How long can coconuts last?

In Hainan, China, where there are large coconut trees, not only beautiful, but also the most sweet coconut. Traveling to Hainan must not miss drinking coconut juice, eating coconut meat, and using a variety of foods that are known to be made. How long can coconuts last? 1, blue tender coconut (w

A good way to feed sheep with bad residue

The by-products of the sugar industry are glycogen residue and sugar beet slag, distiller's grains by-product of the wine industry, brewers' grains, and bean curd residue, sauce residue, powder residue, and sheep. The content of dry matter in the sugar residue is between 22% and 28%, and i

The advantages of fermented beans? feed

Fermented soybean meal For the feed industry, this is a sunrise industry. Fermented soybean meal feed, the relevant experts have a clear positive attitude, so farmers have a good impression of soybean meal feed, so our company's production of Dendrobium soybean meal feed fermentation agent in