A variety of tumors. This factor is an important cause of the high incidence of cancer in some areas in Asia and Africa.

Pickled food

Nitrite is also recognized as a carcinogen. After pickling vegetables and fresh meat, it will produce a large amount of nitrite. Among salted dried fish, fermented pickles, kimchi, and sauerkraut contain nitroso compounds in overnight cooked cabbage, sausages, and meat. If these foods are regularly eaten, there is a danger of cancer.

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