Four Seasons Management of Snake Farm

Snakes are hypothermic animals, and their body temperature changes with the rise and fall of the ambient temperature. A well-managed snake farm can ensure the normal growth and reproduction of snakes and increase the yield and quality of snakes.

Spring Management

The snakes used for breeding are generally best introduced in the spring, and there is no need to worry about the weather being too cold or too hot during transportation. The spawning period is also at this time. Before snakes are put into snake farms, they should be cleaned and cleaned and disinfected. The newly emerged snakes basically did not eat for the first 2 weeks to 3 weeks. They began to eat a small amount of food in April, and their food intake increased greatly in May. They should regularly put in sufficient and hygienic feed, and the snake farm should have clean drinking water. At the same time, snake keepers should constantly observe the activities of snakes and record snake predation, drinking, molting, pursuing mating, mating, breeding, pests and death.

Summer management

Summer is the main mating and breeding season for snakes and also the peak season for predation, activity and growth. We must take care of female snakes, collect snake eggs in time, and prepare for breeding and hatching. It is necessary to separate the female snake from the male snake and ensure that the food is adequate and diversified. It is necessary to observe carefully the spawning female snakes, pay attention to the collection of snake eggs, and do a good job of artificially hatching baby snakes. In the summer of summer, the cooling work of snake nests should be done well. The snake farm must have clean drinking water to clean the excrement in time.

Fall Management

Autumn is a predatory season for snakes. Therefore, the supply of snakes in the autumn requires a large amount of high quality, so that the snakes store large amounts of fat for winter winter and body consumption during the outing. At this time, small snakes with a small amount of food should be manually filled to ensure safe wintering. Because autumn wild snakes eat a large amount of food and often eat holes, it is also a good time to catch snakes.

Winter Management

Winter is the key season for artificial breeding and it is related to whether the snake can safely pass winter. In particular, the wintering period for snakes that use poison before testing or having weaker constitutions must strengthen management. Before wintering, snakes should be allowed to feed and drink, and the amount of feed quality should be large and varied in order to accumulate enough fat for wintering needs. The snake should maintain proper temperature during the wintering period (winterlings require indoor temperature 2 °C ~ 6 °C), to prevent indoor temperature when high, low, so as not to cause the juvenile snake woke up in hibernation, adverse winter. In winter, the temperature and humidity of snake farms should be regularly inspected. Snakes should be covered with plastic film over the winter pool. When the temperature rises, the plastic film should be opened to let the snake out of the hole to have ample sunlight in the snake farm. The sick snakes should be isolated in time. Executed to prevent infection of the entire population. Because the snakes are particularly concentrated during the winter, infectious diseases are easily spread, and the harm is very serious.

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