Prevention and Control of Root-Knot Nematodes in Vegetables

Due to continuous cropping for many years, vegetables in heavy crops cause a large accumulation of pathogenic bacteria and harmful substances excreted by plants themselves. Root-knot nematodes occur in large areas, resulting in serious vegetable root diseases, debilitating growth, declining quality, and reduced yield. In response to the above problems, Liu Ligui, a professor at the China Agricultural University, developed the control and control hazards of the Xunzhi Line under the support of the China Science Foundation.

How to use: After leveling the vegetable land, clear the soil with 1 to 3 kg per acre to treat the soil. Mix the heavy rake line with 5 to 10 times dry fine soil and spread evenly on the ground. Immediately irrigate the water. Underwater penetration 25 ~ 30 cm is appropriate. It is also possible to dilute the heavy enthalpy line to 200 to 300 times and flush it with irrigation water. After the soil is treated with heavy sorghum lines for 5 to 6 days, the soil can be set and planted. After planting, use 1 to 2 kg of “heavy lotus root 365” to dilute to 400-500 times per acre, and pour or flush.

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