Winter lettuce cultivation and management techniques

1 Variety selection: Choose varieties with strong cold resistance, disease resistance and strong adaptability, such as the emperor, Salinas, and Great Lakes 659. The nursery should choose fertile sandy loam with strong water retention and fertility. 2 Seedling preparation: As the seeds of lettuce

Spring planting fruit trees should be timely

Planting fruit trees is generally suitable for spring and autumn, and the best period for planting is to plant the fruit before and after the planting. At this time, the tree is in a relatively dormant state, the body stores more nutrients, the roots and branches of the wound (notched) easier to r

Chinese herbs can be grown in June

Banlangen Banlangen can be planted in spring and summer, and planted in the north in May. The majority of areas in the south of the Yellow River are planted mainly in summer. Planting before the Ching Ming Festival will cause moss, flowering, and lignification of the roots. There is no medicinal v

Potato balanced fertilization technology

1 basic principles of potato fertilization In the seedling stage, the amount of fertilizers sucked by the potatoes is relatively small, until the hair growth period, the amount of fat absorption will greatly increase, until the initial stage of tuberculosis, the amount of fat absorption will reac

Do you drink water in the water?

枸杞 is the collective name for the species under the genus Mantis, such as commercial lice, plants Ningxia wolfberry, and Chinese sturgeon. Chinese medicine believes that sweet, sweet, flat, with liver and kidney, benefit essence and blood, the effect of eyesight. The "Compendium of M

How to Remedy Peach Trees Frozen in Winter

The infected branches can be cut off before sprouting, and 3 to 5 Baume degree lime sulfur can be used to smear the cut, and the necrotic tissue of the affected parts of the branches can be scraped off and coated with a healing agent to increase the healing ability and restore growth as soon as po

Deep well pump wiring method

(Deep well submersible pump) The factory usually only has the lead-out cable. When the user installs, he needs to reconnect the cable separately. Therefore, the method must be paid attention to when the cable is connected, otherwise it will have a great influence on the use of the deep well submers

Latest developments in single molecule technology

The biological response is a dynamic process with transient, microscopic and complex characteristics. A variety of biophysical methods are needed to capture this subtle change. LUMICKS is committed to providing our customers with state-of-the-art single-molecule biophysical equipment and cutting-