Vegetable seedling disease prevention and treatment

Cultivating disease-free and robust seedlings is the basis for harvesting vegetables from protected areas, and prevention and control of disease at seedling stage are key measures to ensure the cultivation of strong seedlings. Take the following comprehensive measures to prevent disease at seedlin

Self-cultivation sweet cherry fine variety selection

Sweet cherries are the most economical species in the deciduous fruit trees of northern China. However, due to improper allocation of pollinating trees, late spring and flowering frost, cherry yield often rises and falls, which limits the further development of sweet cherries. Self-cultivation va

How to raise geese with rye grass

Ryegrass has soft stems and leaves, rich nutrition, good palatability, and high digestibility. It is an excellent feed for geese. Planting annual ryegrass in winter and spring guarantees a balanced supply of pasture throughout the year. Mu produce 4000 to 5000 kilograms of fresh grass, up to 6,000

Major diseases, pests and symptoms of spring wheat

Category: Plant Protection Technology/Plant Quarantine Application: Not limited Major pests 1. The aphids mainly include Maier-II, alfalfa, and hand-twisting tubers. They begin to occur in June each year. The wheat straws often accumulate in the leaves, stems, and panicles, attracting juice, aff

Hangzhou sampling 8 beef products 5 leave

In recent years, with the rise in prices, the increase in the price of beef and mutton is also astounding, and the issue of whether it is genuine or not is also a matter of general concern. In recent days, beef has become the focus of the world. In Europe, a "horrific scandal" br

"Eat to eat" is not a hundred

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sometimes it will be fatal to get dirty and not health. As the saying goes, eat glutinous and make up to fill the shape to make up the dirty. So people often eat animal livers to make up for dirt. However, some people have been sick because they have too much

The 4 drinks that are least suitable for pregnant women

Many expectant mothers are always immersed in the joy of pregnancy when they know that they are pregnant. In fact, pregnancy in October is a long and painstaking process. During pregnancy, expectant mothers have to change their usual habits in order to have babies in their stomachs. The followin

Which feed does the sheep need?

Sheep's feed includes five kinds of green roughage, fine feed, animal feed, minerals and special feed. Green fodder, except for the wild weeds and leaves, is mainly planted with high-quality forage grasses such as ryegrass, clover, grasses of conifers, sudan grasses, pine cone herbs, and Rume