Adhere to the three diet principles for life-long cancer prevention

The progress of lifestyle has made eating a double-edged sword. Cancer is one of the diseases that you eat.

According to the “Qian Jin Fang” of the Tang Dynasty famous doctor Sun Sikai, “Whenever you want to treat, you should treat with diet first, then treat with food, and then use medicine.” In cancer etiology research, it was estimated that eating accounted for about 35% and smoking accounted for 30%. If the diet is reasonable, the risk of cancer can be reduced by 55%. Fifty years ago, the mortality rate of gastric cancer in the United States was very high, and Japan was the country with the highest incidence of gastric cancer in the world. Now it has obviously declined, and dietary control is an important factor. Therefore, to prevent cancer, we must follow three principles in our diet.

First, don’t go too salty

If you reduce salt, salted products, eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, then the incidence of gastric cancer will decline. Nitrite is the leading killer of cancer. Stale vegetables, pickled ham, and pickles all contain this carcinogen. Under normal conditions, the nitrite in the diet will not cause harm to human health. Only the excessive intake of nitrite, and the lack of Vitamin C in the body, will cause harm to the human body. If you eat too much salt, it will damage the gastric mucosa and promote the reduction of nitrate to nitrite.

Second, don't overfine

The foods eaten by modern people are too fine, and the intake of cellulose is greatly reduced. Cellulose can absorb a large amount of water, promote bowel movements, accelerate the excretion of feces, shorten the residence time of carcinogens in the intestine, reduce the unpleasant stimulation of the intestine, and prevent the occurrence of colon cancer. Coarse grains, cereals, celery, fungus and other foods are rich in cellulose. However, excessive intake of cellulose will affect the absorption of many nutrients, resulting in decreased physical strength, so 10 grams per day - 30 grams is appropriate.

Third, do not over oil

Surveys have shown that if the intake of oil and animal protein increases, the incidence of colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and pancreatic cancer will increase. High-temperature frying of food produces benzopyrene, heterocyclic amines, and acrylamide, which may be associated with lung adenocarcinoma in women, while boiling and microwave steaming do not occur.

★ Five suggestions for cancer prevention

1. Limit animal fats.

2. Increase crude fiber.

3. Reduce meat.

4. Add fresh fruits and vegetables.

5. Avoid obesity.

★ Anti-cancer food recommended

1. Cruciferous plants, including cabbage, Chinese cabbage, white radish, cauliflower, rape.

2. Liliaceae plants, such as onions, garlic, lilies, etc., but cooking, should not be overheated fry.

3. Fruit: Citrus, Kiwi, Apple, Pineapple.

4. Fungi: mushrooms, straw mushrooms, mushrooms, fungus, do not repeatedly rinse.

5. Miscellaneous cereals: corn, millet, sweet potato, oats, glutinous rice. Take care not to over-wash. In addition, fish, shellfish, and meat must be eaten in moderation, but don't bake them when cooking.

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