Rice seedling disease

Gill grasshopper is a general term for various physiological diseases and invasive diseases in rice seedlings. Physiological gills are common: rotten species, rafting, "black root" and so on. Rotten seed is not germinated and rots after sowing, or young buds are rotted and rotted in the

Three Marches

The leeks, also known as “Hundred Years Old,” is an annual herbal wild plant of the Cruciferae family. The cold hardiness and vitality of the leeks are very strong. After the severe winter, in the early spring, the leeks have already appeared in the fields, grasslands and streams near

Yin physique small full-season health regimen

Yin deficiency diet tips: Suitable: Artemisia, Houttuynia, Chinese cabbage, mint, tomato, pineapple, strawberry, mulberry From the beginning of the Xiaomang period, the three gasses of the Wuyun and Liuqi began to sing. In this Xinqi year when the main gas blew up from the sun and the Yangming d

How to Adjust Egg Feed in Spring

Raw material selection Most of the feedstuffs used at this time were harvested and stored for a long time last year. The cold weather in winter and the mildew in the feed are unlikely. However, due to improper storage and the high moisture content of raw materials harvested last year, the feed is

Feed amino acid feed for broilers

1. L-lysine salt: L-lysine Chemical name is L-2,6-diaminoacetic acid, white crystals. Lysine is often the first or second limiting essential amino acid due to its high nutritional requirements and its low content in many feed ingredients. The content of lysine in cereal feed is not high, although

Why should the spring equinox, the spring equinox skills

The vernal equinox, which represents the arrival of spring, can be said to be the turning point between the winter and spring seasons. The spring equinox indicates that the cold winter is about to leave and the spring will return to the earth, and the weather will gradually pick up. However, the v

Eggplant can't be eaten with anything

Eggplant contains many vitamins, proteins, sugar and minerals. In particular, eggplant is rich in vitamin p, the most abundant part is the junction of purple skin and pulp, so the purple eggplant is the top grade. The content of vitamin p in 100 grams of purple eggplant is as high as 720 mg or mo

Major measures to prevent corn tipping and lack of grain

There are many reasons for the occurrence of spikes and lack of grains in corn during production, which are closely related to the characteristics of corn varieties, climatic conditions, cultivation and management, and the severity of pests and diseases. The main measures to prevent the occurrence

Onion health benefits

Onion makes people love and hate, it is a must for many longevity elderly people, it can soften blood vessels, lower blood and thick, however, the housewife does not like it, because it will be processed tears, and that kind of spicy taste is not Everyone can accept. In fact, there are more secret

How to use boar material

1. It is best to use boar special materials from about 60 kg to adult boars. 2. In the early period of free intake, the daily limit of feeding more than 100 kg is 2.3-2.5 kg/day. Boar material precautions 1. It is recommended that you have a sports venue and you need 1 km of exercise every day.