Prevention and cure of Artemisia anthracnose

Anthracnose is an important disease on Artemisia selengensis and widely distributed. Major damage to leaves and stems. The leaves were infected, and the primary white to yellow-brown small spots expanded to an amorphous or round brown spot with a slightly raised edge and a size of 2-5 mm. Stem disease, primary yellow-brown small spots, after the expansion of a long strip or oval depression brown spots, lesions around the stem a week later, disease stem browning contraction, the diseased part or the whole plant death.


1. Rotate crops, select resistant varieties according to local conditions, disinfect soil in time with disinfectant and new high-fat film; seed and add new high-fat film seed before sowing; spray 800ml of new high-fat film immediately after sowing. , Prevent soil knots and increase seed emergence rate.

2, strengthen the cultivation and management, rational close planting, pay attention to ventilation, to prevent excessive humidity; scientific fertilization, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, nurturing strong seedlings; in the growth stage of Artemisia halodendron spraying strong stem, so that the Artemisia leaves hypertrophy, fresh leaves, so that Chrysanthemum has a strong natural taste, and it can improve the disease resistance of garland chrysanthemum, so that the quality and high yield of garland chrysanthemum.

3, chemical control, timely removal of diseased plants found in the field, and sprayed according to the requirements of plant protection 25% carbon tetracycline wet powder 600 times, 50% of the protective power wettable powder 1000-1500 times liquid and other targeted agents for prevention and control, interval 7 - Spray once a day or so for about 10 days, and prevent and cure 2-3 times in succession; with spraying a new high-fat film to enhance efficacy.

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