Kelp - "seafood" treasures for poultry

Kelp is rich in iodide, minerals and vitamins as well as a variety of "unknown growth factors", which is not only a favorite nutrient health food but also a good feed additive for poultry. Feeding chickens with 5% kelp powder in the hen diet can increase the fertilization rate of the eg

Sheep's estrus cycle

After the ewe reaches sexual maturity, it begins to exhibit a periodical sexual behavior. The interval from the beginning of the last oestrus to the beginning of the next oestrus is called the oestrus cycle. The estrus cycle of sheep averaged 17 days (14-21 days), and the goat averaged 21 days (18

Wuhan people eat Wuchang fish eat 10 million a year

The number of Wuchang fish eaten by Wuhan diners is the highest in the country, and it is expected to eat 10 million a year. The “Freshwater Fish Fresh Wuchang Fish Food Festival” held yesterday in Wuhan revealed that Jiangcheng sold 340 million yuan of Wuchang fish a year, ran

Delicious shiitake mushroom production

In the processing of shiitake mushrooms, there are usually a large number of shredded mushroom stalks that have been removed. The stalks of the stalks are preserved in the protein 6. The contents of the shucks and stalks, D, and C are the same as those of the mushroom caps and mushroom pleats. Unf

Seven preparations for chicks before entering home

After a batch of chickens are eliminated or transferred, the preparation of the chicken houses must be done carefully in order to make the next batch of chickens grow healthily. First, clean up. For the shed or group of chickens, the litter, feces, feathers and other wastes should be removed. Cle

Whether red wine is anti-cancer or cancer-causing

At the banquet, should I raise the red wine toast? A recent US study said that women who like to drink red wine, even if only for a drink, will also increase the risk of breast cancer. However, reading the European and U.S. newspapers and literature records, "Red wine can prevent breast cance

What are the benefits of eating grapes?

Grapes are rich in nutrients. This is a well-known event. In particular, the sugar content is very high. The average sugar content of grapes is around 8% to 12%, with an average of 10.3%. The sugar contained in the grapes is glucose, fructose, etc., in which glucose can be quickly absorbed by the

Different fruits have different effects

1, eat strawberry culture patient supplement vitamins Eating strawberries can cultivate patience, because it belongs to low-stemmed grass plants and is susceptible to contamination during growth. Therefore, it must be patiently cleaned before eating: first remove the leaves, rinse under running w