Young fruit tree branches five attention

1, pay attention to pull the time. The initial period of production (from late March to early April) and late growth (from late August to late September) are the main periods of Lazhi. During the production period, the branch is pulled and the branch on the back is easy to prosper. The summer cutti

Bee Colony Breeding Tips

Bees are insects that live in groups, and bees are the units of groups. In modern bee-keeping production, the bee farm quickly divides a group of bees into two or more groups according to their needs and bee colony so as to achieve rapid reproduction of bee colonies. Rapid breeding of bee colonies

The role of snake venom

Snake venom is a liquid secreted by viper from the venom gland. The main ingredient is toxic protein, which accounts for about 90% to 95% of dry weight. There are about twenty kinds of enzymes and toxins. In addition, it also contains small peptides, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleosides,

Staphylococcus diseases prevention

1, pathogens and epidemic situation Oblique worm disease is a disease caused by ciliate parasitoids. The lateral view of the oblique tubeworm is uplifted, the ventral surface is flat, the front end is thin, the back end is thick, and the body length is 40-60 microns, which is very small and can b