12 kinds of fruit skin is beauty "magic"

The skin of the fruit will affect the taste of the fruit, so many people do not eat skin, choose to throw away the skin. However, many fruits are rich in nutrients, such as orange peel can whiten, phlegm, cough, apple peel can anti-aging. The health functions of these fruit peels are very strong.

How does the bitter gourd seed germination?

[ Agricultural Products Net] Because bitter gourd seeds have thicker seed coats and are not easy to absorb water, using warm water scalding and soaking seeds to promote germination can promote seed water germination, meet the temperature conditions of seed germination, increase seed germination rat

How Soybean Scientifically Fertilizes

To solve the problem of low organic fertilizer application, non-inoculation of rhizobia, and neglect of trace element nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron and molybdenum in the current soybean fertilizer application, the following scientific fertilization methods are recommended: Re

How women's iron deficiency supplements

According to a World Health Organization survey, iron deficiency anemia occurs in approximately 50% of girls, 20% of adult women and 40% of pregnant women. The first is that the physiological characteristics of women determine that women are prone to anemia. Adolescent girls have a strong growth a

Can pregnant women eat jackfruit?

Jackfruit, also known as dill, wood pineapple, tree pineapple, pineapple tree, honey melon, bovine fruit, is a world famous tropical fruit. The green immature fruit of jackfruit can be eaten as vegetables. The ripe fruit of brown can be eaten with its flesh, sweet and sour but not strong. It is th

Jujube Dates Management

High-yield management method of winter jujube branches and leaves Crop demand 1 Promoting jujube budding, robust growth of branches and leaves, favorable flower bud differentiation 2 Prevent diseases: dry rot, spot disease, bacterial scab. 3 to prevent pests: Blister, juvenile armyworm, red sp

Rainy day cotton management points

High temperature and strong sunlight in cotton, but in recent periods, most parts of Shaanxi have more rainy weather, and there is a serious lack of sunshine, low temperatures, and high humidity in the cotton fields. This is extremely unfavorable to cotton production, and the shedding of the bells