Five Methods for Treatment of Chinese Herbs before Broadcasting

1. Sowing seeds. The seed drying can increase seed vigor, increase germination potential and germination rate, and play a role in sterilization and sterilization. Generally choose sunny weather 2 to 3 days before sowing. When drying on the cement floor, pay attention not to spread too thin to prevent scald seeds, generally 5 to 10 cm is appropriate. Turn once every 2~3 hours to make the seeds evenly heated.
2. Soaking. Direct soaking with cold water or warm water at about 40°C or soaking with cold and hot water alternately for 24 hours can make the seed coat soften and enhance the permeability, kill the pathogens inside and outside the seed, prevent the spread of diseases, and prompt the seeds to be quickly and neatly Germination. If soaking seeds with some chemicals directly, can get better results.
(1) According to the seed characteristics, select the appropriate chemical agent and treat the seed with appropriate concentration. Such as Codonopsis seeds soaked in 0.1% baking soda, 0.1% potassium bromide solution for 30 seconds, picked up immediately sowing, the general germination can be 10 to 12 days earlier, the germination rate increased by about 10%.
(2) Treat with growth hormone. Commonly used hormones include indole acetic acid, gibberellin and so on If the seeds of Codonopsis pilosicoli were soaked in a 0.005% gibberellin solution for 6 hours, the germination rate increased by 11.5%.
(3) Add trace elements to soak in water. The commonly used trace elements include boron, zinc, manganese, copper, molybdenum, and the like. For example, if the seeds of the chrysanthemum were soaked in a 0.3% to 0.5% potassium permanganate solution for 1 day, the seed and root yields were increased by 30% to 35%, respectively.
3. Scratches and broken shells. Some seed coats are hard, waxy, and impervious, affecting the germination of seeds. Artificial shelling, rubbing and other methods can enhance the permeability and promote germination. Such as Eucommia can be cut off the samara, remove the seeds directly sowing; Astragalus, Andrographis seed coat waxy, can be rubbed with fine sand, and then soaked in warm water, can significantly increase the germination rate.
4. Stratification processing. That is, a layer of wet sand, a thin layer of seed, then a layer of wet sand, then a thin layer of seeds, so repeated processing. This method can break seed dormancy and promote post-harvest and germination. Such as peony, honeysuckle, berberine, ginkgo and other seeds commonly used stratification treatment to promote germination.
5. Dressing. With seed dressing, can play a role in sterilization, promote growth and absorption. For example, adding 3 to 4 grams of 50% carbendazim per 500 grams of seeds will kill germs on the seed surface and in the soil and prevent seedling damping-off. In addition, the use of bacterial fertilizers for seed dressing can add beneficial microorganisms to the soil and turn the elements that cannot be directly used in the soil and air into plant-absorbable nutrients, thereby promoting the growth and development of Chinese herbal medicines. The commonly used bacterial fertilizer has rhizobia , nitrogen-fixing agents, etc.

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