Dietary effects of TCS

Therapeutic effect

Reasons to choose food

"Doctors do not record": "A fruit naked, a melon, a Zegu. Actually, name cucumber."

"Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "Hey, it is also."

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Its roots are straight, long years are long feet. After the fall, the excavator has strong powder. The summer months diggers have gluten-free powder, can not be used. In fact, long round, green when the melon, Huang Shiru cooked persimmon, The children of the mountain family also eat it." "Oh, the ancients are all used." "Congratulations: Use the root for powder, white and beautiful, and the great food should be emptiness." 杲曰 栝蒌 栝蒌 纯 纯 纯 烦, thirst, If you are in the heart, you must not use it to remove it, use it with octanoic acid, and lead to swollen qi.If you haven't, you have to be thirsty. It is also appropriate.. Shi Zhen: sweet and slightly bitter acid, its stems and leaves taste sour. Acid can Sheng Jin, inspirational reason, it can quench the thirst Run dry. Mildly bitter fire, Gan does not hurt the stomach. I only say that it is bitter and cold.

"Herbal Materia Medica": "Oh, root ... ... suits stone people should use."

Used for diabetes analysis

Compendium of Materia Medica:



"Shingheng said: If you are a real person, you should treat your breasts with their sweet, sweet, moist, sweet energy, and reduce your energy. If you have a phlegm in your chest, your lungs will be forced by the fire and you will lose your orders. Under the help of the person, the person will be able to shun himself, and he should also be able to treat the phlegm. He can also wash dirt and heat in the chest and cure the thirst.”

“Xiaoke drinking water: “Qian Jin Fang” for powder method: Take Dagu root peeled and chopped, dip in water for five days, and make it easy to remove water every day. Take out the research and dry the filtered dried powder. Next, three servings a day.You can also eat porridge and cheese to eat it."Elbow rear": Use a thin root cut wolfberry, take five or two, five liters of water, cook four liters, drink it freely.

"Outside Mystery Tips": Use raw oyster roots for 30 pounds, use water to make a stone, and cook a bucket and a half. Use warm wine to serve as a chicken, and serve three servings. The best.

"Sheng Hui Fang": Use peony root, Coptis 32. For the end, honey pill is big. Take 30 pills per serving and 2 servings daily.

And Yuhu Pills: with wolfberry root, ginseng, etc., as the end of the honey pill dumplings. Take 30 pills per serving, under the Maimwon soup. Typhoid fever, thirst, thinking drink: 栝蒌 root thirty-two. Five liters of water, cook one liter, and divide it into two. Leach 1 litre of bamboo, 2 liters of water and cook.

Lily is thirsty: roots and oysters are divided equally. For scattered. Beverage service is flat. ("Everything Party") "Triticum has a role in raising blood sugar, can quench your thirst and thirst. This is because thirst can also be caused by lack of biochemistry. (Nie Wentao: "Food training and diabetes rehabilitation")

Trichosanthin porridge

[Materials] TCS 20 grams, 100 grams of rice.

[practice] soak the first 15 minutes of soy sauce, simmer for 20 minutes, to slag juice, then add glutinous rice porridge.


[Usage] 2 times in the morning and evening warm clothes.

[function] Qingfei cough, thirst quencher. For diabetes and Hyperactivity cough.

[Commentary] Research shows that TCS can lower blood sugar and it is mostly used to treat diabetes. Trichosanthin can cause midterm induction of labor and pregnant women are disabled.

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