Classification and Prevention Techniques for Common Diseases of Vegetables

With the development of the market economy, the majority of farmers are market-oriented, relying on science and technology, and constantly adjusting the planting structure. According to surveys, they have basically been adjusted to a ratio of 5:5 grain to economy, among which the area of ​​vegetables in economic crops is the largest. In particular, the cultivated area under protected cultivation has developed faster, and more and more diseases of vegetables have appeared along with it. Therefore, it is more and more important to do a good job in the prevention and control of vegetable diseases. Different types of diseases have different aspects in control, and there are similarities, mainly fungal, bacterial, viral, nematode, physiological diseases, and the main differences and prevention methods are briefly described as follows: I. Fungal Disease 1, damage characteristics. Caused by fungi, it is a low-grade plant without chlorophyll and cannot be used for photosynthesis. It often causes enlargement, necrosis, rot or spotting of crop tissues or organs. At the same time, it produces white cotton floe, filamentous material, and powder of different colors. Objects, mists or granules. 2, prevention and control measures. Dressing with fungicides. The clean garden will timely clear the diseased leaves and diseased fruits out of the park and be buried or burned. For crop rotation, increase organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Increase ventilation in greenhouses or protected areas, pouring small water under the membrane, prohibit flood irrigation, and reduce humidity. The prevention and treatment effect is controlled by the use of pharmaceuticals such as prohexine, mancozeb, carbendazim and chlorothalonil. Second, bacterial diseases 1, damage characteristics. Bacterial diseases are the smallest single-cell lower plants, and the damage to crops is second only to fungal diseases. Symptoms are mainly tissue necrosis, rot, wilting, or malformation, often accompanied by bacterial pus. 2, prevention and control measures. Use resistant varieties. Eradication of pastoral disease was performed, soaking with 40% formaldehyde 150 times for 1.5 hours, or 1 million units of 500 times streptomycin sulfate for 2 hours after germination. The seedbed was treated with DT or Alpha-aluminium manganese zinc at 10 g per square meter plus 10 times fine soil before seedlings. With agricultural streptomycin, DT Fengan safety, green copper, can be sprayed or rooted. Third, the virus disease 1, damage characteristics. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria, have no cellular morphology, and can only reproduce in living host cells. They are transmitted through viral disease sap and spread through insects, grafts, and contact friction. They mainly display mosaics, yellowing, shrinkage, and dwarfing. Clusters, malformations, patches, or tissue necrosis. 2, prevention and control measures. Select disease-resistant varieties and remove diseased leaves and fruit in time. Sows germinated with 10% trisodium phosphate solution for 30 minutes before sowing to passivate the virus. Elimination of the mediators of propagation, using 1500 times the net (imidacloprid) solution, adding 300 times the liquid mixture of bacteria and clear liquid added cytokinin and other mixed spray. Anti-mechanical artificial transmission, in the current situation has not been effective in the prevention and treatment of viral agents, only to cultivate strong seedlings to enhance resistance, such as the emergence of diseases can be used to clear the virus, plant disease Ling, virus A, trisodium phosphate inhibition. Fourth, nematodes 1, damage characteristics. Nematodes are low-grade linear animals. Damaged crops are not easily visible to the naked eye and are mainly transmitted by diseased seedlings, soil fertilizers, water, and farm implements. They mainly display malnutrition, debilitating growth, dwarf wilting and other similar water deficits. deformity. 2, prevention and control measures. Deeply plowing more than 20 cm of arable land, implement rotation, apply decomposed organic fertilizer, and remove diseased bodies. 40-50 kg of nematicidal mixture per acre is applied to 20 cm of planting trench cover soil and then planted, or 40% methylisothiphos mixed soil is thrown into the soil for ploughing, or Miller granules per acre are used. 5 kg, 40-50 kilograms of mixed soil sprinkled on the surface, plowing 20 cm or 20 centimeters into the planting trench after the cover soil and colonization. Fifth, physiological diseases. Mainly inappropriate environmental factors such as nutrition, moisture, temperature, or harmful substances cause abnormalities such as crop metabolic disorders, morphological variations, tissue necrosis, and product deterioration. Prevention is eliminated mainly by improving environmental conditions or by replenishing the lack of nutrients in time to cultivate strong strains.

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