Prevention and Control of Root-Knot Nematodes in Vegetables

Due to continuous cropping for many years, vegetables in heavy crops cause a large accumulation of pathogenic bacteria and harmful substances excreted by plants themselves. Root-knot nematodes occur in large areas, resulting in serious vegetable root diseases, debilitating growth, declining qualit

Walnut thin fruit quality is good

The scientific thinning of walnuts not only benefits the development of the tree, saves a lot of nutrients and water, increases the nut production and quality of the year, but also helps the growth of new shoots, ensures the output of the following year, and improves the yield of walnuts. The main

Autumn nine trees jujube

The jujube trees are planted in the autumn, with early germination, early flowering and stable results. Moreover, as the temperature gradually decreases, the wounds of the underground roots heal quickly, and the part of the aboveground evaporation is small, and the survival rate is high. The follo

The domestic agricultural film production must turn flourish

Agricultural film can be divided into two categories according to its use: greenhouse film and plastic film. Specifically, the shed film is divided into a functional film and an ordinary white film, and the mulch film is divided into a functional mulch film and an ordinary mulch film. In China, th

Big Bone Chicken

Big bone chicken is also known as Zhuanghe chicken. The history of large-bone chickens has a long history. According to data, as early as 200 years ago, immigrants in Shandong brought large-scale Shouguang chickens from Shandong to Liaoning, where they crossed with local chickens, and were then sel

Hericium erinaceus

Scientific name: Hericium erinaceus (Bull. ex Fr.) Pers. Aliases: Hericium erinaceus, Hericium erinaceus, Hericium erinaceus, Robinia pseudoacacia, Drink Laba (Tibetan name) English name: Bears Head Hericium. Taxonomic status: Affiliated to Basidiomycetes, Non-Pleurotales, Hericidae, Hericium H

Preparation of Fifty-five Leaf Fertilizers

First, urea solution: commonly used concentrations of 0.5% to 1%, 0.5 to 1 kg of urea, 100 kg of clean water. Diamine content of urea toxic substances more than 1.5%, can not be used for foliar fertilizer. Second, urine washing mixture solution: with nitrogen supply, eliminate the two effects. We

Cold Shed Tomato-Tomato-Celery

In recent years, the cold shed tomato-tomato-celery three-cultivation continuous cropping cultivation technology promoted in Angezhuang Town of Yinan County has achieved great economic benefits after several years of cultivation practices. In 2008, each greenhouse (net area 0.6 ~ 0.7 mu) The avera

Rare earth production and precocity of rare earth

The rare earth, also called rare-earth microelement fertilizer or rare earth nitrate, is a new type of rare earth element fertilizer that was first introduced and promoted in China. Applying on greenhouse vegetables can promote photosynthesis, enhance plant resistance, and improve the adaptability

Bose Closed Turtle

English name: McCords Box Turtle Common name: Origin and production period of roundback box turtle: For our unique species. Introduction: Adult carapace is red-brown, more uplifted, about 130mm in length, and has a low ridge in red. The rim of the abdomen is yellow and there is a dark spot tha